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Author Topic: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht  (Read 21717 times)


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Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« on: October 23, 2014, 08:23:52 PM »

Hartmut Müllers Betrug wird immer noch zu Geld gemacht

Da ist ein Betrüger gefaßt worden, er ist vor Gericht geständig, aber nicht blöd, sondern macht vor der Einknastung die Flatter. Der Typ heißt Hartmut Müller und seine Masche ist "Global Scaling".  Ist ein paar Jahre her und in der Zeitung stand es auch.

Lesen nicht Alle Zeitung oder gehen beispielsweise diese Herrschaften einfach locker darüber hinweg, daß die von ihnen benutzte Methode "Global Scaling" durch Geständnis ihres Erfinders gerichtsbekannt ein Betrug ist?

Technische Grundlagen der NILAS-Analyse: 
Wo liegen Unterschiede/Gemeinsamkeiten zu anderen biophysikalischen Testverfahren wie EAV oder Bioresonanz?
Wie lässt sich die Arbeitsweise von NILAS-Geräten verstehen und beschreiben?
Einführung in die Global Scaling Theorie.

(Das quote funktiert hier nicht, warum auch immer. )

Die Webseite hat das Jahr 2013 im Namen, ist aber vollaktuell! Die "Schulung" beginnt heute, am 24.10.2014, ist in Fulda und dauert noch bis zum 26. 10.

Der Titel ist umwerfend: "»Nicht-Lineare-Algorithmische-Analyse-System Diagnostik (NILAS)«" Vorstellen kann ich mir darunter nichts, auch nicht, wenn es ein "Diagnostik-Seminar mit Florian Schilling"? sein soll. Überhaupt, wie soll das gehen, wo doch Global Scaling Betrug ist?

[Zitate bitte mit [*quote*] und  markieren. ET]
[Überschrift angepaßt. Krik]
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 02:05:11 PM by Krik »


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Würfeln ist billiger
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 06:08:14 PM »

Wenn solche Begriffe auftauchen, wird es für Patienten gefährlich:

"Technische Grundlagen der NILAS-Analyse: 
Wo liegen Unterschiede/Gemeinsamkeiten zu anderen biophysikalischen Testverfahren wie EAV oder Bioresonanz?"

"Einführung in die Global Scaling Theorie."

"Metatherapie (Synonym »Energetisieren«, »Harmonisieren«, »Metakorrektur», etc.)"

Das sind Märchen. Mit ein bißchen Kabel dran und in einem ganz doll wissenschaftlich aussehenden Gehäuse werden sie teuer verkauft. Würfeln ist billiger!

Wo man diese Begriffe findet? In eben jener Serminarankündigung:

This is Google's cache of
It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 12 Oct 2014 02:44:26 GMT.

»Nicht-Lineare-Algorithmische-Analyse-System Diagnostik (NILAS)« am 24./25./26. Oktober 2014, Fulda
Diagnostik-Seminar mit Florian Schilling

Dieses Seminar beschäftigt sich mit den erweiterten Grundlagen der NILAS, sowohl im Bereich der Technik, als auch im Bereich der Anwendung.

Schwerpunkte der Veranstaltung sind u.a.:

Technische Grundlagen der NILAS-Analyse: 
Wo liegen Unterschiede/Gemeinsamkeiten zu anderen biophysikalischen Testverfahren wie EAV oder Bioresonanz?
Wie lässt sich die Arbeitsweise von NILAS-Geräten verstehen und beschreiben?

Einführung in die Global Scaling Theorie.

Einführung in die Systemoberfläche und Systembedienung:

Gerade für Neueinsteiger ist das Handling eines NILAS-Geräts nicht immer einfach. Wir werden in diesem Abschnitt eine solide Grundlage für den Umgang mit den Systemen sowie ein gemeinsames Vokabular für den weiteren Verlauf der Veranstaltung erarbeiten.

Einführung in die Expertensysteme:

Spektrogramme (Kurven) und Entropie. Wie lassen sich diese Expertensysteme verstehen, solide und fundiert analysieren und interpretieren? Welche Bedeutung besitzen die einzelnen Entropiestufen? Welche Kurvenveränderungen lassen sich wie interpretieren? Wie können auf den ersten Blick widersprüchliche Aussagen der beiden Expertensysteme in Einklang gebracht werden? Vertiefung der wichtigsten Kurvenveränderungen (Invertierung, Amplitudenbildung, reduzierte organspezifische Maxima, etc.) mit Anwendungsbeispielen

Einführung in die Koeffizientenlehre:

Welche Aussagen lassen sich aus den Koeffizienten der Gruppenlisten ableiten?

Gaußsche Normalverteilung, Korrelation und Signifikanz.

Umgang mit der Gruppenliste Organopräparate:

Verständnisansätze und Schwerpunktbildung; Locus minoris resistentiae: Wie lassen sich die Hauptschwachstellen eines Organismus in wenigen Minuten identifizieren?

Einführung Prozessanalyse:

Wie lassen sich pathologische Prozesse sicher erkennen und bezüglich ihrer klinischen Kriterien (akut, chronisch, progredient) beurteilen? Wie lassen sich Prognosen bezüglich Erkrankungsrisiken und Erkrankungsverlauf erstellen? Wie kann die Beeinflussbarkeit eines pathologischen Prozesses beurteilt werden? Stichworte sind hier die Ebenendiagnostik, nicht-lineare Entwicklungen und Werkzeuge der Prozessfilterung (Koeffizienten, versteckte Prozesse, Etalonfilterung)

Umgang mit Verträglichkeitstest (Vegetotest):

Wie lässt sich die Wirkung eines Toxins, Medikaments oder beliebiger anderer Informationen auf den Organismus, einzelne Organe oder Prozesse einschätzen?

Kriterien zur Verlaufsbeobachtung

Metatherapie (Synonym »Energetisieren«, »Harmonisieren«, »Metakorrektur», etc.):

Wann kann dieses Werkzeug sinnvoll eingesetzt werden? Was sind Kontraindikationen?

Fall- und Analysebeispiele

Freitag/ Samstag/ Sonntag, 24./25./26. Oktober 2014

Fr 10:00 - 17:00 / Sa 8:30 - 17:00 / So 8:30 - 16:30

D-36037 Fulda

Florian Schilling (Heilpraktiker)

Wochendpauschale € 690,00 inkl. MWSt. und Verpflegung

Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl - Anmeldung erforderlich
Daniela Graetz
Telefon: +49 (0)9128-739 770
Telefax: +49 (0)9128-739 7729

Bitte nutzen Sie das interaktive Anmeldeformular (Download).

Zimmerreservierung im Hotel Esperanto:
Fragen Sie nach Kontingent "Dr. Reinwald" (gültig bis 28 Tage vorher):
EUR 95,00 p. Einzelzimmer, EUR 115,00 p. Doppelzimmer, alles inkl. Frühstücksbuffet
Telefon: +49 (0)661-24291 999
NILAS-2014-Web.pdf152 K

690 Euro? Was kosten dann erst die Geräte?
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 07:10:05 PM by el_Typo »
Grammatik ist für Anfänger!
(Solidargemeinschaft frei lebender Buchstaben)


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Eine Drüse zum Hören? Da rauscht es aber!
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 07:57:06 PM »

Daß der Mensch Ultraschall hören können soll, das glaube ich nicht. Hunde können Ultraschall hören. Dafür gibt es die speziellen Hundepfeifen. Menschen können diese Pfeifen aber nicht hören. Also ist es nichts mit Ultraschall! Trotzdem wird so etwas verkauft:

Das Mikro-Energie-Therapiesystem VitalWave ®
Akustik über Ultraschall - Hören mit Haut und Knochen

Ultraschallhören ist bekannt aus der Delphintherapie. Wale und Delphine verständigen sich mit Ultraschall. Das sind Frequenzen, die außerhalb des Gehör-Spektrums des Menschen liegen und diese nicht hören können. Doch auch der Mensch besitzt ein Ultraschallorgan: das Sacculus, eine erbsengroße Drüse im Innenohr, die zu unserem Gleichgewichtsorgan gehört.

VitalWave ® verfügt auch über ein Ultraschallakustik-Modul (mindmachine), welches parallel zu Mikro-Energie-Behandlungen zugeschaltet werden kann.

Akustische Signale werden auf eine Ultraschall-Trägerwelle gesetzt, bekannt als verrauschtes Signal (Rosa Rauschen). Dieses kann enorme Effekte auf die Startharmonisierung durch Unterstützung des Alpha-Zustandes haben. Wir machen uns dies für leichtere Entspannung, Blockadenlösung und bessere Zugänglichkeit für Therapien zunutze.

Informationsaufnahme im Alpha-Zustand
Reduktion des Hautwiderstandes
Senkung von Puls- und Atemfrequenz

Subliminale Wahrnehmung
Lernen über die Haut (»Skinlearning«)
Persönlichkeitstraining, Lernunterstützung
Verhaltensmuster und Glaubenssätze neu »In-Form-Setzen«

Dem Rosa Rauschen können Therapeuten zusätzlich noch individuelle Musiktherapien, Affirmationen, etc. zuführen.

"Mindmaschine"-Modul in VitalWave ®

>> weiter zu den Praxisvorteilen

>> Kontakt

Das VitalWave ® System stellt eine der neuesten Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Mikro-Energie-Therapiesysteme dar. Alle Modelle sind zugelassen nach MPG, Klasse IIa.

Rechtlicher Hinweis: Wir weisen darauf hin, dass die hier vorgestellten Methoden und Systeme, sowie auch ihre Wirkungen schulmedizinisch gegenwärtig noch nicht anerkannt sind.

Weißes Rauschen gibt es nicht. Das ist eine theoretische Rechengröße. Weißes Rauschen enthält unendlich viel Energie, was in der Realität nicht möglich ist. Dafür gibt es "Rosa Rauschen"; das hat ein eingeschränktes Spektrum mit je nach Aufgabe definiertem Kurvenverlauf. Das ist alles kalter Kaffee. Tägliches Brot für Elektroingenieure! Mit Begriffen wie Weißes Rauschen oder Rosa Rauschen kann man Laien beeindrucken. Inhaltlich ist so etwas dagegen wertlos. Wenn jemand mit solchen Begriffen Eindruck schinden will, läßt das Rückschlüsse zu...

Wenn Heilpraktiker wie Heinz Reinwald von "Gehirnhälften-Synchronisation" und "Meridianausgleich" reden, weiß man, was man davon zu halten hat. Reinwald ist kein Arzt. Den Dr.-Titel hat er anscheinend für Politologie oder Soziologie, wie ich nach dem Lesen seines Flyers für einen "Krebskongreß" vermute.

Das ist der Flyer:

Der Kongreß ist nächsten Monat in Frankfurt:

»The World Congress on Biological Cancer Treatment« am 22.-23. November 2014, Frankfurt
The SWISS Protocol®: GcMAF • MAP® • Nutrition and Ketogenic Diet

Congress Schedule and Speakers please find in the Download attached
Kongressplan und Referenten finden Sie in anhängigem Download

Saturday/Sunday, 22.-23. November 2014

Sa 8:30 - 18:30 / Su 9:00-17:30

Holiday Inn
Frankfurt Airport (North)
Isenburg Schneise 40
DE 60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Costs and Services / Kosten und Leistungen:
Registration fee € 350.00 for participants including VAT. covers catering during the congress and includes the Gala Dinner on Saturday night.

Kongresspauschale € 350,00 inkl. MWSt. und Verpflegung.
Inkl. Gala-Dinner am Samstag Abend

For accompanying persons is given a discount on registration fee of EUR 50. To benefit please contact our office by phone +49 9128 739770 or mail in order to announce your companions. Per email you will receive a coupon code to realise the 50 EUR discount in our ticket online shop.

Begleitpersonen können einen Rabatt von EUR 50 auf die Kongresspauschale erhalten. Dazu kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Büro unter Tel. +49 9128 739770 oder Mail und melden Sie Ihre Begleitung an. Sie erhalten dann per Mail einen Rabatt-Code um die 50 EUR bei der Ticket-Online-Bestellung in Abzug zu bringen.

Daniela Graetz
Telefon: +49 (0)9128-739 770
Telefax: +49 (0)9128-739 7729

Accomodation / Zimmerreservierung in Holiday Inn Frankfurt Airport-North:
Demand for the contingent "Dr. Reinwald" valid until 28 day before event:
Fragen Sie nach Kontingent "Dr. Reinwald" (gültig bis 28 Tage vorher):
Tel.: +49 (0)69 6802-666

>> Apply for Congress Tickets / Registration
>> Ticket-Bestellung / Registrierung
WorldCongress-Einzelseiten-GcMAF-2014-Web.pdf482 K
WorldCongress-2Seiter-GcMAF-2014-Web.pdf283 K

Ein Weltkongreß. Mit sage und schreibe 8 (in Worten ACHT!) Vortragenden. Das ist doch etwas wenig. Noch weniger, wenn man bedenkt, daß der Kern des Kongresses Produktvorstellungen sind.

Und noch weniger, wenn man weiß, daß Heinz Reinwald diese Produkte verkauft.

Das Programm:

Die Kongresssprache ist Englisch – Simultanüber-setzung ins Deutsche

The properties of Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP®) and its special advances in cancer therapy
Prof. Dr. Maurizio Lucà-Moretti (USA, INRC Florida)

The use of GcMAF/GOleic® in cancer therapy: new case studies on the SWISS Protocol®
Prof. Dr. Marco Ruggiero (Italy, University of Florence)

Metabolic tumor typing – a crucial analysis for therapy strategy
Florian Schilling (Germany, Munich)

GcMaf tests and the action of GcMaf activated macrophage on cancer cell lines
Dr. Rod Smith (United Kingdom, Cambridge)

Ketogenic diet with MAP® in Cancer: new chances in tumorkachexia
Dr. Heinz Reinwald (Germany, Bayreuth)

Immunology of digestion and intestinal tumor growth
Prof. Dr. Gustav Jirikowski (Germany, University of Jena)

Metabolic hallmarks of cancer cells as targets for specific therapies
Prof. Dr. John G. Ionescu (Germany, Spezialklinik Neukirchen)

From the pioneer approach to the home and the SWISS Protocol®;
a brief history of GcMAF and its results
David Noakes (United Kingdom, Immune Biotech Ltd.)

Workshop: The SWISS Protocol®
Prof. Dr. Marco Ruggiero / Florian Schilling / Dr. Heinz Reinwald
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 08:33:05 PM by el_Typo »
Grammatik ist für Anfänger!
(Solidargemeinschaft frei lebender Buchstaben)


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Gerichtstermine in Nürnberg-Fürth wegen 'Rerum Maf'
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2019, 08:49:46 AM »

Die Haberer in Nürnberg hatten lichte Momente.

Oberlandesgericht Nürnberg
- Justizpressestelle -

(Tag und Uhrzeit)
09:00 Uhr


7. SK

Vorsätzliches Inverkehrbringen von Arzneimitteln entgegen § 5 Abs. 1 AMG in fünf
Fällen (Angeklagter R., 63 Jahre)
Tatort: Raum Nürnberg
Tatzeitraum: 2015 - 2018
Tatvorwurf: Der Angeklagte soll an Therapeuten 9.858 Phiolen als Heilmittel veräußert
haben, obwohl er gewusst haben soll, dass diese Produkte nicht an Menschen
angewendet werden dürfen sowie dass keine arzneimittelrechtliche Zulassung vorlag.

(weitere Termine, Verfahrensabschluss, Urteil)
12.03., 28.03., 01.04.,
02.04., 04.04., 08.04.,
09.04., 11.04., 30.04.,
02.05., 06.05., 07.05.,
08.05., 09.05., 13.05.,
14.05., 15.05., 16.05.,
jeweils 09:00 Uhr,
Sitzungssaal 228
*****   We are surrounded by morons!   *****


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Millionenschwerer Scharlataneriepfuscher vor Gericht
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2019, 09:56:35 AM »

In der Presse tauchen jetzt Artikel auf, die wohl durch eine DPA-Meldung ausgelöst wurden. Hier ist einer der "Augsburger Allgemeinen". Die Lokalzeitungen muß man lesen.

Hat ein Heilpraktiker nicht zugelassene Krebs-Medikamente verkauft?

Ein 63-jähriger Heilpraktiker und Volkswirt muss sich vor dem Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth verantworten. Er soll nicht zugelassene Medikamente verkauft haben.

Das Medikament soll angeblich Krebspatienten im Endstadium helfen. Der 63-jährige Angeklagte soll drei Millionen Euro damit verdient haben.

Ein 63-Jähriger muss sich seit Mittwoch vor dem Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth wegen des Inverkehrbringens von nicht zugelassenen Arzneimitteln verantworten. Der Heilpraktiker und Volkswirt soll von 2015 bis 2018 unter anderem das Mittel "Rerum", das angeblich Menschen mit Krebs im Endstadium helfen soll, an Therapeuten und Alternativmediziner verkauft haben. Bei einer Firma soll der Mann laut Anklage "nicht für die Anwendung an Mensch oder Tier bestimmte" Testchargen des Stoffes bestellt und pro Glasfläschchen sieben Euro bezahlt haben, an Patienten diese dann aber für 302 Euro verkauft haben.

Die Verteidigerin bezeichnet das Mittel als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel

Durch den Verkauf der Arzneien soll er knapp drei Millionen Euro eingenommen haben, die nach Ansicht der Staatsanwaltschaft eingezogen werden sollen. Die Verteidigerin argumentierte am Mittwoch, die Mittel seien nicht als Medikamente, sondern als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einzustufen. Für diese liege eine Verkehrsfähigkeitsbescheinigung vor. Außerdem beschreibe die Packungsbeilage lediglich eine "beworbene, aber keine nachgewiesene" Funktion der Mittel. (lby/dpa)


"Außerdem beschreibe die Packungsbeilage lediglich eine "beworbene, aber keine nachgewiesene" Funktion der Mittel." Das ist eine Finte. Absolut typisch für die Alternativszene. Der böse Gesetzgeber und die Pharmamafia zwingen Einen ja dazu. Weiß man doch. Und so weiter...

"Die Verteidigerin bezeichnet das Mittel als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel". Echt jetzt? Wo kommen dann die Tatsachenbehauptungen her, das obskure Gebräu wäre wirksam gegen Krebs?

Wenn der Täter 3 Mio eingenommen hat und die Flasche bei ihm 300 Euro kostet, bleiben 2 Fragen:

1. Wieviel hat er verkauft? Das müssen doch um die 10.000 Flaschen gewesen sein. Das ist eine erhebliche Menge Wie soll ein kleine Heilpraktiker das schaffen? Da muß mehr dahinter stecken.

2. Wenn er die Flasche für 300 Euro verkauft, wieviel haben die  "Therapeuten und Alternativmediziner verkauft" von den Kranken verlangt? 500 Euro?

Der Retzek Helmut, bekannt durch vollmundige Aussagen, hat in seiner Website ganz erstaunliche Tatsachenbehauptungen veröffentlicht:

im Tiefkühlfach hinterlegt:

Neue Entwicklungen 2017

mittlerweile gibt es neue orale Präparate am Markt, die tatsächlcih funktionieren:

[LINK: ] von Dr. Reinwald – Klinghardt verwendet dieses Produkt (potenziert zur C3 im Präparat Homeo K Guard)

in Japan eine Klinik die mit Colostrum-MAF arbeiten und in der auch Studien durchgeführt werden – Thomas Rau (Paradelsus Klinik) arbeitet mit diesem Präparat

Bravo Joghurt bzw. Bravo – Probiotika, Bravo – Zäpfchen: Dr. Surböck hat positive Erfahrungen damit

Save:Strol CYBIP von Jens Wurster: [LINK: ] ähnlich wirksam, Jens berichtet von dramatischen Performance-Verbesserungen

ein österreichisches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Immuno D mit dem wir arbeiten und dessen Wirksamkeit wir anhand von Lymphozyten-Subtypisierungen bestätigen können.

Da haben wir gleich 4 Anbieter lebensgefährlichen Betrugs: Reinwald, Thomas Rau, Dietrich Klinghardt und Jens Wurster. Sieh mal Einer an!

Wobei Klinghardt "dieses Produkt (potenziert zur C3 im Präparat Homeo K Guard)" Eigenmarken benutzt. Klar, ist immer besser für's Geschäft, wenn man so eine Vorteilstellung ausnutzen kann.

Mit Google finde ich mehr als 600 Treffer:

Bei Klinghardt gibt es zwei Angebote:

Testsatz - ART HOMEO K.
40,00 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig, Lieferzeit ca. 1-3 Werktage
1 Stk.

    Artikel-Nr.: 20.034

Beschreibung Bewertungen 0
Produktinformationen "Testsatz - ART HOMEO K."

HOMEO K. Testsatz für die 'Autonome Regulationstestung nach Dr. Klinghardt'

Der Testsatz eigent sich nur für die  therapeutisch - kinesiologische Testung.
Die einzelnen Substanzen können nicht eingenommen werden.

Die Testflaschen sind empfindlich gegenüber elektro-magnetische Strahlungen, wie sie z.B. von W-Lan, DECT Telefonen oder dem Handyfunk verursacht werden.
Daher ist die Testsatzschachtel mit einer Abschirmfolie ummantelt.
Bitte lassen Sie die Testsatzflaschen immer in der Schachtel. Nur solange aus der Schachtel nehmen, wie die Testung dauert.

Inhalt (Stand Oktober 2018):

    Homeo K.AGE
    Homeo K.ANNA
    Homeo K.APT
    Homeo K.BOND
    Homeo K.CATS
    Homeo K.CLEAR
    Homeo K.CYCLE
    Homeo K.CYCLE-A
    Homeo K.DUO
    Homeo K.ENERGY
    Homeo K.FLOW
    Homeo K.GUARD
    Homeo K.HARMONY
    Homeo K.MITO BX
    Homeo K.MULTI
    Homeo K.PALM
    Homeo K.PIRO
    Homeo K.RHYTHM
    Homeo K.SPRING
    Homeo K.TRIO
    Homeo K.WATER

Detaillierte Informationen zur Homeo K.-Serie in: Fachzeitschrift für Neurobiologie Hier & Jetzt, Ausgabe 2-2014

Homeo K. Mittel nach Dr. Klinghardt

Der Kampf gegen Viren, Bakterien und Parasiten wird sozusagen verschlafen. Die Makrophagen haben an ihrer Zellwand Vitamin D-Rezeptoren und brauchen dieses Peptid (Makrophagen- aktivierender Faktor = MAF), um arbeiten zu können. Wenn der Patient zwar genug Vit D hat aber kein MAF, funktionieren die Rezeptoren nicht und die Abwehr fällt in eine Art Schlafmodus. Um unser Blut und unser Gewebe zu reinigen, um Schwermetalle und Viren aufzuspüren und zu vernichten, brauchen unsere Makrophagen sowohl Vit D als auch dieses Peptid MAF.

Raffiniert ist die Methode schon: eine Flasche für 300 Euro kaufen und dann als C3 verdünnen. C3 ist 100*100*100. So macht man aus 1 Flasche 1.000.000 Flaschen.

1 Million Flaschen! Immer gut für den Gewinn. Wirken tut da gar nichts mehr. Ist ja voll homöopathisch, so daß sich Klinghardt auch noch damit herausreden kann, es wäre ja gar nichts Schädliches mehr drin.

Aber woher stammen dann die Wirksamkeitsbehauptungen?

Helmut Retzek schreibt:
im Tiefkühlfach hinterlegt:
Neue Entwicklungen 2017

mittlerweile gibt es neue orale Präparate am Markt, die tatsächlcih funktionieren

Müßte das Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth nicht auch Retzek und Klinghardt einbestellen? Ich denke schon...

Traunstein ist nicht weit weg und hat das "Traunsteiner Tagblatt". Muß man loben. Ist Lokalpresse,  und die soll leben!

Im Tagblatt stehen mehr wichtige Einzelnheiten als bei den Augsburgern.,-wegen-nicht-zugelassener-medikamente-vor-gericht-_arid,473372.html

Wegen nicht zugelassener Medikamente vor Gericht
Nachrichten aus Bayern 27.02.2019 13:10 CEST | Aktualisiert vor 22 Stunden

Mit dem Verkauf des Mittels »Rerum« verdiente ein Geschäftsmann aus dem mittelfränkischen Altdorf Millionen. Für viele seiner Kunden mit Krebs war das nicht zugelassene Medikament die letzte Hoffnung. Die Staatsanwaltschaft sieht in dem Verkauf eine Straftat.

Nürnberg (dpa/lby) - Ist »Rerum« ein Wundermittel gegen Krebs, ein bedenkliches Arzneimittel mit schädlicher Wirkung oder völlig wirkungslos? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich seit Mittwoch das Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth. Ein 63 Jahre alter Geschäftsmann muss sich dort wegen des Inverkehrbringens von nicht zugelassenen Arzneimitteln verantworten. Der Heilpraktiker und Volkswirt soll das umstrittene Medikament, das Menschen mit Krebs im Endstadium helfen soll, in großem Stil an Therapeuten und Alternativmediziner verkauft haben. So soll er knapp drei Millionen Euro eingenommen haben, die nach Ansicht der Staatsanwaltschaft eingezogen werden sollen.

Bei einer Firma soll der Mann laut Anklage »nicht für die Anwendung an Mensch oder Tier bestimmte« Testchargen des Stoffes bestellt und pro Glasfläschchen sieben Euro bezahlt haben, an Patienten diese dann aber für 302 Euro verkauft haben. Die Substanz enthält Ölsäure, verschiedene Formen des Vitamins D und ein aus Knorpelgewebe gewonnenes Chondroitinsulfat.

Die Emulsion wird in der Alternativmedizin für eine experimentelle Immuntherapie gegen Krebs eingesetzt. Ob das Mittel wirklich gegen die Krankheit wirkt, ist umstritten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft stuft es als bedenkliches Arzneimittel ein, das nach dem Arzneimittelgesetz nicht in den Verkehr gebracht und nicht beim Menschen angewendet werden darf.

Die Verteidigerin argumentierte, die von ihrem Mandanten unter dem Namen »Rerum« und »Rerum blue« vertriebenen Substanzen seien nicht als Medikamente, sondern als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einzustufen, für die eine Verkehrsfähigkeitsbescheinigung vorliege. Außerdem beschreibe die Packungsbeilage lediglich eine »beworbene, aber keine nachgewiesene« Funktion der Mittel.

Das Gericht muss nun in 19 Verhandlungstagen die Frage klären, ob die von dem 63-Jährigen über seine Firmen im mittelfränkischen Altdorf und auf Zypern vertriebenen Produkte als Arzneimittel hätten zugelassen werden müssen. Zahlreiche Zeugen und Sachverständige sind geladen. Dabei soll auch der Dopingexperte und Leiter des Instituts für Biomedizinische und Pharmazeutische Forschung im mittelfränkischen Heroldsberg, Fritz Sörgel, ein Wirkstoffgutachten erstellen.

Der Angeklagte befindet sich seit April vergangenen Jahres in Untersuchungshaft. Bei einer Verurteilung drohen ihm bis zu zehn Jahre Gefängnis.


Diese 2 Punkte finde ich makaber:

"Bei einer Firma soll der Mann laut Anklage »nicht für die Anwendung an Mensch oder Tier bestimmte« Testchargen des Stoffes bestellt und pro Glasfläschchen sieben Euro bezahlt haben"

"Die Emulsion wird in der Alternativmedizin für eine experimentelle Immuntherapie gegen Krebs eingesetzt"

Wenn das - wie auch immer - zusammengepanschte Zeug eine "Testcharge" ist, wozu war sie überhaupt da?

Wieso kauft Jemand rund 10.000 Flaschen von der Testcharge? Ist das nicht ein bißchen viel? Wo ist die Grenze? Wer hat das Zeug hergestellt? Inwieweit ist der Hersteller in der Verantwortung, was den Einsatz des Mittels angeht? Wer außer dem Reinwald hat das Zeug noch gekauft?

Alles Fragen, denen die Justiz nachgehen muß, wenn sie ihrem Auftrag gerecht werden will.

Was diese Aussage betrifft, "Die Emulsion wird in der Alternativmedizin für eine experimentelle Immuntherapie gegen Krebs eingesetzt", muß man fragen, wieso ein nicht zugelassenes Mittel DOCH eingesetzt wird. Da kann sich doch jeder Hinz und Kunz hinstellen und sagen, er sei Heilpraktiker, und er mache jetzt eine experimentelle Therapie, und damit die ganzen gesetzlichen Regelungen eiskalt umgehen. Wozu gibt es Gesetze, wenn die einfach so umgangen werden können? Da stimmt doch etwas nicht.

Hätte den Journalisten schon auffallen müssen, finde ich. In beiden Artikel steht davon nichts drin. Aber wir haben ja noch was in der Kühlbox...

Wenn der Reinwald von dem einen Zeug rund 10000 Flaschen verkauft hat für 3 Millionen, was hat er noch alles, und in welchem Umfang, verkauft? Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat noch mehr Hausaufgaben zu machen!
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Der Betrug mit Rerum, eine alte Zusammenfassung
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2019, 10:02:25 AM »


Werbung für das Wunderallheilmittel Rerum, hergestellt von einem unbekannten deutschen Hersteller
Produkt Rerum. 3ml kosten 529 €, 300ml 39500 €

Rerum (auch Rerum MAF) ist der Name eines nicht zugelassenen Arzneimittels gegen Krebs, das zusätzlich gegen völlig andere Krankheiten (Autismus, Herzkrankheiten, Alzheimer, Allergien, Parkinson, AIDS, MS usw[1]) und das Altern beworben wird und etwa 2012 auf dem lukrativen Markt für selbstzahlende schwerkranke und verzweifelte Krebskranke auftauchte. Das sehr teure Mittel wird im Rahmen eines so genannten Rerum-Protokolls von Behandlern aus der Alternativmedizin eingesetzt. Die Therapie mit Rerum geht zu den unkonventionellen Krebsbehandlungsmethoden und soll das Immunsystem des Patienten reaktiver machen und insbesondere eine Wirkung auf Makrophagen haben. Die Wirkung von Rerum wird in der Werbung für das Produkt dem des Gewebshormons Macrophage Activating Factor (MAF) gleichgesetzt. Die Hersteller und Anbieter von Rerum sehen in dem Stoff eine Nachfolgesubstanz zum Mittel GcMAF.

Ein wissenschaftlicher Nachweis einer Eignung bei menschlichen Krebserkrankungen liegt nicht vor (Stand August 2016). Auch findet sich zu Rerum kein Eintrag in wissenschaftlichen Datenbanken oder bei Google Scholar. Es existiert lediglich ein Artikel, der mit Rerum in Verbindung zu bringen ist, in "Medical Hypotheses" von Marco Ruggiero, den er zusammen mit dem Volkswirtschaftler und Medizinlaien Heinz Reinwald und seiner Ehefrau Stefania Pacini verfasste.[2] Reinwald ist wie Ruggiero Anbieter von Rerum, offenbar für Deutschland. Er führt die Krebswundermittel Rerum und Rerum blue in seinem Webshop in der Rubrik "Ernaehrungsprodukte", quasi als extrem teure Lebensmittel. Ein Liter des ungeprüften "Ernaehrungsprodukts" kostet den konsumierenden Rerum-Kunden 176.333 Euro.[3] Der Hersteller empfiehlt täglich 1 ml zu "verzehren", bei täglichen Kosten von 176,33 €. Aber Krebspatienten mit ausreichend Geld, die sich in einer ausweglosen Lage sehen, sind durchaus bereit, solche Summen zu zahlen. Im Internet lassen sich inzwischen Diskussionen von Krebskranken finden, die sich darüber austauschen, wie die Rerum-Mischung aus den preiswerten Ausgangssubstanzen selbst herzustellen sei. Der Hersteller schreibt zum Wundermittel mit der PZN 12348211, das er als Nahrungsergänzung (also Lebensmittel) anbietet:

    "Rechtlicher Hinweis: Dieses Produkt dient der Ernährung und berührt deshalb nicht das Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG). Ein guter Ernährungsstatus kann dem Organismus helfen Erkrankungen vorzubeugen oder diese zu überwinden. Alle Aussagen beschreiben Eigenschaften und physiologische Wirkungen, die bei Konsumenten natürlicherweise unterschiedlich ausfallen können, und stellen keine Heil- oder Gesundheitsversprechen dar."

Hauptaktivist für Rerum ist der italienische Arzt und AIDS-Leugner[4] Marco Ruggiero, der als Erfinder von Rerum genannt wird. Ruggiero hatte zuvor die Mittel GcMAF, Goleic und Bravo auf den gleichen Markt gebracht und mit David Noakes verkauft. Nachdem sich aber hinter den Kulissen ein Streit um den GcMAF-Markt abspielte, distanziert sich Ruggiero inzwischen von GcMAF und bewirbt stattdessen Rerum. Im Gegenzug verteufeln anonyme GcMAF-Anhänger oder Verkäufer das Konkurrenzprodukt Rerum.[5] Als ein Anbieter von Rerum tritt die neuseeländische Firma Natural Solutions NZ Limited in Auckland[6] auf. An gleicher Anschrift fand sich eine "Immunotherapy Clinic - Immuno Biotech Ltd."[7] Als Betreiber werden Michael Stuart Kelly und Ulrich-Bero Doering genannt.[8] Gründer der gleichlautenden Immuno Biotech Ltd. mit Sitz auf der Kanalinsel Jersey war David Noakes. Auf ihren Webseiten meldet diese "Klinik", geschlossen zu sein und nicht mehr zu existieren. Zuvor waren zahlreiche pseudomedizinische Therapien und Krebsdiäten für Krebskranke angeboten worden.[9] Der eigentliche Hersteller ist unbekannt. In Foren von Kunden ist die Rede davon, dass die Substanz in Deutschland hergestellt wird. Darauf deuten auch Angaben in der Rerum-Werbung hin (siehe Bild oben rechts). Vermutet werden kann, dass die dr. reinwald healthcare gmbh & co kg[10] der Hersteller ist.

    1 Rerum
    2 Rerum Protokoll
    3 Experimente mit Rerum an autistischen Kindern
    4 Siehe auch
    5 Quellennachweise


Die Zusammensetzung von Rerum wird von Heinz Reinwald genannt. Es handelt sich um eine Mischung (Emulsion) verschiedener Substanzen. Zu unterscheiden ist das Produkt Rerum von Rerum blue. Letzeres sei für Kinder bis 15 Jahre geeignet, heißt es.

Genannt werden als Inhaltsstoffe (als angebliches Lebensmittel müsste hier von "Zutaten" gesprochen werden):

    Chondroitinsulfat 25mg
    Ölsäure 12,5mg
    Vitamin D3 25μg
    Vitamin D2 2,5μg

Rerum Protokoll

Als Rerum-Protokoll wird die gleichzeitige Behandlung mit Rerum, eine Ketogene Diät sowie eine Ultraschall Stosswellentherapie bezeichnet.
Experimente mit Rerum an autistischen Kindern
Vortrag von Heinz Reinwald auf Pseudomedizin-Konferenz AutismOne 2016 in Illinois/USA (Bild: Youtube)

Im Mai 2016 berichteten Marco Ruggiero, Heinz Reinwald, Dario Siniscalco, Nicola Antonucci und weitere Befürworter in den USA auf einer "AutismOne"-Konferenz darüber, wie sie mit dem nicht als Arzneimittel zugelassenen Rerum autistische Kinder behandelt hätten (Vortrag From the old GcMAF to the new Rerum as integrated in the complete Rerum Protocol: a natural immunotherapeutic approach to autism). Zu den Sponsoren der Konferenz gehörte auch die Dr. Reinwald Healthcare von Heinz Reinwald.
Siehe auch


Ruggiero M, Reinwald H, Pacini S., Is chondroitin sulfate responsible for the biological effects attributed to the GC protein-derived Macrophage Activating Factor (GcMAF)?, Med Hypotheses. Juli 2016 Sep;94:126-31. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2016.07.012
Natural Solutions NZ Limited, 40 St Benedicts Street, Newton, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Immunotherapy Clinic - Immuno Biotech Ltd., 40 St Benedicts Street, Newton, Auckland
The Ruggiero Protocol
Intravenous Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA)
Intravenous Amygdalin (B17)
Nutritional Guidance
Ketogenic Diet
Emotional Training

    dr. reinwald healthcare gmbh&co kg, Friedrich-Luber-Straße 29, D-90592 Schwarzenbruck


    Wundermittel gegen Krebs

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Mehr Material über den Rerum-Verkäufer
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2019, 10:04:47 AM »

Außer Rerum hat Reinwald noch ganz andere Sachen verkauft.

Mikro-Energie-Therapie nach Reinwald
(Weitergeleitet von Heinz Reinwald)
Heinz Reinwald (Bild: Youtube)
Das Vitalwave-Gerät
Behandlungsbeispiel Kniegelenk[1]

Die Mikro-Energie-Therapie nach Reinwald (MET) ist eine Erfindung des promovierten Volkswirtschaftlers, Medizinlaien und Heilpraktikers Heinz Reinwald (geb. 1956). Für die Methode, die den Mikrostromtherapien zuzurechnen ist, vertreibt seine Firma Dr. Reinwald Healthcare[2]. Die Firma besteht in der jetzigen Form als GmbH & Co. KG seit Juli 2010. Daneben gibt es die dr. reinwald global health ltd. mit einer Briefkastenadresse auf Zypern[3]. ein Gerät namens VitalWave. Über Elektroden werde dem Körper damit ein schwacher, pulsierender Gleichstrom zugeführt. Ein von der Hardware baugleiches Gerät wird unter dem Namen CellPard-micro von der Vereinigung Kreis der Schmerztherapeuten (KST) angeboten.

    1 Indikationen
    2 Das VitalWave-Gerät
    3 Weitere Produkte von Dr. Reinwald Healthcare
    4 Verbindungen zur GcMAF-Szene
    5 Heinz Reinwald
    6 Anderssprachige Psiram-Artikel
    7 Quellennachweise


Typisch für pseudomedizinische Verfahren wie MET (und allgemein die Mikrostromtherapie) ist die sehr große Breite von Anwendungen, für die sie geeignet sein sollen. Die MET und das VitalWave-Gerät seien für medizinische Zwecke einzusetzen, aber auch für "kosmetische Belange, Wellness und Figuremodelling".[4] MET sei zur Schmerztherapie geeignet, zum in der Alternativmedizin beliebten Konzept der Entgiftung, es beschleunige die Wundheilung und die Heilung von Knochenbrüchen, Muskelaufbau könne "mit VitalWave-Stimulation dopingfrei und körperkonform erzielt werden", man könne damit "Migräne, Depressionen, Schlaflosigkeit" behandeln, Blockaden lösen und Narben entstören. In der Kosmetik könne es beispielsweise zu "Faltenglättung, Gewebestraffung, Hautverjüngung" sowie zur Gewichtskontrolle und zur "Fettverbrennung" eingesetzt werden.

Einige Anwendungen sind völlig esoterischer Art, mit Bezugnahme auf Mondmythen, Chakren oder Phonophorese. Beispielsweise schreibt Reinwald:

    "Darüber hinaus können wir mit der Mikro-Energie-Therapie auch Frequenzbereiche der kosmischen Signalwelt ansprechen. Da die biologischen Zyklen nicht nur den Tag-Nacht-Zyklen des Lichts entsprechen, sondern auch dem Gezeitenzyklus des Magnetfeldes der Erde und dem Zyklus des Mondes, wie er sich unter anderem im Menstruationszyklus von Frauen manifestiert, war ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Entwicklung des Gerätes die Einbeziehung solcher regulativer Frequenzen auf der Basis kosmologischer Schwingungsmuster. So u.a. bei dem Programm „Synodischer Mond“, der in der 29. Oktave mit 210,42 Hz dem Ton Gis und einer Wellenlänge von ca. 650 Nanometer der Farbe Orange entspricht. Lokalisiert wird sein Resonanzzentrum im Nabelchakra und dem dritten Steißbeinwirbel. Solche Frequenzen werden zur Stimulierung sexueller Energie eingesetzt."[5]

Das VitalWave-Gerät

Das Gerät hat vier Kanäle mit jeweils einem Paar von Elektroden, die je nach Anwendung an bestimmten Stellen der Haut aufgeklebt werden. Es gibt außerdem stabförmige Elektroden mit verschiedenen Spitzen, die der Behandler auf die entsprechende Körperpartie hält, z.B. zur Behandlung von Narben. Über die Elektroden wird ein Gleichstrom oder pulsierender Gleichstrom von 1 µA bis 6 µA abgegeben. Die Impulsfrequenz kann zwischen 1 Hz und 10 kHz liegen. Es sind sehr viele "Programme" mit unterschiedlichen Frequenzen und Impulsmustern wählbar, je nach Art der zu behandelnden Beschwerden. Eine Einzelbehandlung soll 40 bis 60 Minuten dauern.

Das Gerät enthalte auch ein Modul zum "Ultraschallhören". Dabei würden "Akustische Signale ... auf eine Ultraschall-Trägerwelle gesetzt, bekannt als verrauschtes Signal (Rosa Rauschen)". Als Anwendungen nennt Reinwald "Gehirnhälften-Synchronisation", "Meridianausgleich", Konzentrationsförderung, Persönlichkeitstraining, usw. In diesem Punkt ähnelt VitalWave den Geräten Neurophone und Thinkman.

Beim Versuch, seine Methode zu rechtfertigen, bemüht Reinwald branchentypische pseudowissenschaftliche Argumentationsmuster, vor allem solche der Quantenmystik, und beruft sich auf außerwissenschaftliche Theorien von z.B. Robert O. Becker und Bruce Lipton sowie eine "Informationsmedizin". Klinische Studien, welche eine Wirksamkeit bei bestimmten Erkrankungen belegen, werden nicht genannt. Behauptet wird dagegen, dass sich bereits nach einer Anwendung Wunderwirkungen einstellen:

    "Das überaus vielseitige Anwendungsspektrum mit VitalWave® kann akute Schmerzen und Beschwerden rasch reduzieren bzw. Befinden und Aussehen schnell sichtbar verbessern. Bereits nach der ersten Anwendung sind meist eine Erhöhung der Vitalität, des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens, der Beweglichkeit und vor allem eine enorme Steigerung der sportlichen Leistung und Kondition spür-, sicht- oder messbar."[4]

Ein zumindest hinsichtlich der Hardware mit VitalWave baugleiches Gerät wird unter dem Namen CellPard-micro von der Vereinigung Kreis der Schmerztherapeuten (KST) mit Sitz in Hann. Münden in Südniedersachsen angeboten, wobei der KST sich als Entwickler und Hersteller bezeichnet.[6] An der Entwicklung beider (und weiterer) Geräte wirkte nach eigenen Angaben der Heilpraktiker Dirk Kolberg aus Duderstadt in Niedersachsen mit.[7]
Weitere Produkte von Dr. Reinwald Healthcare

Weitere Produkte der Dr. Reinwald Healthcare GmbH & Co. KG sind das ebenfalls pseudomedizinische Diagnosegerät Alphaquant sowie Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, z.B. Crystal-E, eine Essenz, die aus "kolloidalen Flüssigkristallen aus Aktiv-Wasserstoff-Microclustern" bestehen soll, oder ColoStabil, eine "Hildegard-Kräuterzubereitung für Magen-Darm-Trakt und Ausscheidung". Unter dem Titel dr. reinwald+partner academy werden Seminare veranstaltet. Zu den regelmäßigen Themen zählen Entgiftung, Ketogene Diät ("dr.reinwald metabolic regulation") und "Biologische Tumortherapie". Referenten sind außer Heinz Reinwald selbst z.B. der Münchener Heilpraktiker Florian Schilling und John Gruia Ionescu.
Verbindungen zur GcMAF-Szene

Heinz Reinwald arbeitete mit dem englischen rechtsextremen Politiker und Unternehmer David Noakes sowie dem florentiner Arzt Marco Ruggiero zusammen. Letztere stehen im Mittelpunkt eines Skandals um das nicht zugelassene Arzneimittel GcMAF. Das Produkt MAP, das von Reinwald zu beziehen ist, ist Bestandteil des so genannten SWISS protocol. Ein weiteres Produkt das über Reinwald zu beziehen ist, ist das GcMAF-Nachfolgeprodukt Rerum.
Heinz Reinwald
Heinz Reinwald Volkswirtschaftler.jpg
Heinz Reinwald mit Norbert Brakenwagen (links) und Manfred Doepp (rechts) in der Sendung TimeToDo bei Schweiz 5

Heinz Reinwald (geb. 1956) studierte von 1980 bis 1986 Volkswirtschaft, Kulturanthropologie und Kultursoziologie an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg und promovierte an der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen im Jahre 1991 zum Dr. rer. pol., seine Dissertation trägt den Titel Mythos und Methode zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft, Kultur und Erkenntnis. Er gibt zudem an, an der "National Autonomous University of Mexico" (UNAM) studiert zu haben (siehe dazu den Artikel zu "Prof." Robert Mayr). Reinwald bezeichnet sich selbst auch als "Ernährungswissenschaftler".

Heilpraktiker ist Reinwald seit Ende 2008. Eine Ausbildung im medizinischen Bereich gibt Reinwald nicht an. Dennoch ist er als Autor zu Themen aus Alternativ- und Pseudomedizin in Erscheinung getreten und veröffentlichte zu den Themen Entgiftung, Mitochondrienmedizin und Mikro-Energie-Therapie in den Zeitschriften "Naturheilpraxis" und bei CoMed.

Er ist mit Manfred Doepp, Marcus Schmieke, John Gruia Ionescu, Gábor Róza, Kuno Hottenrott und Dieter Weiner im so genannten Expertenrat der Schweizer Firma QuantiSana GesundheitsZentrum AG[8] von Alexander Glogg (siehe dazu Scharlatanerieprodukte Fostac).
Anderssprachige Psiram-Artikel

    Français: Heinz Reinwald


Bild: (Nilas MV e.K., 22549 Hamburg)
Dr. Reinwald Healthcare GmbH + Co. KG, Friedrich-Luber-Str. 29, 90592 Schwarzenbruck
dr. reinwald global health ltd., 61-63 Lord Byron Street, 5th floor, 6023 Larnaca Zypern
Broschüre der Dr. Reinwald Healthcare GmbH + Co. KG zu VitalWave. Seite daraus mit einer Liste von MET-Anwendungen
H. Reinwald: Mikro-Energie-Therapie (MET). CoMed 06/2011

    QuantiSana GesundheitsZentrum AG, Schloss Wartensee, Wartensee 2, CH-9404 Rorschacherberg


    Elektromedizin und Magnetfeldtherapien

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Bohrungen in Sachen Betrug mit 'Rerum'
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2019, 12:55:56 PM »

Die Rerum-Website von Reinwald gibt es noch. Suchen kann man auch:

2 Treffer:

1. Rerum® 
Rerum® Zur Unterstützung des Immunsystems 
[LINK: ]

2. Rerum® blue 
Rerum® blue 
[LINK: ]


Beide URLs funktionieren nicht mehr. Machen wir eine Tiefbohrung im Archive.
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Hier eine aggressive Kaufaufforderung vom 14.1.2018
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2019, 01:35:27 PM »

Hier eine aggressive Kaufaufforderung ("Order now"), vom Webarchive am 14.1.2018 archiviert:



    About Rerum
    Recommondation of use
    Ingredients & Instructions


Dietary Supplement

Vitamin D contributes to a normal function of the immune system*

Order now


About Rerum®

Rerum® emulsion implements a ingenious carrier system. The compound of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 in a a basis of oleic acid and emulsifying chondroitin sulfate thus provides a new functionality to support our immune system, that previously has been attributed to body´s own GcMAF (Gc protein derived Macrophage Activating Factor).

The body's own activation of macrophages by the immune system has many known effects. It contributes to our body's immune defense and can help in case of a weak immune status in order to restore balance, to counteract vitality losses and to prevent susceptibility to infection.

Recommendation of use

20 drops/1ml daily or every second day.
Children 5-20 drops according to their weight.

Shake well before use. Melt slowly in the mouth. Do not drink or eat for at least 30 min after taking.
The dosed taking using the adapter is described in the package insert.

Content per vial:
3 ml / 0.1 fl oz

Ultrapure water, chondroitin sulfate, oleic acid, cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol
Supplement Facts

Nutritional values per 1ml serving size

Vitamin D2 2.5 µg ˜ 100 IU; 50% DV EU; 25% DV US

Vitamin D3 25 µg ˜ 1000 IU; 500% DV EU; 250% DV US

total Vitamin D 27.5µg ˜ 1100 IU; 550% DV EU; 275% DV US

* % of Daily Values (DV)

Cool, dry, closed, light-protected

The separation into two phases is product typical and no quality defect. To homogenize the emulsion shake well before use.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Further information about the possibilities of nutritional medicine find at
Order Rerum®

As of now Rerum® is available in our shop in three different packaging sizes:

1 Vial (3ml)  = 3ml / 0.1 fl oz
3 Vials (3ml) = 9ml / 0.3 fl oz
5 Vials (3ml) = 15ml / 0.5 fl oz




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dr. reinwald management gmbh,

those represented by CEO Dr. Heinz Reinwald and Kerstin Reinwald

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Angebot für Endkunden: 'Rerum' für 529 Euro pro Flasche
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2019, 01:45:50 PM »

Hier ein direktes Kaufangebot für Endkunden, vom Webarchive am 8.7.2016 archiviert:


Rerum ®
Rerum ®
Rerum ®

Rerum ® emulsion implements a new carrier system. The compound of Chondroitin, Oleic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 provides a new functionality, that previously has been attributed to GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor).

The body’s own activation of macrophages has many known effects. It contributes to our body’s immune system and can help in case of a weak immune status or immune deficiencies in order to restore quickly the balance, to counteract vitality losses and to prevent infection susceptibility.
» Go to article description
* All prices include 0% VAT plus Shipping costs
€ 529,00*


War meine Schätzung von 500 Euro also ziemlich gut. Jetzt bleibt die Frage: WER hat das "Rerum" an seine Kunden und Patienten verkauft? Die dürften sehr überrascht sein von dem satten Profit von rund 200 Euro, den ihr "Heiler" pro Flasche als Provision eingesteckt hat. Nicht vergessen: Es sind rund 10.000 Flaschen. Da waren viele "Heiler" beteiligt. SEHR VIELE!





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Rerum ®
Rerum ®
Rerum ®

Rerum ® emulsion implements a new carrier system. The compound of Chondroitin, Oleic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 provides a new functionality, that previously has been attributed to GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor).

The body’s own activation of macrophages has many known effects. It contributes to our body’s immune system and can help in case of a weak immune status or immune deficiencies in order to restore quickly the balance, to counteract vitality losses and to prevent infection susceptibility.
» Go to article description
* All prices include 0% VAT plus Shipping costs
€ 529,00*

3 Rerum ®
3 Rerum ®

Rerum ® emulsion implements a new carrier system. The compound of Chondroitin, Oleic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 provides a new functionality, that previously has been attributed to GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor).

The body’s own activation of macrophages has many known effects. It contributes to our body’s immune system and can help in case of a weak immune status or immune deficiencies in order to restore quickly the balance, to counteract vitality losses and to prevent infection susceptibility.
» Go to article description
* All prices include 0% VAT plus Shipping costs
€ 1.496,00*
10 Rerum ® + 1 free
10 Rerum ® + 1 free

Rerum ® emulsion implements a new carrier system. The compound of Chondroitin, Oleic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2 provides a new functionality, that previously has been attributed to GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor).

The body’s own activation of macrophages has many known effects. It contributes to our body’s immune system and can help in case of a weak immune status or immune deficiencies in order to restore quickly the balance, to counteract vitality losses and to prevent infection susceptibility.
» Go to article description
* All prices include 0% VAT plus Shipping costs
€ 5.290,00*

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[Überschrift angepaßt. Krik]
« Last Edit: February 28, 2019, 01:49:08 PM by Krik »
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2019, 06:34:55 PM »

Die Geschäftspraktiken dürften sehr einfach sein.

1. Man sucht einen Lohnhersteller und vereinbart mit dem eine Testserie.

2. Man läßt sich eine Testserie herstellen und liefern.

3. Diese Testserie sind aber nicht 100 oder 1000 Stück, sondern 10.000 oder 20.000 Stück.

Daß Reinwald fast 10.000 Stück verkauft hat, sieht mir verdammt nach einer solchen 10.000er Testserie aus.

Ist die Testserie verkauft, erfindet man eine neues Produkt und bestellt dafür eine Testserie. Und das Spiel beginnt von vorne.

Erstens hat man damit die Order einer großen Serie umgangen. Das Zeug hat doch ein Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum und eine richtig große Serie, deren Verkauf noch unsicher ist, wo ein Teil möglicherweise wegen Datumsüberschreitung sogar in den Müll müßte, läßt sich mit den angeblichen Tests umgehen. Außerdem dient schon die Bezeichnung Test der Täuschung.

Zweitens erweckt die Einführung eines neuen Produkts den Anschein, der Hersteller würde sich um Forschung und Verbesserung bemühen. Gar keine Wirkung ist bekanntlich der 100prozentige Normalfall. Kritik daran wird auf diese Weise abgewiegelt. Je weniger Nachweise man erbringen müßte, desto besser.

Reinwald paid 7 Euros for each bottle of "Rerum" and sold it to his dealers for 302 Euro a piece. Enduser price: 529 Euros per bottle.

Now, what do you think about the other "products" by Reinwald and his likes: Do you think they pay more than 7 Euros per bottle?

Can you imagine how badly you are cheated with a totally worthless shit they buy for 7 Euros and sell it to you for more than 500 Euros per bottle?

Hier sieht man den Wechsel von "Resum" zum Nachfolger "Imuno":


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> Rerum® 3ml vial (See
Rerum 3ml vial View larger

    Rerum 3ml vial
    Rerum 3ml vial

Rerum® 3ml vial (See

Reference: R-3-1

Condition: New product

Rerum® is now obsolete and replaced by imuno®.
See imuno® product website.

A micro-sized emulsion of...

    Oleic Acid

An intracellular delivery supramolecule.

Created by Molecular Biologist, Professor Marco Ruggiero, MD, PhD.

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Rerum® emulsion implements a new carrier system. The compound of Chondroitin, Oleic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin D2; provides the support for the bodies activation of Macrophages, that previously was assumed to GcMAF.

Ingredients: Ultrapure water, chondroitin sulfate, oleic acid, cholecalciferol, ergocalciferol

Transport: room temperature, protected from light.
Store: cool, dry, dark, closed.
Once opened: store refrigerated (< 8 °C) and closed. If oral adapter used (membrane wide open) then use contents within 30 days. If a sterile needled syringe is used (membrane intact, contents sterile) then use contents within 12 weeks.

Rerum® Dosage Recommendations

Note: Chondroitin Sulfate has a blood thinning effect similar to heparin, so when taking larger doses, people on anticoagulant drugs, are advised to be under medical supervision.
Rerum has been superseded and is no longer recommended.


Shake well to homogenize the emulsion (product separation is typical and no quality defect).
Needleless Syringe - under the tongue

    Product is sterile and may be administered under the tongue.
    Keep in the mouth for at least 2 minutes to support absorption by the oral mucosa.
    Then swallow. The bioavailability of Rerum® is increased by digestion.
    Do NOT drink or eat for at least 30 minutes after taking.

Spray Bottle - absorbed by the mucosa

    Optional nasal/oral spray bottle available with Rerum purchase.
    Delivers approximately 0.1ml spray volume per pump.

Nebulization - absorbed into the lungs

    Offers rapid ingestion into the blood supply for good result.
    Purchase a nebulizer, needle syringes, and sterile saline solution from your Chemist/Drug store.
    Extract Rerum® with a needle syringe (leaves remaining vial contents sterile).
    Dissolve required dose of Rerum® in 3 to 5 ml of 0.9% Saline Solution in the nebulizer chamber.
    Nebulize and breathe it in through your mouth.


Rerum® may be used for beautiful skin

    Shake well to homogenize the emulsion (product separation is typical and no quality defect)
    Withdraw 0.2ml from vial for topical application to skin via sponge.
    Massage Rerum® sparingly onto face and neck with a gentle patting motion.

How to Load Supplied Needleless Syringe

Note: 1 x blue ring apparatus, needleless syringe, "H" connector & combi-stopper (as shown below) supplied as standard.
Installing Oral Adaptor to Rerum Vial

    Prise blue tampertel disk from top of vial.
    Install "blue ring apparatus" to top of vial as seen in above 4 image sequence. Be careful to keep vial upright so as not to spill contents and to keep the blue ring in the home position, when you initially push the apparatus onto the vial.
    Twist the short end of the white "H" connector into the top of the blue ring apparatus. (approx 1/4 turn until firm)
    Then locate closed syringe into top of "H" connector so now connected to vial in airtight seal.
    Invert vial, with syringe underneath, and draw syringe open to the required amount (i.e. 0.2ml).
    Turn vial upright and remove syringe from vial. Place upright vial carefully away and administer dose.

Note: Vial to be resealed by untwisting "H" connector from top of the blue ring apparatus and twisting the blue combi-stopper onto the apparatus.
Installing Syringe to Rerum Vial

Note: every division on the supplied 3ml oral syringe equals 0.1ml. Accurate smaller doses (0.01ml) require a different syringe. In these cases we recommend using an insulin syringe and removing the Rerum from the vial directly i.e. without the oral adapter.
Nasal Spray Bottle for Reruml

Optional Empty Nasal/Oral Spray Bottle for Rerum - Request this by noting it on your order under "Leave a message. If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below". This comment field is just above the tick box "I agree to the terms of service"

Rerum® manufactured in Germany by Dr. Reinwald Healthcare GmbH + Co KG mail@drreinwald.deb

Disclaimer: None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our products are chosen for their ability to support the body’s immune system, and larger doses of supporting products may be required in times of immune stress. Just like more food is required, when more exercise is undertaken. For ease of understanding, we have listed some conditions where the immune system may require specific support, but this is not to be interpreted to mean we are in any way treating these conditions.

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« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 06:39:32 PM by Thymian »
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2019, 03:00:48 PM »

Maschinenraum meldet Funksprüche aus Italien.

Für die Bilder sollte man den Televisor auf diese Stelle der Netzekliptik richten:

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Messaggi: 5578
Iscritto il: lunedì 26 novembre 2007, 0:07
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Messaggio  da uffa2 » sabato 24 novembre 2018, 10:08

I suoi penosi tentativi di sembrare uno che passava di lì per caso di fronte a una corte che non mi sembra particolarmente accondiscendente sono a dire poco ridicoli, un altro novello Galileo che poi si scopre essere un guappo di cartone

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se vuoi offrire le tue conoscenze tecniche o linguistiche (c'è tanto da tradurre) o sostenere i costi per mantenere e sviluppare HIVforum, contatta con un PM stealthy e uffa2, oppure scrivi a
Messaggi: 2708
Iscritto il: lunedì 4 febbraio 2008, 23:59
Località: In your wildest dreams
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da stealthy » sabato 24 novembre 2018, 10:41

Dora ha scritto:


Per chi segue le vicende della truffa del GcMAF, quest'ultima settimana è stata ricca di soddisfazioni. Si stanno infatti svolgendo le battute finali del processo inglese a David Noakes e la BBC sta offrendo gustosi reportage su quanto avviene presso la Southwark Crown Court presieduta dal giudice Nicholas Loraine-Smith.
Già uno dei collaboratori di Noakes, Brian Hall, un suo vecchio compagno di partito quando entrambi militavano per lo UKIP, è stato giudicato colpevole di contrabbando per avere cercato di far passare illegalmente in Francia quasi 600 fiale di GcMAF prodotto da un laboratorio clandestino di Noakes vicino a Cambridge.

Nel processo sono coinvolti anche la moglie separata di Noakes, Lorraine Noakes, che ha già ammesso di aver venduto illegalmente il farmaco non autorizzato, pur non avendo mai visto alcuna prova della sua efficacia e ritenendo che quanto l'ex marito raccontava del GcMAF fossero esagerazioni, e due dei ricercatori che collaboravano con Noakes, Rodney Smith e Emma Ward, che hanno ammesso di avere prodotto il farmaco senza licenza, di averlo venduto e di averne posseduto delle scorte.

Durante le udienze, abbiamo anche avuto conferma dell'enorme giro di denaro che la truffa del GcMAF è riuscita a generare: la Immuno Biotech ha guadagnato quasi 8 milioni di sterline fra il settembre 2011 e il febbraio 2015 vendendo GcMAF a circa 10.000 persone e Noakes ha potuto permettersi di pagare quasi 1 milione di sterline per affittarsi aerei che guidava personalmente, 40.000 per barche, 60.000 per le auto del suo staff, inclusa una Rolls-Royce e la Aston Martin di seconda mano su cui Ruggiero sfrecciava per le strade di Guernsey. Da aggiungere: 240.000 sterline per far arrivare Ruggiero e collaboratori sull'isoletta nel canale della Manica e oltre 2 milioni per spese varie collegate alla truffa.

Noakes - che ha ammesso tutte le accuse (produzione e vendita di un medicinale illegale, riciclaggio di denaro) e che come sappiamo bene non è uno scienziato - ha anche dichiarato di essere stato deliziato dal vedere il suo nome su 6 dei 33 articoli che gli scienziati che lavoravano per lui hanno pubblicato sulle riviste predone di cui tanto abbiamo parlato in questi anni.
Ha anche ammesso che è vero, l'efficacia del GcMAF contro cancro, HIV, autismo, etc è nulla e che la magica proteina veniva prodotta in condizioni che violavano gli standard delle Norme di Buona Fabbricazione.

Ma al processo si sono presentati anche i danneggiati dal GcMAF, i malati ingannati, che hanno raccontato degli effetti collaterali del farmaco che li ha quasi uccisi in una proporzione che è letteralmente spaventosa: fino al 75% dei pazienti hanno subito effetti collaterali anche molto pesanti dalla proteina che Ruggiero, Noakes e tutta la banda di malfattori che li accompagnava dicevano essere efficace, sicura e tollerabilissima. Delinquenti.

La sentenza è attesa per la settimana prossima.
Noakes said that he called the woman who said that she nearly died and she continued to be supportive of GcMAF. ‘We knew by then that there were negligible side-effects,’ said Mr Noakes.
The prosecutor replied: ‘So what we have just gone through, you call negligible side-effects?’
‘Yes,’ replied the ex-banker. ‘No one died, most people improved.’
In total, three-quarters of respondents to the company said they had negative side-effects.
The court heard how Macro Innovations’ website claimed that they made the drug to higher than Good Manufacturing Practice standards. But the prosecution say that claim is false.
Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith asked: ‘What on earth do you think you were doing? Because on the face of it that’s a bit of a whopper isn’t it?’
‘Yes, your honour,’ came the response.
‘So why were you lying?’ asked the judge.
‘My scientists eventually calmed me down. My language got the better of me sometimes, I completely agree.’

(Guernsey Press, 11.23.2018)
Sì sa quando uscirà la sentenza?  :D

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » sabato 24 novembre 2018, 13:05

stealthy ha scritto:
Sì sa quando uscirà la sentenza?  :D
Credo martedì o mercoledì.

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » mercoledì 28 novembre 2018, 7:23



Ieri il tribunale di Southwark ha emesso la sentenza del processo contro David Noakes e collaboratori della Immuno Biotech, che nelle scorse udienze avevano tutti ammesso le proprie responsabilità: l'ex moglie di Noakes, Loraine, ha ricevuto una sentenza di 6 mesi di prigione, sospesa per due anni e 150 ore di lavori sociali; stessa condanna per Emma Ward, che si occupava di produrre il GcMAF, mentre a Rodney Smith di mesi di prigione ne sono stati comminati 8. La condanna di Brian Hall, il contrabbandiere dello UKIP, sarà emessa più avanti.

David Noakes è stato condannato a 15 mesi di carcere (12 per la produzione e vendita del GcMAF e 3 per riciclaggio) e all'interdizione per 8 anni a dirigere una società. Una pena straordinariamente mite, che conferma quella lacuna nella giurisprudenza britannica indicata la settimana scorsa dal giudice Nicholas Lorraine-Smith, quando dichiarava che è la prima volta che un tribunale inglese si trova a giudicare una truffa medica di queste dimensioni.
Ieri il giudice Lorraine-Smith ci ha tenuto a distinguere fra il giudizio sulla magica proteina, che non era competenza della sua corte, e il giudizio sull'operato di chi, per produrre e vendere quella proteina, ha violato la legge inglese.
'This case concerns an investigation by the MHRA into the unauthorised manufacture, sale and supply of a product called GcMaf which is claimed to be a treatment for a vast range of serious diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis, ME, HIV and autism.

'This is a court of law and, as I have said many times in this hearing, it is not GcMaf that is on trial.

'These defendants face a criminal prosecution because they were involved in the manufacture and supply of a medicine which they knew required a licence but they chose to proceed unlawfully without one.

'I accept that each defendant firmly believed that the product had helped and would in the future help people suffering from many, some fatal, diseases but for a variety of motives they chose to manufacture and sell it in clear breach of the law.

'The evidence shows a reckless disregard for the regulatory regime for the manufacture and supply of what was sold as a medicine. Nobody could sensibly argue that scientifically created medicines should not be controlled and regulated and the tragic example of Thalidomide has been mentioned a few times over the last few days.

E ha aggiunto che
Noakes "firmly" believed GcMAF had helped and would help people but had showed a "reckless disregard for the regulatory regime".

He had sold it to "extremely vulnerable people" and the fact it was freely available for sale on the internet was "horrifying"

Le dichiarazioni della MHRA, tuttavia, ricordano anche che Noakes e collaboratori hanno prodotto e venduto un farmaco senza averlo prima testato in sperimentazioni legali di sicurezza, tollerabilità ed efficacia e che proprio questo ha portato alla rovina sua e delle migliaia di malati che gli hanno dato fiducia:

Riecheggiando il giudizio umano che diede di lui un suo vecchio compagno di partito (“a swivel-eyed loon whose insane conspiracy theories make the rest of us look as mad as a box of frogs... so good riddance. He should really be locked up in a secure unit”), il giudice ha anche descritto Noakes come "una personalità ossessiva", dicendo che era "ossessionato dall'idea che il GcMAF fosse un trattamento adatto a un ampio spettro di malattie, che veniva tenuto nascosto all'opinione pubblica".

E questo ci porta a Ruggiero, perché Noakes non è uno scienziato, e le sue opinioni e ossessioni su farmaci e trattamenti se le è fatte ascoltando gli scienziati che lavoravano per lui - principalmente il direttore scientifico della sua società, che proponeva e tutt'oggi propone le sue pozioni magiche come cura per quasi tutti i mali.
E a Ruggiero allude anche la BBC, che ieri ha dedicato ben due articoli alla sentenza: nel primo racconta quanto già abbiamo visto, ma nel secondo, ripercorrendo la storia di Noakes a partire dal suo fallimento nella corsa alla segreteria dello UKIP contro Nigel Farage e dalla nascita del suo interesse per il GcMAF nel 2009, ricorda che
By 2011 he had set up a lab with the aim of producing GcMAF, teaming up with scientists in the UK and the University of Florence in Italy.


Mi dispiace vedere come il nome del ciarlatano di Firenze sfugga sempre dai radar della stampa, ma che sia tutta intera l'Università di Firenze ad essere coinvolta in questa brutta storia e trascinata nell'ignominia di questa sentenza è per me una soddisfazione personale: l'omertà, la compiacenza e le complicità di cui Ruggiero ha goduto fino al febbraio 2012 hanno permesso a lui, a sua moglie Stefania Pacini, ai loro colleghi ignoranti e ai loro studenti copioni di infangare il buon nome dell'istituzione per cui lavoravano e di rovinare la vita e la salute di un numero incalcolabile di persone. Che adesso qualcuno si ricordi di coinvolgere l'Univerità di Firenze nella prima sentenza relativa a questa truffa è un piccolo, salutare passo verso il riconoscimento del ruolo di Marco Ruggiero e della metastasi di negazionismo da lui generata a Firenze.

E no, il GcMAF non è una valida opzione terapeutica per le persone con HIV (o cancro, o autismo, o ...).
E sì, avevamo ragione noi.

EDIT: post editato perché le modifiche del software del forum permettono adesso di postare i link a youtube mantenendo la url con https, quindi il video delle dichiarazioni della MHRA si era perso.
Ultima modifica di Dora il giovedì 7 febbraio 2019, 8:52, modificato 1 volta in totale.

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » lunedì 10 dicembre 2018, 8:55



"Roach Motels, Hotel California, and the Noakes-Ruggiero 'First Immune' clinic in Bussigny" - molto opportunamente, Smut Clyde racconta su Riddled della condanna di Noakes a partire dalla collaborazione con Ruggiero nella clinica illegale svizzera di Bussigny, che fu insieme l'apice e la conclusione (effettiva? solo apparente?) delle loro malefatte comuni.
L'indagine inglese, infatti, era soltanto un capitolo di una più ampia indagine europea, di cui sembrano essersi perse notizie dalle parti della procura di Losanna: che ne è dei morti di Bussigny? Ce li hanno Ruggiero e Noakes sulla coscienza? Il GcMAF c'entra qualcosa con la loro dipartita? Impedì che cercassero terapie di provata efficacia, che forse avrebbero potuto salvarli? Accelerò una fine comunque scritta dal cancro in fase terminale? O fu soltanto una crudele e costosissima illusione, fatta risplendere davanti agli occhi di poveri disperati, pronti a coinvolgere amici e parenti su GoFundMe pur di rimanere qui ancora per un po'?

Del ramo svizzero dell'indagine non si sa più nulla da tempo. Quel che però si sa è che Ruggiero continua a mantenere la sede della Silver Spring Sagl a Mendrisio e Arzo.

Smut Clyde, invece, ci ricorda che si dovrebbe aprire anche un ramo neozelandese, perché Natural Solutions, il produttore e venditore di vecchie e nuove fuffe quantiche dello stregone fiorentino del GcMAF, ha sede in 40 St Benedicts St, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1010

e anche tutto quel che riguarda la nuova truffa, Imuno, riconduce alla Nuova Zelanda:
imuno® is produced in New Zealand -- "manufactured in a government certified facility by Imuno Corporation" * -- presumably by Michael Kelly, who also distributes the stuff through and Inquiries into ownership lead (for whatever jurisdictional reasons) to an accountant's office in Port Vila, Vanuatu -- also the source of an application for the 'Imuno' trademark. Neither the NZ nor the Vanuatu company registers show any record of an "Imuno Corporation".


Quindi, cara magistratura degli antipodi, datti una mossa e indaga su Mr Kelly e i suoi loschi affari con il ciarlatano fiorentino, perché la truffa del GcMAF sta continuando, pur sotto altre forme, altri nomi e altre suggestioni, e ha trovato in Nuova Zelanda un porto che non si riesce proprio a capire perché debba essere tanto sicuro.

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » giovedì 27 dicembre 2018, 8:34

MariMo ha scritto:
Dear Sirs,
I am Mario Molina, author of a paper that has been cited and criticized in this forum.
First of all, I want to thank all the people that have taken the time to comment the paper.
I have observed that my arguments have not been discussed in depth.
At this time, I want to put the links for two papers:




Taken only one issue here, I have been criticized for considering that HIV medication can produce mitochondrial damage.
I urge you to know about the action mechanisms of the so called anti-retroviral medications.
Actually, most of them are not specific for avoiding HIV replication, but for terminating ADN or DNA chains. Even in healthy cells and tissues.


I would like to discuss these topics with everyone who is willing to consider the facts about every point I focus in.
Best regards,
Mario Molina
Mario Molina, your "paper" has been cited here because you're an AIDS denialist who publishes his dangerous crap on predatory journals.
You're not welcome here and your post and your account will be deleted as soon as an administrator logs in.

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » giovedì 7 febbraio 2019, 15:18

Dora ha scritto: ↑mercoledì 28 novembre 2018, 7:23


Ieri il tribunale di Southwark ha emesso la sentenza del processo contro David Noakes e collaboratori della Immuno Biotech, che nelle scorse udienze avevano tutti ammesso le proprie responsabilità: l'ex moglie di Noakes, Loraine, ha ricevuto una sentenza di 6 mesi di prigione, sospesa per due anni e 150 ore di lavori sociali; stessa condanna per Emma Ward, che si occupava di produrre il GcMAF, mentre a Rodney Smith di mesi di prigione ne sono stati comminati 8. La condanna di Brian Hall, il contrabbandiere dello UKIP, sarà emessa più avanti.

David Noakes è stato condannato a 15 mesi di carcere (12 per la produzione e vendita del GcMAF e 3 per riciclaggio) e all'interdizione per 8 anni a dirigere una società. Una pena straordinariamente mite, che conferma quella lacuna nella giurisprudenza britannica indicata la settimana scorsa dal giudice Nicholas Lorraine-Smith, quando dichiarava che è la prima volta che un tribunale inglese si trova a giudicare una truffa medica di queste dimensioni.
Ieri il giudice Lorraine-Smith ci ha tenuto a distinguere fra il giudizio sulla magica proteina, che non era competenza della sua corte, e il giudizio sull'operato di chi, per produrre e vendere quella proteina, ha violato la legge inglese.
'This case concerns an investigation by the MHRA into the unauthorised manufacture, sale and supply of a product called GcMaf which is claimed to be a treatment for a vast range of serious diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis, ME, HIV and autism.

'This is a court of law and, as I have said many times in this hearing, it is not GcMaf that is on trial.

'These defendants face a criminal prosecution because they were involved in the manufacture and supply of a medicine which they knew required a licence but they chose to proceed unlawfully without one.

'I accept that each defendant firmly believed that the product had helped and would in the future help people suffering from many, some fatal, diseases but for a variety of motives they chose to manufacture and sell it in clear breach of the law.

'The evidence shows a reckless disregard for the regulatory regime for the manufacture and supply of what was sold as a medicine. Nobody could sensibly argue that scientifically created medicines should not be controlled and regulated and the tragic example of Thalidomide has been mentioned a few times over the last few days.

E ha aggiunto che
Noakes "firmly" believed GcMAF had helped and would help people but had showed a "reckless disregard for the regulatory regime".

He had sold it to "extremely vulnerable people" and the fact it was freely available for sale on the internet was "horrifying"

Le dichiarazioni della MHRA, tuttavia, ricordano anche che Noakes e collaboratori hanno prodotto e venduto un farmaco senza averlo prima testato in sperimentazioni legali di sicurezza, tollerabilità ed efficacia e che proprio questo ha portato alla rovina sua e delle migliaia di malati che gli hanno dato fiducia:

Riecheggiando il giudizio umano che diede di lui un suo vecchio compagno di partito (“a swivel-eyed loon whose insane conspiracy theories make the rest of us look as mad as a box of frogs... so good riddance. He should really be locked up in a secure unit”), il giudice ha anche descritto Noakes come "una personalità ossessiva", dicendo che era "ossessionato dall'idea che il GcMAF fosse un trattamento adatto a un ampio spettro di malattie, che veniva tenuto nascosto all'opinione pubblica". [...]


Dal tribunale di Southwark ci spostiamo alla Royal Court di Guernsey, dove è iniziato il processo per l'accusa di riciclaggio di denaro.
La BBC segue il processo per noi e - prima puntata - ci racconta che Peter Dawson-Ball, 64 anni, di St Martin, Guernsey, controllore finanziario della Immuno Biotech di quel David Noakes che sta scontando la sua leggerissima condanna nelle galere di Sua Maestà, non ci sta ad essere accusato di avere agevolato Noakes nella produzione, vendita e distribuzione di un farmaco illegale.
Secondo l'accusa, Dawson-Ball "sapeva esattamente quel che stava facendo". Secondo la difesa, invece, è vero che il GcMAF era illegale, ma il povero, ingenuo Peter al momento dei fatti di cui è accusato non lo sapeva.
Ma - dico io: le indagini, i sequestri, i raid della polizia ... tutto risale al 2015 e a Guernesey è successo il finimondo, con tutta l'isoletta impegnata a litigare sul GcMAF. Il povero Peter ha lavorato per Noakes fra gennaio 2016 e febbraio 2017 e davvero non si era accorto di nulla? Strategia difensiva piuttosto debole.

Seconda puntata: Dawson-Ball ribadisce che l'arresto di Noakes due anni esatti fa - l'8 febbraio 17 - l'ha colto come un fulmine a ciel sereno, lasciandolo stordito. Eppure ancora ha continuato a fidarsi del suo boss.
Lui stesso è stato arrestato poco dopo, ma ha continuato a lavorare per la Immuno Biotech, percependo più di 15.000 sterline in 4 mesi per chiudere la società.
Ora è annientato e deluso, ha capito che Noakes l'ha imbrogliato e non vuole rivederlo mai più. Mai più in tutta la vita.

Vediamo se il giudice gli crede.

EDIT: un po' di colore in GcMAF financial controller "believed the product was a supplement", un articolo del Bailiwick News di Guernsey.

EDIT #2 (12 febbraio):
Vediamo se il giudice gli crede.

E infatti la Corte non gli ha creduto e l'ha giudicato guilty of having "facilitated" Noakes in the management and financial control of the company and its proceeds, made from the sale of GcMAF between January 2016 and February 2017.
La sentenza è attesa per il 22 marzo.

Messaggi: 1
Iscritto il: sabato 2 marzo 2019, 3:57
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da ama2 » sabato 2 marzo 2019, 21:05


"Reinwald paid 7 Euros for each bottle of "Rerum" and sold it to his dealers for 302 Euro a piece. Enduser price: 529 Euros per bottle.

Now, what do you think about the other "products" by Reinwald and his likes: Do you think they pay more than 7 Euros per bottle?

Can you imagine how badly you are cheated with a totally worthless shit they buy for 7 Euros and sell it to you for more than 500 Euros per bottle?"

If I got the information right, Heinz Reinwald is in custody since April 2018. The court days are published now by the press department of the Landgericht Nuremberg. He might face up to 10 years in prison.

One of the facts the court published so far is that Reinwald paid 7 Euros for a bottle of a test substance, which was declared to not be used on animals or humans.

Reinwald then sold about 10000 bottles of this "test substance", labeled "Rerum", for a gros dealer price of 300 Euros. The enduser price of 529 Euros was cashed in by his network of dealers, mostly naturopaths and medical doctors.

* As soon as more information leaks out we will try to inform forums, like this one: ... 3#msg25373

Have a nice Sunday.

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » domenica 3 marzo 2019, 9:03

ama2 ha scritto: ↑sabato 2 marzo 2019, 21:05
Can you imagine how badly you are cheated with a totally worthless shit they buy for 7 Euros and sell it to you for more than 500 Euros per bottle?"
Hi "ama2", it is well known that Heinz Reinwald is a crook and has a long history of medical scams.
If I got the information right, Heinz Reinwald is in custody since April 2018. The court days are published now by the press department of the Landgericht Nuremberg. He might face up to 10 years in prison.
Very good news, thanks for the information.
I think he certainly deserves such a severe punishment, but I see that from his websites he seems still selling his stuff. Do you know why and are still working?

Messaggi: 6448
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » domenica 3 marzo 2019, 9:33

Pensavo alla mitezza della condanna ricevuta da Noakes e al rischio che Reinwald corre di passarsi 10 anni in prigione ...
Se 10 anni a un buffone di secondo rango come lui, quanti a un Ruggiero, che ha pure l'aggravante di essere (stato) un medico?

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2019, 05:35:57 PM »

Die Sache zieht Kreise. Smut Clyde hat dem TG-1 eine Notiz hinterlassen:

Das ist langer Text mit vielen Verzweigungen, wovon eine zu diesem Artikel der SUN vom 9.4.2016 führt:

‘Health guru’ Clive de Carle accused of selling potentially deadly autism ‘cure’ pill to desperate parents trying to help their kids

EXCLUSIVE: Quack caught out promoting lethal drug
9th April 2016, 11:01 pm
Updated: 19th April 2016, 3:52 pm

A SELF-STYLED health guru is pushing potentially lethal drugs to desperate
parents trying to help their autistic kids.

Clive de Carle, 60, offered to sell Rerum, which is a stronger form of
unlicensed product GcMAF, and bleach solution MMS.

He promotes his alternative therapies on his Health Revolution website. But
the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency warns GcMAF poses a
“serious risk” to health.

It has also issued warnings over MMS, which has been linked to at least one


stars Cormac Costello and Jonny Cooper hopping with joy for World Autism
Awareness Day

claims that cancer drug could cure PAEDOPHILIA

one-year-old son was victim of serial biter at nursery… and they expelled
HIM!’ This Morning debate on violent children shocks viewers

February The Sun on Sunday told how businessman Tony Taylor was selling MMS
as a cure for autism from his home in Torquay, Devon.

Taylor, 41, has since been investigated by Trading Standards and stopped
selling it.

But de Carle, of Marlborough, Wilts, offered to sell it to autism campaigner
Emma Dalmayne, 39, to give to her young daughter. And he said: “Whatever you
do, don’t give it orally.”

Emma said pushing unregulated products was “child abuse”. And the National
Autistic Society warned against “charlatans peddling dubious cures”.

De Carle denies selling unlicensed medicines.

Wie weit reichen die Vernetzungen des Heinz Reinwald? Und wie weit reichen die Vernetzungen von beispielsweise Clive de Carle, der sogar der SUN bekannt ist? Vor allem: WIE DICK IST DIESES NETZWERK?

Die Justiz, die das alles zugelassen hat, hat so viel Dreck am stecken. So viel Dreck...


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2019, 11:40:03 PM »

Reinwald wurde verknackt. Gegen seine Ehefrau wird immer noch ermittelt.

Angebliche Krebsmittel: Vier Jahre Haft für Geschäftsmann

Mit dem Verkauf von «Rerum» und «Rerum blue» verdiente der Heilpraktiker Millionen an Krebspatienten, für die das angebliche Wundermittel der letzte Strohhalm war. Jetzt schob das Gericht dem Treiben einen Riegel vor.

Weil er im großen Stil nicht zugelassene Arzneimittel in Verkehr brachte, muss ein Geschäftsmann vier Jahre ins Gefängnis. Das Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth sah es in seiner Urteilsverkündung am Donnerstag als erwiesen an, dass der 63-jährige Heilpraktiker und Volkswirt über seine Firma im mittelfränkischen Altdorf und auf Zypern die umstrittenen Krebsmittel «Rerum» und «Rerum blue» ohne Zulassung an Patienten und Therapeuten verkaufte. Zugleich ordnete das Gericht die Einziehung des dadurch erzielten Gewinns von 4,5 Millionen Euro an.
Ein Jahr der Haftzeit verbüßte der Verurteilte bereits in der Untersuchungshaft. Gegen seine Ehefrau wird noch ermittelt, sie muss sich in einem gesonderten Verfahren verantworten. Das Urteil ist noch nicht rechtskräftig.


Warum man seine anderen Machenschaften nicht ebenfalls unter die Lupe genommen und ihm nicht grundsätzlich und für alle Zeit den Handel verboten hat, ist ein Armutszeugnis für die deutsche Justiz.
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Freddie Frost

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2019, 01:44:15 AM »

Danke fürs Hochladen.

Auf Zypern ist  Reinwald auch heute noch als Doktor einer Klinik angegeben, die mit Reinwald und Ruggiero wirbt.  Will Reinwald die 4 Jahre runterreißen und sich dann in Zypern niederlassen? Oder glaubt er, mit einer Revisionsantrag früher aus dem Knast zu kommen und dann in den Süden verschwinden zu können? Reinwald sitzt inzwischen ein Jahr in Untersuchungshaft und die Klinik macht einfach weiter wie bisher. Hat die deutsche Justiz noch immer nichts dagegen unternommen?

Die Screenshots sind etwas verwackelt. Tut mir leid.


Freddie Frost

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2019, 01:50:16 AM »

Die Seite mit dem "Team":

Reinwald ist als Doktor Reinwald so dargestellt als ob er ein echter Arzt wäre.

Viele Namen klingen nicht griechisch. Woher kommen diese Leute und was treiben sie? Ist die Klinik ein Teil eines viel größeren Betrügernetzwerks?
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Our team is comprised of Doctors, Specialists and Support Staff sharing above all a dedication to our patients and a commitment to providing the highest level of care.

With an experience spanning decades and with experts from Germany, Russia, Cyprus as well as other countries, our staff employs their specialization to deploy the protocol that best addresses the medical requirements of our guests.
Suzana Vitti
Dr. Niki Simillidou
Dr. Heinz Reinwald
Dr. Olga Aresti
Dr. Christina Panaretou
Dr. Michalis Lanitis
Dina Gavarieva
Dr. Ekaterina Vavilova
Dr. Renos Petrou
Lubka Mlčúchová
Odysseas Paraskeva
Tina Christoudias Spyrou
Marina Zanetti
M Sehil
Liza Christou
Vasiliki Koloka
Stephanie Gregoriou
Andreas Gregoriou
Iveta Stasova
Oktay Tulga
Your 'new healthy you' awaits.
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15 Agiou Vasiliou, Moni, Cyprus+357 2525

Ten Pass Ozone | Dorn Therapy | Magnet Therapy | Acupuncture | Far Infrared Sauna| Probiotic Enema | Ozone Sauna| Microcurrent Ozone Rectal Insufflation | Craniosacral Therapy  | Nutritional Infusions | Thermodermie | Laser Massage | Vitamin C Infusion
Colon Hydrotherapy | IV Ozone | Activated PRP | Neural Therapy | Aromatouch | Reflexology | Papimi | Laser Bio Revitalization | Essential Oils

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Neomed Institute of Wellness & Rehabilitation, 15 Agiou Vasiliou, Moni 4525, Limassol, Cyprus

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Freddie Frost

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2019, 02:00:08 AM »

Die Homepage der Klinik mit Reklame für Reinwald und Ruggiero.

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Regain Your Health.

Biological medicine combined with cutting edge science in one beautiful healing location

Visit Cyprus to experience wellness and vitality.

At the Neomed Institute of Wellness and Rehabilitation, innovative technologies meet ancient wisdom and conventional practices co-exist harmoniously with new approaches in order to help our guests on their journey back to health.

We work on healing by employing a multi-layered and highly customized approach with each of our guests. Chronic Illnesses, digestive issues, physiological and emotional barriers are addressed using our targeted approaches to help you heal.

Uniquely situated in a low-EMF location surrounded by cedar, olives and carob trees and pines, yet just minutes from the beach and Limassol the most vibrant and cosmopolitan city in Cyprus.

We, at The Neomed Institute of Wellness and Rehabilitation, await to discuss your personal health and help guide you on your path to Healing and Wellness.

Biological Medicine combined with cutting-edge Science and Technology

A combination of drainage and detoxification of harmful substances,  immune system stimulation, support and restoration, powerful Ozone therapy, physical rehabilitation and mind-body therapies, our non-toxic modalities work in concert to enable the body to begin the path to recovery.

Ozone Therapy

At the Neomed Institute, Ozone therapy plays a vital role in our treatment protocols. In its different delivery modalities such as MultiPass (10pass) or Saline (Russian Method) it can be used to stimulate the immune system, directly reduce pathogenic loads, improve oxygen delivery and micro-circulation among dozens of other benefits. Ozone therapy can safely help improve the condition of patients with Chronic Illnesses such as Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Diabetes and also autoimmune diseases, Cancer, Blood Circulation Problems, allergies, chronic sinusitis and many other conditions.
Digestive Health

The digestive tract is connected to every part of the body, with research continually demonstrating that skin, respiratory, arthritic, mental health conditions and immune dysfunction are connected with the health of the digestive tract and the microbiome. To this end, our programs are geared towards as a first step cleansing the intestinal tract using Colon Hydrotherapy, Rectal Insufflation and probiotic and other types of specialised enemas. Consequent therapies include specific herbs, oils and supplements that reduce the toxic load leading to reduced inflammation and improving the environment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Neomed’s stimulation therapies form part of our tailored programs to help improve physical body functions. Technologically advanced therapies such as Magnet therapy, TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation), Multimag therapy, Microcurrent and various light-based therapies are extensively used by our teams. These are supported by manual massage therapies targeting specific body functions such as manual physiotherapy, lymphatic massage, laser massage, chromatotherapy, cupping and Aromatouch therapy.
Detoxification and Nutrition

A better functioning body organism necessitates deep detoxification backed by specifically-designed nutritional support programs. In addition to the diet program, unique solutions such as Ozone Ewot, Far-Infrared Sauna (low-EMF) and specifically-crafted wraps work to amplify the detoxifying effect of treatments. We recognise that such programs can be emotionally hard to follow so our Wellness Coach is there to offer support in one-to-one discussions.



Infusions and supplements form an integral part of our program to target and enhance specific functions within our body. Our supplements and infusions are backed by solid teams of medical experts and are designed and produced in German laboratories. Rerum© is a unique supplement designed by Dr. Heinz Reinwald and  Dr. Marco Ruggiero implementing an ingenious carrier system that helps activate the body’s macrophages which are formed in response to an infection or accumulating damaged or dead cells.

20180920-IB9A1697 (1).jpg
Diagnosis and Aftercare

At the Neomed Institute, the diagnostic stage is instrumental for designing your health program. Blood Analyses are received prior to the patient visiting the clinic. At the clinic, the initial diagnostic session takes place together with our full medical team to review our guest’s analyses and prepare the personal medical protocol.


Restore your vitality and youth
Rejuvenation is the art of increasing vitality, or enhancing Qi of the body.

Our modern world exposes us to stress in many forms (emotional, physical, biological, mental), which increases our needs for energy and vitality.

Neomed’s unique therapies are designed to enhance vitality, reduce the toxic load on the body, reduce the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) nervous system activity, reboot bodily functions and rejuvenate!

Components of Neomed Institute’s rejuvenation program include detoxification, laser
biorevitalisation for the face and neck, activated PRP therapy for the face and hair, and Thermodermie®, among other safe and non-toxic modalities.
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Wellness Programs
Unique Wellness Programs in Cyprus

Here at Neomed our expert team are endeavoring to be responsive to emerging health conditions and are constantly developing and perfecting our unique range of wellness programs.

Air Crew Wellness Program

Our air crew wellness programs concentrate on regeneration, oxygenation and detoxification of the body after long stressful flights. It also addresses pain in the body (after pushing heavy carts, etc) and addresses toxic environmental exposure through a range of therapies. Digestive tract support for better nutrient absorption and efficient elimination along with stress-management strategies are also included in our programs.
Executive Wellness Program

The aim of our Executive Wellness Program is to identify any areas of your health which need addressing but also to boost your immune system, detox your mind and body and allow you to enjoy a period of deep relaxation. Our approach to our guests health is a holistic one and we seamlessly combine biological medicine with cutting edge science and utilising some of the most innovative technologies and treatments available today.


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Your 'new healthy you' awaits.
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Justizskandal um Heinz Reinwald
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2019, 04:24:46 PM »


4 Jahre Haft für Scharlatan Heilpraktiker Dr. Heinz R. (63) kurz vor der Urteilsverkündung kann er noch lachen

Heilpraktiker Dr. Heinz R. (63) kurz vor der Urteilsverkündung kann er noch lachen
Foto: Klaus Schillinger

Artikel von: TORSTEN HUBER veröffentlicht am
17.05.2019 - 07:22 Uhr

Nürnberg – Todkranken machte Dr. Heinz R. (63) Hoffnung. Doch seine Spritzen-Ampullen gegen Krebs („Rerum“) waren vermeintliche Wundermittel eines gewissenlosen Scharlatans.

Und damit kassierte er Millionen.

Dafür bekam der Heilpraktiker aus dem mittelfränkischen Altdorf vom Landgericht Nürnberg-Fürth die Quittung: vier Jahre Haft wegen des Verstoßes gegen das Arzneimittelgesetz. Der Vorsitzende Richter Markus Bader: „Er hat in Vorträgen die Öl-Emulsion als Produktwunder gegen Krebs und Autismus angepriesen.“

▶︎Für sieben Euro kaufte er die Drei-Milliliter-Glasfläschchen ein, legte ein Spritze dazu und verkaufte sein angebliches Heilmittel für 302 Euro weltweit. 9 858 „Rerum“- und „Rerum blue“-Fläschchen hat er von 2015 bis zu seiner Festnahme im April 2018 vertrieben. Macht ein Umsatz von fast drei Millionen Euro.

Das Produkt aus Ölsäuren, Knorpelgewebe und Alkohol konnte man über seine Internetseite bestellen. Aber auch ein Arzt soll das Mittel angeboten haben. Gegen ihn laufen Ermittlungen.

Letzte Hoffnung Scharlatan

Dr. Heinz R., der einen zweiten Firmensitz in Zypern hatte, bot nicht nur Krebsmittel an. In TV-Vorträgen warb er für seine Schlankmacher-Pillen. Probanden schwärmten vor laufender Kamera wie Pfunde angeblich dahinschmolzen.

In dem Urteil kündigte Richter Bader an, dass 4,5 Mio. an Firmengeldern eingezogen werden.

Glück für den Täter ist vielleicht sein Alter: Sollte die so genannte Halbstrafe greifen, könnte Dr. Scharlatan nach Weihnachten wieder frei sein.

"auch ein Arzt soll das Mittel angeboten haben. Gegen ihn laufen Ermittlungen." Wer soll dieser Arzt sein? Welche juristischen Maßnahmen werden gegen die Betrüger auf Zypern unternommen?

Das ist die größte Schweinerei: Erst schlampt die Justiz und dann läßt sie die Täter wieder laufen:

"Glück für den Täter ist vielleicht sein Alter: Sollte die so genannte Halbstrafe greifen, könnte Dr. Scharlatan nach Weihnachten wieder frei sein."

Das ist keine Gerechtigkeit. Das ist Scheiße.
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Schwedische Gardinen für Heinz Reinwald
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2019, 12:31:26 AM »

Das HIV-Forum ist vergnügt:


 Reinwald è stato condannato dal tribunale di Nürnberg-Fürth a 4 anni di prigione per la vendita illegale del Rerum e del Rerum Blue e le sue società a una multa di 4,5 milioni di euro (pari all'ammontare del Rerum confiscato). L'accusa aveva chiesto 5 anni, la difesa l'assoluzione.
Quindi il tribunale tedesco ha deciso che il Rerum NON era un semplice integratore alimentare, ma un farmaco venduto illegalmente. D'altra parte, come ricordano i giornali tedeschi, fiale di un liquido trasparente da iniettare in persone con malattie serie come il cancro l'allure del farmaco ce l'hanno proprio. E anche le promesse impegnative che venivano fatte ai malati hanno giocato contro la panzana dell'integratore.

Come al solito, il capo della banda di malfattori non viene neanche menzionato. Ma prima o poi le porte del carcere si apriranno anche per lui.

Messaggi: 6510
Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48
Cita Cita
Messaggio  da Dora » lunedì 20 maggio 2019, 10:59


Quattro anni di reclusione per il ciarlatano. Prima del verdetto può ancora ridere.
La Bild ci va giù pesante.
Forse però l'età di Reinwald lo farà scarcerare prima di Natale. Speriamo di no, 63 anni non sembrano un'età così veneranda. Gli facciano qualche iniezione ricostituente di Rerum e gettino la chiave per i prossimi 4 anni.
[*/quote*] übersetzt den letzten Teil so:

Four years' imprisonment for the charlatan. Before the verdict he can still laugh.
The Bild goes down on us heavily.
But perhaps Reinwald's age will have him released before Christmas. Hopefully not, 63 years doesn't seem to be such a venerable age. They give him some reconstitutive Rerum injection and throw the key for the next 4 years.

"Ab in die Zelle und Schlüssel wegwerfen" ist eine gut Idee.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 12:41:18 AM by Julian »
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HIV Forum: Immortalis Fraud Fraud Fraud!
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2019, 09:51:51 AM »

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    Iscritto il: sabato 2 marzo 2019, 3:57   


Messaggio da ama2 » domenica 3 marzo 2019, 20:53
Heinz Reinwald is in custody and now in trial. So his business activities are reduced. The extent of the grip of the attorneys of state were are not told about.

The main question is: who is the real manufacturer of those substances? Reinwald did not produce himself. He only ordered the material in a commercially usable form, that is fully packaged, ready for end-users, and labeled.

The productions street for such a batch is only useful if used at maximum throughput. Reinwald is much too small to own such equipment.

The service provider for Reinwald is perhaps the very same that Ruggiero gets the warez from. And not only Ruggiero, but others as well.


    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » lunedì 4 marzo 2019, 7:41
Thanks for your comment, @ama2 .
I've a few more questions for you, please check your private messages box.


    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » giovedì 14 marzo 2019, 6:39


Amazon ha finalmente deciso di fare le pulizie di primavera e di rimuovere dai propri scaffali la tanta spazzatura that unscientifically claim(s) children can be cured of autism with pseudoscientific methods such as ingesting and bathing in a potentially toxic form of bleach and taking medication meant to treat arsenic and lead poisoning.

A quanto hanno dichiarato, pare che the books “Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism” and “Fight Autism and Win” are no longer available.

Poiché conosco bene quel senso di isteria che ti prende quando Pesach si avvicina e la tua casa è ancora sommersa dal chametz ...

... mi permetto di dare una mano, suggerendo ad Amazon di guardare bene in ogni stanza, in particolare, sotto i tappeti e nei bagni infestati dai prodotti del terzo cervello, perché certa spazzatura è ancora perfettamente visibile e acquistabile e le pulizie, se si fanno, si fanno ovunque e non solo nelle stanze più frequentate.



    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » giovedì 28 marzo 2019, 11:52

Amanda Mary Jewell - The Quack With A Body Count?

La MMS e la Chiesa della Candeggina, il GcMAF, le *cliniche* in Bulgaria, Dominica, Messico e Belize e le tante truffe omicide di Amanda Mary Jewell di cui abbiamo parlato in questi anni (
) splendidamente raccontati in due video di Jeff Holiday:


    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » giovedì 2 maggio 2019, 6:54


Il Guernsey Press, il Daily Mail e altri giornali inglesi raccontano che David Noakes è uscito di prigione e ha mandato una lettera ad amici e seguaci, narrando una storia.


Ah, no! La storia raccontata da Noakes non è esattamente questa. Ma le si avvicina molto, almeno nello spirito. Il caro, piccolo David, infatti, alla ragguardevole età di 66 anni ha scoperto che la prigione non è un bel posto in cui vivere e ha voluto condividere con chi gli vuole bene - immagino gli amici che gli sono rimasti dopo la dissoluzione dello UKIP e nella galassia sovranista e di estrema destra con cui è solito accompagnarsi - una terribile storia di angherie e persecuzioni subite nella prigione di Sua Maestà.

Il tempo trascorso a Wandsworth l'ha fatto invecchiare - si lamenta David - gli ha scaricato addosso almeno 20 anni. I cuscini erano duri e non c'era una palestra. Il cibo era disgustoso e disgustosa la sporcizia. La prigione risale al 1851 e talvolta David restava sotto chiave fino a 23 ore al giorno. All'inizio il povero prigioniero aveva un bisogno disperato della palestra, ma nessuna guardia arrivava ad aprire le porte delle celle.
Il corpo, soprattutto le braccia e le spalle, tutto gli doleva per la durezza dei letti e dei cuscini.
La maggior parte dei prigionieri erano carini con lui, ma - orrore! - solo il 20% di loro erano inglesi.
E ha dovuto subire queste torture per un mese di troppo (5 invece di 4 - ma la condanna è di 15), perché il suo rilascio è stato rimandato di un mese nonostante gli sia stato diagnosticato l'autismo insieme a ben otto altre malattie. Da quando è finito al gabbio ha perso peso, ha sempre freddo ed è mortalmente debole, così debole da non riuscire a guidare o a portare una borsa della spesa.
E adesso rischia pure che gli confischino tutti i beni che gli sono rimasti.

Caro David, ho un suggerimento da darti per affrontare questa catastrofe sanitaria: chiama subito il tuo amico ed ex dipendente Marco Ruggiero che, mentre eri in cella a Wandsworth anche per lui, ha continuato a perfezionare le sue pozioni ed è sicuramente in grado di preparare un protocollo a base di Imuno, yoghurt e dieta per curare tutte le tue 8 malattie e anche l'autismo. Per quella botta di 20 anni di invecchiamento, invece, chiedigli di mandarti scorte della sua Immortalis Klotho e tornerai giovane, bello e leggero come un eterocefalo glabro appena nato.
È il minimo che ti deve.


    Messaggi: 5766   
    Iscritto il: lunedì 26 novembre 2007, 0:07   


Messaggio da uffa2 » giovedì 2 maggio 2019, 17:36
Una mia cara amica avvocato, anni fa mi ha raccontato che le carceri di Sua Maestà britannica possono essere piuttosto sgradevoli, oltre che per motivi “edilizi” di regolamento: la durezza della reclusione va via via degradando nel corso del tempo, se dimostri di essere meritevole, ma all’inizio sono veramente dei postacci, dove ti penti in fretta di esserci finito dentro.

Insomma, pensavo di mandare un telegramma di solidarietà a nome di tutto il forum :-D

HIVforum ha bisogno anche di te!
se vuoi offrire le tue conoscenze tecniche o linguistiche (c'è tanto da tradurre) o sostenere i costi per mantenere e sviluppare HIVforum, contatta con un PM stealthy e uffa2, oppure scrivi a

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    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » venerdì 3 maggio 2019, 6:09

    uffa2 ha scritto: ↑
    giovedì 2 maggio 2019, 17:36
    Insomma, pensavo di mandare un telegramma di solidarietà a nome di tutto il forum :-D

Direi di mandargli anche un mazzo di fiori. Oppure gli avanzi di Immortalis Klotho che ci sono rimasti dal Natale scorso.

Ieri Fiona ha postato la lettera completa che il povero David ha mandato ai suoi amici e dai resoconti che avevo letto mancava un particolare assai succoso: oltre a ricordare la congiura dei rettiliani che avrebbe portato alla morte di un centinaio di *medici olistici*, sostiene che le 8+1 malattie (sì, pure l'autismo lo definisce una malattia, quell'ignorantello, frignone da due soldi) gli sarebbero state causate dalle angherie della MHRA.
Insomma, potrebbe far causa all'Inghilterra presso la corte internazionale dell'Aja ... :lol:


    Messaggi: 5766   
    Iscritto il: lunedì 26 novembre 2007, 0:07   


Messaggio da uffa2 » venerdì 3 maggio 2019, 10:55
ok, il dado è tratto: sciopero della fame!... dalle 14 alle 14.30 ;-)

HIVforum ha bisogno anche di te!
se vuoi offrire le tue conoscenze tecniche o linguistiche (c'è tanto da tradurre) o sostenere i costi per mantenere e sviluppare HIVforum, contatta con un PM stealthy e uffa2, oppure scrivi a

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    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » venerdì 17 maggio 2019, 0:41

    Dora ha scritto: ↑
    domenica 3 marzo 2019, 9:03

        ama2 ha scritto: ↑
        sabato 2 marzo 2019, 21:05
        If I got the information right, Heinz Reinwald is in custody since April 2018. The court days are published now by the press department of the Landgericht Nuremberg. He might face up to 10 years in prison.

    Very good news, thanks for the information.
    I think he certainly deserves such a severe punishment, but I see that from his websites he seems still selling his stuff. Do you know why and are still working?



Heinz Reinwald è stato condannato dal tribunale di Nürnberg-Fürth a 4 anni di prigione per la vendita illegale del Rerum e del Rerum Blue e le sue società a una multa di 4,5 milioni di euro (pari all'ammontare del Rerum confiscato). L'accusa aveva chiesto 5 anni, la difesa l'assoluzione.
Quindi il tribunale tedesco ha deciso che il Rerum NON era un semplice integratore alimentare, ma un farmaco venduto illegalmente. D'altra parte, come ricordano i giornali tedeschi, fiale di un liquido trasparente da iniettare in persone con malattie serie come il cancro l'allure del farmaco ce l'hanno proprio. E anche le promesse impegnative che venivano fatte ai malati hanno giocato contro la panzana dell'integratore.

Come al solito, il capo della banda di malfattori non viene neanche menzionato. Ma prima o poi le porte del carcere si apriranno anche per lui.


    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » lunedì 20 maggio 2019, 10:59

Quattro anni di reclusione per il ciarlatano. Prima del verdetto può ancora ridere.
La Bild ci va giù pesante.
Forse però l'età di Reinwald lo farà scarcerare prima di Natale. Speriamo di no, 63 anni non sembrano un'età così veneranda. Gli facciano qualche iniezione ricostituente di Rerum e gettino la chiave per i prossimi 4 anni.


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2019, 09:57:47 AM »

[In dem Thread sind viele, viele eingebettete URLs. Die habe ich nicht nachgetragen. Sorry, ohne mich! Thymian]

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    Messaggi: 6609   
    Iscritto il: martedì 7 luglio 2009, 10:48   


Messaggio da Dora » domenica 20 ottobre 2019, 10:05



Che cosa sta facendo Marco Ruggiero?

Mentre tutti i suoi compagni di merende nella truffa del GcMAF stanno, uno ad uno, finendo in prigione; mentre Lyn Thier, che lavorava sotto di lui a Guernsey quando era direttore scientifico della Immuno Biotech, è stata estradata in Francia, è in attesa dell'inizio del processo, e pare stia facendo l'ennesimo sciopero della fame e tentando addirittura il suicidio in favor di telecamere; mentre David Noakes ha ricusato gli avvocati che hanno permesso venisse condannato, si difende da solo in vista del processo di appello e saprà alla fine di questo mese se anche lui sarà estradato in Francia per affrontare anche là le sue responsabilità; mentre anche Amanda Mary non si sente molto bene, perché è stata sbattuta fuori da Facebook insieme a un nutrito elenco di gruppi di truffatori e quindi si arrabatta a vendere il suo GcMAF attraverso social sempre meno esposti ... che fa il nostro eroe dei due mondi?

Come ogni vero discendente di Garibaldi che si rispetti, il Dr Marco continua indefesso la sua battaglia nel mondo della ciarlataneria e da un lato parte lancia in resta contro l'*Apocalisse del 5G1!!1!*, dall'altro sbarca da Harrods per salvare l'umanità ricca dalla vecchiaia e dalla morte.

Quando era in cerca di un nuovo padrone dopo aver rotto la millesima amicizia-per-la-vita che gli offriva protezione e sostentamento nelle sue peregrinazioni da latitante esule, rinverdire l'incontro con Sacha Stone del 2014 deve essere parso al nostro eroe un'ancora di salvezza: grazie al suo nuovo mecenate, è nata quella formula dell'immortalità che - con un vero e arditissimo salto quantico - sta portando Ruggiero nel mondo dei ricchi - oggi addirittura i ricchissimi della Silicon Valley.

Ma, dal momento che quando pensi che Ruggiero abbia raggiunto il fondo del fondo delle truffe, lui è lì, sempre pronto a stupirti, prima di parlare dei ricchissimi della Silicon Valley dobbiamo dare conto di un allargamento degli orizzonti pseudoscientifici del nostro eroe. Sappiamo infatti che - per la Legge del Crank Magnetism - le ciarlatanerie sono come le ciliegie: una tira l'altra e smettere di divorarle richiede uno sforzo di razionalità e di onestà ben più oneroso di un salto quantico.

Ecco quindi Sacha Stone allargare ancora una volta lo spazio delle truffe e saltare sul carro del negazionismo del 5G. E Ruggiero con lui, nel ruolo di salvatore dell'umanità dai terrificanti effetti con cui l'imminente apocalisse incarnata dal 5G sta per sterminare il genere umano.
Attraverso il New Earth Project, uno degli strumenti delle sue truffe new age, Sacha ha prodotto un video che s'intitola niente di meno che 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT: quasi un'ora e venti minuti di pura angoscia.


Per non perdere tempo a creare qualcosa di originale, il Messia di Bali ha raffazzonato gli argomenti tanto cari alla propaganda dei negazionisti del 5G - sterilità! cancro! autismo! etc-etc - che ha trovato già pronti in RT (già Russia Today), lo strumento usato dal Kremlino per diffondere bufale, fake news e varie amenità, che è stato utilizzato da Ruggiero fin da quando era un rampante negazionista dell'AIDS. Che la Russia abbia soffiato sul fuoco della paura del 5G è cosa già molto ben raccontata da un'inchiesta del New York Times, ripresa anche in Italia dal Post, che lo scorso luglio ha anche sintetizzato la storia delle teorie negazioniste e della loro confutazione da parte della comunità scientifica.


Con l'estrema sobrietà che lo caratterizza, nel suo nocumentary Sacha si limita a ripetere gli argomenti e gli allarmi ben noti sulla morte che arriva con l'onda, ma ... ha un coniglio da estrarre dal cappello magico! E questo coniglio è naturalmente Ruggiero, che fa una rapida comparsa verso metà del video per spiegare il ruolo imprescindibile del microbioma nell'economia del corpo umano


e poi si prende la scena dopo che Sacha, che ha evocato pure le scie chimiche, è riuscito a dire che il 5G, oltre a causare cancro, infertilità, un'epidemia di autismo ... sta per EVISCERARE (sì, dice proprio EVISCERATE!) il DNA microbico da dentro gli esseri umani:

    “5G … is going to eviscerate microbial DNA inside human beings which is our effective operating system…”

Capite bene che di fronte a una simile apocalisse l'unico che possa salvare l'umanità è proprio il nostro esperto di terzi e quarti cervelli. E infatti alla fine, quasi alla fine, quando l'angoscia per la nostra sicura estinzione ad opera delle malefiche onde è giunta ormai a livelli parossistici, il colpo da maestro: stiamo per condannare ogni singolo bambino all'estinzione, ma non tutto è perduto! Piccolo stacco musicale e, al minuto 1.13.05, si spalanca la porta alla speranza - ricompare Ruggiero e ci rassicura:

    C'è una luce alla fine del tunnel, c'è un raggio di speranza. Grazie ai principi dell'entaglement quantistico biologico che abbiamo imparato a sfruttare nel campo della biologia e della medicina, ora possiamo trasferire l'informazione dal DNA microbico al DNA umano e così possiamo - per così dire - insegnare ai microbi a resistere a qualunque situazione cui si trovino esposti, compresa questa nuova tecnologia, e poi possiamo istruirli a trasferire questa loro resilienza al nostro DNA. Diciamo dunque che ci sono buone ragioni per essere preoccupati dall'introduzione di queste nuove tecnologie, ma fortunatamente, poiché le conoscenze nel campo della biologia quantistica, nel campo della medicina del microbioma, stanno avanzando con la stessa velocità della tecnologia potenzialmente dannosa, noi possiamo sfruttare questa conoscenza per proteggere noi stessi da ogni reale, potenziale o percepito pericolo proveniente da queste nuove tecnologie.


Pericolo "reale, potenziale o percepito" - capito il furbacchione? Vi abbiamo fatto percepire un pericolo di estinzione (end game - lo definisce alla fine Sacha) a causa delle balle che vi abbiamo raccontato sulla eviscerazione del DNA microbico dal DNA vostro e dei vostri discendenti, ma niente paura! Abbiamo la soluzione per il pericolo percepito: le nostre pozioni magiche - che siano yoghurt, Imuno o Immortalis Klotho.

Sarà un caso che, sulla scia di innumerevoli altri ciarlatani (ricordate la clinica Flor de la salud di Amanda Mary, prima del suo sbarco in Belize?), Sacha e il Dr Marco abbiano appena costruito un paio di sontuosi resort in Messico?


Li chiamano retreat e propongono lussuose settimane di vacanza in cui è possibile beneficiare del Protocollo completo dell'immortalità, nutrire cioè il corpo e la mente insieme, coniugando la bellezza del luogo e il relax offerto dalla vita nella natura, lo yoga, la meditazione, con le ultimissime novità della pseudoscienza ruggieriana dell'immortalità.


Direttore del progetto Immortalis è la bellissima Carla Bate, una dipendente di Sacha Stone, che prima di incontrare il Messia New Age faceva l'attrice a Los Angeles. La persona giusta per rimettere a posto i vostri microbi eviscerati dal vostro DNA a causa delle onde infernali.


È finita qui? No! La novità di questi ultimi giorni è che la Immortalis Klotho Formula sta per ricevere una consacrazione che, se non è definitiva, poco ci manca. Fra spilli ed elefanti, sta per arrivare sui banchi del paradiso del lusso: pare infatti che Harrods si appresti a metterla in vendita alla modica cifra di 8000 sterline.


Da sito di Harrods non è ancora possibile acquistare l'immortalità, ma questo è quanto ha raccontato Ruggiero a Chris Stokel-Walker, un giornalista del Telegraph che l'ha intervistato questa settimana, dopo aver seguito il RAAD (Revolution Against Ageing and Death) Fest 2019.
Si è trattato di una sagra di "immortalisti" che si è svolta a inizio ottobre a Las Vegas e Ruggiero era lì a promuovere la sua formula dell'immortalità a quelli che il giornalista del Telegraph definisce "miliardari della Silicon Valley".


Fare un rapido controllo su Google e scoprire che stavi intervistando un negazionista dell'AIDS, ciarlatano, truffatore e latitante ti costava tanta fatica, caro Chris Stokel-Walker? O è che semplicemente non si usa più e ogni scarrafone va bene, pur di scrivere un pezzo di colore?


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    Iscritto il: lunedì 26 novembre 2007, 0:07   


Messaggio da uffa2 » lunedì 21 ottobre 2019, 10:24
Ma questo qui è Povia vestito da donna?


E questa, siamo sicuri sulla sua professione?


Non riesco a non vedere il lato ridicolo della cosa, anche se c'è pure quello tragico: un tempo "questo qui"
era un professore universitario italiano, ora fa le telepromozioni di roba che ha meno dignità dei mitici “watch” di Roberto da Crema…

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Messaggio da Dora » lunedì 21 ottobre 2019, 10:34

    uffa2 ha scritto: ↑
    lunedì 21 ottobre 2019, 10:24
    Non riesco a non vedere il lato ridicolo della cosa, anche se c'è pure quello tragico: un tempo "questo qui" era un professore universitario italiano, ora fa le telepromozioni di roba che ha meno dignità dei mitici “watch” di Roberto da Crema…

Il fatto che questo imbonitore non sia più un professore universitario è una delle ragioni che mi rendono orgogliosa di fare quello che faccio. Il fatto, invece, che nessuno dei suoi colleghi accademici l'abbia contrastato mi dà molto da riflettere sui meccanismi perversi dell'accademia italiana.


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Messaggio da uffa2 » lunedì 21 ottobre 2019, 10:40
sì, assolutamente: dobbiamo essere orgogliosi del fatto che ora questo signore fa il testimonial per l'olio di serpente senza poter mettere l'emblema di un'università italiana sotto alle sue stronzate...

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2019, 03:20:00 PM »

Gestern bin ich bei Nachforschungen zu Leo Koehof auf eine obskure Gesellschaft gestoßen und recherchiere noch, da kommt mir Enzogar beim Eintragen zuvor.  Das ist in dem anderen Thread nachgetragen:

Leo Koehof ist bei den Zombies und sein Betrug an Kranken geht weiter

In ihrem wirren Buch "Beyond death" schreibt Marianne E. Meyer:



10-18: After revising Barbara's Artemisia book, "Your Third Brain" by Dr. Marco Ruggiero, MD followed. The boss of the Jim Humble publishing house, Leo Koehof, seemed to be satisfied with my work otherwise, he would not have forced the partly miserably translated book by Dr. Leonhard Coldwell on me.
I'm struggling for three weeks already. Anyone who has read my FAMILY CODE book knows that I said to my friend Celeste, who was reading screenplays for MGM for eight years: I would also like to earn money for reading books. Although it is now something more than just reading, but also fun. It is what Peter mentally taught me on Feb. 11, a few minutes after my goodbye kiss in the morgue of the hospital? Everything is fine, even for you, you will soon realize that. Had he everything already seen, waiting for me?

Das sind ja ganz besondere Verbindungen zwischen dem Leo Koehof und der Marianne E. Meyer. Und obendrauf noch mit Leonhard Coldwell und mit Marco Ruggiero, den wir bereits als Medizinverbrecher im Archiv vermerkt haben. Da kann man nur noch staunen. Was ist das für ein Netzwerk, dem wir da gerade auf die Schliche gekommen sind?

Wenn man weiter nach Marco Ruggiero sucht, landet man bei und bei einer Briefkastenfirma:

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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2019, 04:04:29 PM »

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Message from ama2 " Sunday, March 3, 2019, 20:53
Heinz Reinwald is in custody and now in trial. So his business activities are reduced. The extent of the grip of the attorneys of state were not told about.

The main question is: who is the real manufacturer of those substances? Reinwald did not produce himself. He only ordered the material in a commercially usable form, that is fully packaged, ready for end-users, and labeled.

The productions street for such a batch is only useful if used at maximum throughput. Reinwald is much too small to own such equipment.

The service provider for Reinwald is perhaps the very same that Ruggiero gets the warez from. And not only Ruggiero, but others as well.


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Message from Dora " Monday, March 4, 2019, 7:41am
Thanks for your comment, @ama2 .
I've a few more questions for you, please check your private messages box.


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Message from Dora " Thursday, March 14, 2019, 6:39am


Amazon has finally decided to do the spring cleaning and remove from its shelves the much garbage that unscientifically claim(s) children can be cured of autism with pseudoscientific methods such as ingesting and bathing in a potentially toxic form of bleach and taking medication meant to treat arsenic and lead poisoning.

According to their statements, it seems that the books "Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism" and "Fight Autism and Win" are no longer available.

Since I know well that sense of hysteria that takes you when Pesach approaches and your house is still submerged by the chametz ...

... I allow myself to lend a hand, suggesting to Amazon to look well in every room, in particular, under the carpets and in the bathrooms infested by the products of the third brain, because some garbage is still perfectly visible and affordable and cleaning, if you do, is done everywhere and not only in the most popular rooms.



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Message from Dora " Thursday, March 28, 2019, 11:52am

Amanda Mary Jewell - The Quack With A Body Count?

The MMS and the Church of Bleach, the GcMAF, the *clinics* in Bulgaria, Dominica, Mexico and Belize and the many murderous scams of Amanda Mary Jewell that we have talked about in recent years (
) beautifully told in two videos by Jeff Holiday:


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Message from Dora " Thursday, May 2, 2019, 6:54am


The Guernsey Press, the Daily Mail and other British newspapers tell us that David Noakes has been released from prison and has sent a letter to friends and followers, telling a story.


Ah, no! The story told by Noakes is not exactly that. But it comes very close, at least in spirit. The dear, little David, in fact, at the remarkable age of 66 years has discovered that the prison is not a nice place to live and wanted to share with those who love him - I imagine the friends who remained after the dissolution of UKIP and in the sovereign galaxy and extreme right with which he usually accompany - a terrible story of harassment and persecution suffered in the prison of His Majesty.

The time he spent in Wandsworth has made him old - complains David - he has dumped at least 20 years on him. The cushions were hard and there was no gym. The food was disgusting and the dirt disgusting. The prison dates back to 1851 and sometimes David remained locked up for up to 23 hours a day. At first the poor prisoner was in desperate need of the gym, but no guards could open the cell doors.

His body, especially his arms and shoulders, all suffered from the harshness of his beds and pillows.

Most of the prisoners were nice to him, but - horror! - only 20% of them were British.

And he had to endure these tortures for a month too long (5 instead of 4 - but the sentence is 15), because his release was postponed for a month despite being diagnosed with autism along with eight other diseases. Since he ended up in the cage, he has lost weight, he is always cold and mortally weak, so weak that he cannot drive or carry a shopping bag.

And now he also risks being confiscated all his remaining assets.

Dear David, I have a suggestion to give you to face this health catastrophe: call immediately your friend and former employee Marco Ruggiero who, while you were in the cell in Wandsworth also for him, continued to improve his potions and is certainly able to prepare a protocol based on Imuno, yoghurt and diet to treat all your 8 diseases and even autism. For that 20 years of aging, instead, ask him to send you supplies of his Immortalis Klotho and you will be young, beautiful and light as a newborn heterocephalus glabrous.
It's the least he owes you.


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Posted by uffa2 " Thursday, May 2, 2019, 17:36
A dear friend of mine, a lawyer, told me years ago that His Majesty's prisons can be quite unpleasant, as well as for "building" reasons of regulation: the harshness of imprisonment is gradually degrading over time, if you prove to be deserving, but at first they are really the stakes, where you regret quickly that you ended up in them.

In short, I was thinking of sending a telegram of solidarity on behalf of the whole forum :-D

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Message from Dora " Friday, May 3, 2019, 6:09am

    uffa2 wrote: ↑
    Thursday, 2 May 2019, 17:36
    In short, I was thinking of sending a telegram of solidarity on behalf of the whole forum :-D

I say we send him a bouquet of flowers too. Or the leftovers from Immortalis Klotho that have remained since last Christmas.

Yesterday Fiona posted the complete letter that poor David sent to his friends and from the reports I had read was missing a very juicy detail: in addition to remembering the conspiracy of reptilians that would lead to the death of a hundred *holistic doctors*, he claims that the 8 + 1 diseases (yes, even autism calls it a disease, that ignorant, whiner for two money) would have been caused by the harassment of the MHRA.
In short, he could sue England at the international court in The Hague ... :lol:


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Message from uffa2 " Friday, May 3, 2019, 10:55am
Okay, the die is cast: hunger strike!.... from 14.30 to 14.30 ;-)

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Message from Dora " Friday, May 17, 2019, 0:41

    Dora wrote: ↑
    Sunday, 3 March 2019, 9:03am

        ama2 wrote: ↑
        Saturday, 2 March 2019, 21:05
        If I got the information right, Heinz Reinwald is in custody since April 2018. The court days are published now by the press department of the Landgericht Nuremberg. He might face up to 10 years in prison.

    Very good news, thanks for the information.
    I think he certainly deserves such a severe punishment, but I see that from his websites he seems still selling his stuff. Do you know why and are still working?



Heinz Reinwald has been sentenced by the court of Nürnberg-Fürth to 4 years in prison for the illegal sale of Rerum and Rerum Blue and its companies to a fine of 4.5 million euros (equal to the amount of the confiscated Rerum). The prosecution had requested 5 years, the defense the acquittal.
So the German court decided that Rerum was NOT just a food supplement, but a drug sold illegally. On the other hand, as the German newspapers recall, vials of a transparent liquid to be injected into people with serious diseases such as cancer, the allure of the drug have its own. And even the demanding promises that were made to the sick played against the panzana of the supplement.

As usual, the leader of the band of evildoers is not even mentioned. But sooner or later the prison doors will open for him too.


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Message from Dora " Monday, May 20, 2019, 10:59am

Four years' imprisonment for the charlatan. Before the verdict he can still laugh.
The Bild goes down on us heavily.
But perhaps Reinwald's age will have him released before Christmas. Hopefully not, 63 years doesn't seem to be such a venerable age. They give him some reconstitutive Rerum injection and throw the key for the next 4 years.


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Message from Dora " Sunday, October 20, 2019, 10:05am


What is Marco Ruggiero doing?

While all his snack companions in the GcMAF scam are, one by one, ending up in prison, while Lyn Thier, who worked under him in Guernsey when she was scientific director of Immuno Biotech, has been extradited to France, is waiting for the start of the trial, and seems to be on yet another hunger strike and even trying to commit suicide in favor of cameras; while David Noakes has denied the lawyers who allowed him to be convicted, defends himself in view of the appeal process and will know at the end of this month if he will be extradited to France to face his responsibilities there too, while Amanda Mary also does not feel very well, because she was thrown out of Facebook along with a large list of groups of fraudsters and then gets angry to sell his GcMAF through social increasingly less exposed... that makes our hero of the two worlds?

Like any true, self-respecting descendant of Garibaldi, Dr Marco continues his indefatigable battle in the world of charlatanism and on the one hand launches in remains against the *Apocalypse of 5G1!!1!*, on the other hand he disembarks from Harrods to save the rich humanity from old age and death.

When he was looking for a new master after having broken the thousandth friendship-for-life that offered him protection and sustenance in his peregrinations as an exile fugitive, to revive the meeting with Sacha Stone in 2014 must have seemed to our hero an anchor of salvation: thanks to his new patron, was born the formula of immortality that - with a real and daring quantum leap - is bringing Ruggiero in the world of the rich - today even the wealthy of Silicon Valley.

But, since when you think that Ruggiero has reached the bottom of the fund of scams, he is there, always ready to surprise you, before talking about the rich of Silicon Valley we must account for a widening of the horizons of our hero's pseudo-scientific. We know in fact that - for the Law of Crank Magnetism - quackery is like cherries: one pulls the other and stopping devouring it requires an effort of rationality and honesty far more onerous than a quantum leap.

So here comes Sacha Stone, once again widening the space for scams and jumping on the cart of 5G denialism. And Ruggiero with him, as the saviour of humanity from the terrifying effects with which the imminent apocalypse embodied by 5G is about to exterminate mankind.
Through the New Earth Project, one of the tools of his new age scams, Sacha has produced a video entitled no less than 5G APOCALYPSE - THE EXTINCTION EVENT: almost an hour and twenty minutes of pure anguish.


In order not to waste time in creating something original, the Messiah of Bali has cobbled together the arguments so dear to the propaganda of the 5G deniers - sterility! cancer! autism! etc-etc - which has found ready in RT (formerly Russia Today), the tool used by the Kremlin to spread buffalo, fake news and various amenities, which has been used by Ruggiero since he was a rampant denier of AIDS. That Russia has blown on the fire of the fear of 5G is something already very well told by an investigation of the New York Times, taken also in Italy by the Post, which last July also summarized the history of denialist theories and their refutation by the scientific community.


With the extreme sobriety that characterizes him, in his nocumentary Sacha limits himself to repeating the well-known arguments and alerts on the death that comes with the wave, but ... has a rabbit to take out of the magic hat! And this rabbit is of course Ruggiero, who makes a quick appearance in the middle of the video to explain the essential role of the microbiome in the economy of the human body


and then takes the scene after Sacha, who also evoked the chemical trails, managed to say that the 5G, in addition to causing cancer, infertility, an epidemic of autism ... is going to EVISCERATE (yes, it says just EVISCERATE!) the microbial DNA from within humans:

    "5G ... is going to eviscerate microbial DNA inside human beings which is our effective operating system..."

You understand that in the face of such an apocalypse the only one who can save humanity is our expert of third and fourth brains. And in fact, at the end, almost at the end, when the anguish for our safe extinction by the evil waves has now reached paroxysmal levels, the masterstroke: we are about to condemn every single child to extinction, but not all is lost! A small musical break and, at the minute 1.13.05, the door opens wide to hope - Ruggiero reappears and reassures us:

    There is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is a ray of hope. Thanks to the principles of biological quantum entaglement that we have learned to exploit in the field of biology and medicine, we can now transfer information from microbial DNA to human DNA and so we can - so to speak - teach microbes to resist any situation they are exposed to, including this new technology, and then we can instruct them to transfer their resilience to our DNA. Let us say, then, that there are good reasons to be concerned about the introduction of these new technologies, but fortunately, since knowledge in quantum biology, in the field of microbial medicine, is advancing at the same rate as potentially harmful technology, we can use this knowledge to protect ourselves from any real, potential or perceived danger from these new technologies.


Real, potential or perceived" danger - do you understand the wise guy? We made you perceive a danger of extinction (end game - Sacha defines it at the end) because of the bales we told you about the evisceration of microbial DNA from your DNA and that of your descendants, but don't worry! We have the solution for the perceived danger: our magic potions - be they yoghurt, Imuno or Immortalis Klotho.

Is it a coincidence that, in the wake of countless other charlatans (remember Amanda Mary's Flor de la salud clinic, before she landed in Belize?), Sacha and Dr Marco have just built a pair of sumptuous resorts in Mexico?


They are called retreats and offer luxurious weeks of vacation in which it is possible to benefit from the complete Protocol of immortality, i.e. nourishing the body and mind together, combining the beauty of the place and the relaxation offered by life in nature, yoga, meditation, with the very latest in the Ruggierian pseudoscience of immortality.


The director of the Immortalis project is the beautiful Carla Bate, an employee of Sacha Stone, who before meeting the Messiah New Age was an actress in Los Angeles. The right person to put back in place your microbes eviscerated from your DNA by infernal waves.


Is it over here? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The novelty of recent days is that the Immortalis Klotho Formula is about to receive a consecration that, if it is not definitive, we little miss. Among pins and elephants, it's about to arrive at the benches of the luxury paradise: it seems that Harrods is about to put it on sale for the modest sum of 8000 pounds.


It's not possible to buy immortality from Harrods' website yet, but this is what Ruggiero told Chris Stokel-Walker, a Telegraph journalist who interviewed him this week, after following RAAD (Revolution Against Ageing and Death) Fest 2019.
It was a festival of "immortalists" that took place in early October in Las Vegas and Ruggiero was there to promote his formula of immortality to what the Telegraph journalist calls "billionaires of Silicon Valley".


Doing a quick check on Google and finding out that you were interviewing an AIDS denier, charlatan, scammer and fugitive cost you a lot of effort, dear Chris Stokel-Walker? Or is it that you simply don't use it anymore and every scarraphone is fine, just to write a piece of color?


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Posted by uffa2 " Monday, October 21, 2019, 10:24am
But is this Povia here dressed as a woman?


And this, are we sure about your profession?


I can't help but see the ridiculous side of it, even if there's also the tragic side: once upon a time "this here".
was an Italian university professor, now does the telepromotions of stuff that has less dignity than the mythical "watch" of Roberto da Crema...

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Message from Dora " Monday, October 21, 2019, 10:34am

    uffa2 wrote: ↑
    Monday, October 21, 2019, 10:24am
    I can not help but see the ridiculous side of the thing, even if there is also the tragic one: once "this here" was an Italian university professor, now he does the telepromotions of stuff that has less dignity than the mythical "watch" of Roberto da Crema...

The fact that this barker is no longer a university professor is one of the reasons that make me proud to do what I do. The fact, however, that none of his academic colleagues have opposed it gives me much to reflect on the perverse mechanisms of the Italian academy.


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Posted by uffa2 " Monday, October 21, 2019, 10:40am
Yes, absolutely: we must be proud of the fact that now this gentleman is the testimonial for the snake oil without being able to put the emblem of an Italian university under his bullshit...

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.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2020, 12:39:21 PM »

Stand: 11.700
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2021, 07:50:31 PM »

Jetzt ist der Stand 13200.


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2021, 03:43:37 AM »

Marke: 14.000
Stoppt die deutschen Massenmörder!
Stoppt die österreichischen Massenmörder!
Stoppt die schweizer Massenmörder!

Revolution jetzt. Sonst ist es zu spät.


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2022, 04:06:49 AM »

Marke: 15.000

Écrasez l'infâme!


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2022, 06:27:53 AM »

Ach du je...

Forum Member
Beiträge: 64

Heute um 08:53:33
Il y a une revue que je ne connais pas, quelqu'un a-t-il une idée de ce qu'elle vaut?

C'est la revue Madridge Publishers.

Il n'est pas très clair si elle avait été dans la Beall'List, ou si elle a été mentionnée dans une mise à jour de cette liste.

Je m'intéresse en particulier à Marco Ruggiero, qui a été impliqué dans l'affaire du GcMAF et qui y est un de leurs éditeurs.

Voici ce qu'on lit au sujet de Ruggiero dans Madridge Publishers:

Marco Ruggiero - Editor
Journal of Vaccines
Editor Name: Marco Ruggiero
Designation: Founder and CEO
University: Silver Spring
Country: Switzerland
Biography: Marco Ruggiero is a Founder and CEO at Silver Spring, Switzerland.

Research interests:
Dr. Marco Ruggiero has been working in the field of biomedical research since 1980 when he published his first paper on the role of food contamination in the onset and development of liver cancer in Sub-Saharian countries (J. Agricult. Environ. for Intl. Dev. 74: 22l-235, l980).

During the years when he worked at Burroughs Wellcome Co., North Carolina, USA, his research was dedicated to the study of signal transduction and second messenger production in various experimental models related to diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. He published a seminal paper on signal transduction with Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA - PNAS (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:  3456-3459, l986).

Marco Ruggiero - Editor
Journal of Immunology
Editor Name: Marco Ruggiero
Designation: Professor
University: University of Firenze
Country: Italy

Biography: Marco Ruggiero was born in Firenze, Italy in 1956. There, he graduated from the School of Medicine, in 1980. He has a PhD in Molecular Biology and a specialization in Diagnostic Radiology. He served in the Army as Lieutenant Medical Officer. In 1984-1986 he worked at the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology of Burroughs Wellcome Co, where he published a paper in PNAS sponsored by Nobel Laureate Sir John Vane. He subsequently worked at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health of the USA in Bethesda, MD, where he performed research on oncogenes and signal transduction. He returned to Italy as Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Firenze until his retirement in 2014.


Plusieurs personnes de ce groupe ont eu des ennuis avec Interpol, et certains sont en prison (l'anglais David Noakes est en prison en France depuis 2021 et pour trois ans au moins et quelques autres personnes de son entourage ont été condamnées à la prison certains avec sursis, le Heilpraktiker Heinz Reinwald a été condamné à la prison (je ne sais pas s'il est en prison ou s'il a fait appel). D'autres investigations sont en cours en Suisse et en Autriche. La justice française est lente, le début des activités du groupe a commencé en 2013.

Marco Ruggiero cherche à mettre de la distance entre lui et les autorités européennes. C'est un tricheur et un menteur. Il essayait le GcMAF dans la clinique Privée de Bussigny près de Lausanne en Suisse (sur les adultes mais aussi sur des enfants, laquelle clinique a été fermée à cause de décès suspects de patients cancéreux. Il traficote aussi avec Dietrich Klinghardt.

Je cherche vainement l' University: Silver Spring (Silver Spring est l'endroit en Suisse ou il proposait ses produits (GcMAF et ses variantes, Rerum, GOelic etc.)  :laugh:

En fait, il a pris la poudre escampette et est probablement aux USA, il s'affilie dans certaines de ses publications à l'Institut de Klinghardt dans l'état de Washington.

Forum Member
Beiträge: 64

Heute um 09:26:32
Voir à ce sujet la Mise en garde de Jeffrey Beall contre le GcMAF et les personnes/entreprises qui le distribuent en 2014

Il s'agit d'un article publié le 24 juillet 2014 par Jeffrey Beall, créateur de la "list of predatory publishers" (liste des journaux prédateurs) connue sous le nom de "Beall's list" (liste de Beall). A la mi-janvier 2017, Beall a supprimé cette liste sans expliquer le pourquoi de cette suppression. La communauté scientifique déplore cette suppression qui était une source utile de renseignement. L'article cité n'est donc plus accessible depuis cette date, sauf sous forme d'archive (image ci-contre). [...]

GcMAF means "Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor," according to the short article about it on Wikipedia. The drug is currently being marketed as a cure for many ailments, including cancer, autism, MS and Parkinson's disease.

I am concerned about this drug and its marketing for these reasons:

1. Apparently, some of the same people who are researching the drug also are involved in marketing and selling it.
2. Some (not all) of their research has been published in questionable journals, including one published by a publisher that is on my list.
3. The drug is not approved by any competent authority (FDA, EMA) to treat any disease.

.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2022, 06:29:41 AM »
Scholarly Open Access
Critical analysis of scholarly open-access publishing
Would You Take a Cancer Cure Proven Effective in a Predatory Journal?
Magic potion?

I am writing this blog post in hopes of starting a conversation in the scientific community about the medicine called GcMAF and one of the companies that is currently distributing it, a company called

GcMAF means “Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor,” according to the short article about it on Wikipedia. The drug is currently being marketed as a cure for many ailments, including cancer, autism, MS and Parkinson’s disease.

I am concerned about this drug and its marketing for these reasons:

1. Apparently, some of the same people who are researching the drug also are involved in marketing and selling it.

2. Some (not all) of their research has been published in questionable journals, including one published by a publisher that is on my list.

3. The drug is not approved by any competent authority (FDA, EMA) to treat any disease.

The following three articles report favorably on GcMAF and appear in the American Journal of Immunology a journal published by Science Publications, a publisher on my list. The three articles are:

Thyer, L., Ward, E., Smith, R., Branca, J. J. V., Morucci, G., Gulisano, M., Noakes, D. & Pacini, S. (2013). Therapeutic effects of highly purified de-glycosylated GcMAF in the immunotherapy of patients with chronic diseases. American Journal of Immunology, 9(3), 78-84.
Smith, R., Thyer, L., Ward, E., Meacci, E., Branca, J. J. V., Morucci, G., Gulisano, M. R., Ruggiero, M., Pacini, A, Paternostro, F., Di Cesare Mannelli, L., Noakes, D. J., & Pacini, S. (2013). Effects of Gc-macrophage activating factor in human neurons; implications for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. American Journal of Immunology, 9(4), 120-129.
Ward, E., Smith, R., Branca, J. J. V., Noakes, D., Morucci, G., & Thyer, L. (2014). Clinical Experience of Cancer Immunotherapy Integrated with Oleic Acid Complexed with De-Glycosylated Vitamin D Binding Protein. American Journal of Immunology, 10(1), 23-32.
The first and the third articles report the authors’ experience with patients treated at the Immuno Biotech Treatment Center.   From their website one sees that the cost is €6,000 a week for the center, and their hotel cost estimate is €1,800.  This price is significantly higher than the €600 they charge for the GcMAF ampule alone. These patients have been an important source of revenue for this company.

As far as I can tell, none of the authors discloses affiliation to this center, so it is not clear who treated the patients. Moreover, there is no other information on this treatment center than the information on these articles and the website of this company. Thus it is rather strange that patients have to have a separate budget for their accommodation, which means there are being treated as outpatients. What is the point on making them travel to receive a treatment that could be given on an outpatient basis by one of the 350 doctors around the world claimed to be using GcMAF?

Science Publications logo
If the cure is so great, why publish your findings in such a low-quality journal?

The publisher of the journal, Science Publications, lists two addresses on its “Contact Us” page, one in Adelaide, SA, Australia and one in New York, NY, USA. I think both addresses are really those of mail-forwarding services and the publisher is hiding its true location, which remains unknown.

Why are these scientists publishing their work in a highly questionable journal operated by a non-transparent publisher? If the work is so groundbreaking (a cure for cancer, et al.), why not publish it in a legitimate journal where its impact would be greater, its conclusions more convincing?

Do any of the authors have any declarable conflicts of interest? If so, what are they? Where can I find them?

On the website, the site of the company that sells the potion, under the “Who we are” link, it says this:

We are a group of scientists led by Professor Marco Ruggiero MD, a molecular biologist and fully qualified medical doctor. The team includes a PhD and two BSc biomedical scientists. External doctors, oncologists and scientists kindly provide help and advice. We are committed to bringing GcMAF and its associated treatments to as many people as we can.

Ruggiero is listed as one of the authors of one of the articles above, so I assume the other authors are part of his team and are associated with the company

One of the first scientists to research GcMAF was Nobuto Yamamoto, but his 2007 article on the compound was retracted.

Regarding pricing, the company’s website states

Our GcMAF is €600, plus €60 packing and shipping, for one 2.2ml vial. A vial is one third full and contains up to eight doses – one 100ng, 0.25ml dose a week.

I found the overall tone of the GcMAF website to be mean and self-righteous. It makes a lot of claims such as “Root canals are a major cause of the immune system being suppressed and they are a major cause of cancer.”

Is the published science behind GcMAF authentic, honest, and real? I ask that the bio-medical sciences community investigate this compound, the science behind it, and its marketing.

Coda: A good analysis of GcMAF is available from the Anticancer Fund here.

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33 Responses to Would You Take a Cancer Cure Proven Effective in a Predatory Journal?
Yurii says:
July 24, 2014 at 3:08 PM
not until I see a series of multi-center clinical trials of sufficient statistical power to reach a favorable conclusion. Until then…. I call their BS

wkdawson says:
July 24, 2014 at 4:56 PM
Well, it is _possible_ that they didn’t know the journal is predatory or they had too many bad experiences with very bad reviewers.

However, one thing that stuck out to me was that they seem to emphasise that they are “led by Professor Marco Ruggiero MD, a molecular biologist and fully qualified medical doctor”. I’ve noticed that certain types of cranks have a habit of attaching the “Dr”, “Professor”, “MD” credential as a prefix (or suffix) to their name.

It seems like most people who have seriously learned anything in graduate school probably would not chose to advertise their credentials to other people, as they would probably be keenly aware of how little they know, which is vastly more than what they do know.

Furthermore, a really good piece of innovative science probably doesn’t come in the form of an 8 page paper.

So, even if given the authors were right, I don’t think they are going about it the right way to show they are right.

Dan Riley says:
July 25, 2014 at 8:39 AM
Marco Ruggiero is certainly no stranger to controversy or cranks, especially HIV/AIDS “skeptics”. But I’m not at all clear on what Jeffrey thinks the “bio-medical sciences community” can do about it.

P Canning says:
July 25, 2014 at 5:16 AM
This is too much. Now open access publishers and all who publish in them are going to play with peoples lives. Isn’t this a strong enough reason that open access publishing should not be there?

Jeanne A. Pawitan says:
July 25, 2014 at 5:42 AM
Dear Mr Beall,
There are 59 publications about GcMAP in Pubmed, and I believe that you can trust medical journals that are listed there. It is indeed acting on cancer, and it appears that a company has produced and commercialized it.

However, as with any other drugs, a drug should be tested for safety and efficacy in double blind randomized clinical trials with appropriate controls and number of participants. If it is OK, than it will get approval from a supervision body (in case of US, the FDA).

The 3 papers did not deal with a clinical trial, one is an in vitro study to look at the mechanism of how GcMAP work, and the other two are open label study without control, so the effect might a placebo effect.

May be there will be proper clinical trials in the future as the prospect is promising, but in my opinion, the safety and efficacy are not yet proven. However, every body can take advantage from a desperate patients longing for cure, and it is unethical to charge the patients. A clinical trial should be free of charge, as the patients are actually experimental subjects.

The same condition also happens for stem cells, it is still in the stage of clinical trials, but many centers offer stem cell therapy with exorbitant prices.

Paper about widely touted but unapproved “cure” for cancer, autism retracted | Retraction Watch says:
July 25, 2014 at 6:00 AM
[…] has also caught the attention of Jeffrey Beall, who wonders, “Would You Take a Cancer Cure Proven Effective in a Predatory Journal?” Here are some of the claims being made by, which sells the […]

ole ole says:
July 25, 2014 at 8:10 AM
To solidify the case, I think it would be important to list, other than the double address, the exact full list of problems with this publisher and its journals that led it to be listed as a predatory journal. If these aspects are not fully and clearly shown, then the basis of classification as a “predatory” journal may be flawed, and the journal would simply just be another OA journal, like any other.

Dana Roth says:
July 25, 2014 at 12:58 PM
There is an excellent interview with Jeffrey Beall in the August/September issue of Research Information … that gives the basis for a ‘predatory’ classification … and it is clearly NOT flawed. see:

ole ole says:
July 25, 2014 at 4:41 PM
The web-site you provide only indicates an opinion piece by Jeffrey Beall. There is absolutely no quantification of this “predatory” classification. My query pertains specifically to the publisher of this apparently flawed paper, Science Publications. The public needs to know a detailed list of what exactly is wrong with this publisher that would make it “predatory”.

Farid says:
July 26, 2014 at 5:22 PM
I read Mr Beall’s recent interview and I believe his list has helped slow down part of predatory activities, bringing good awareness among scientific society to prevent from bad OA publishers, hijacked journals, etc. However, I do believe good OA publishers, which are also blacklisted by My Beall are growing rapidly and gaining legitimate credit among scientific society. These days, when we search for an OA publisher, Google brings Mr Beall’s insight about the firm right below the search result and scholars as well as legitimate indexing firms can read those contents and make their own judgements. I think Mr Beall has gathered literally all OA publishers appeared within the last 10 years under a single questionable list and very few have been excluded. Therefore, we may think of it as a bias judgement against all OA publishers. I have seen many cases, where an OA publisher listed on his list has managed to receive ISI and Scopus indexes.

In his interview, he argues that some OA publishers may hide their original places and jumps into conclusion that their services are unreliable. I do believe may scholars may develop an OA firm while they are working for a firm and do not want to lose their jobs because of this reason. I don’t see any reason for disclosing all private information over the cyberspace. In addition, these days, it is easy to gather many people from different parts of the world over the cyberspace and manage a web based OA publishing firm. I agree that bad OA publishers do this because they think about money and nothing else but many good quality OA publishers may do this without harming others. What would be wrong if an OA publisher provides good quality papers and rely on subscription fees, only? In such a case, what difference does it make to register an ISSN in United States and work in Germany? As long as the publisher does not want to carry a misleading name like American Journal of business management, it would be no problem I think.

One question Mr Beall raise to bring OA publishers under question was that there would be no subscription for OA products. On the contrary, I think many national libraries think of having hard copies for good quality OA publishers. The papers, which are easily available on an OA website may become unavailable for various reasons such as closing the operation, facing court law, etc. What if a researcher needs a paper published by such OA firm? I have seen some cases where an OA publisher has managed to receive subscription from some libraries. A simple math helps us reach a good conclusion that it would be possible to waive the author fee and publish good quality OA papers and hope to collect subscription fees. I have heard many US libraries support OA publishers whose journals were indexed by ISI. I hope recent OA publishers who wish to stay on business over the long run would also follow this.
Last week, Mr Beall provided us with good news about Life Science journal. I do believe sooner or later, all bad quality journals listed on well-known indexes will lose their credit from those databases and think about doing quality work or running out of business.

In summary, I believe traditional and newly established OA models promote knowledge and if I were in Mr Beall’s shows, I would reconsider my policy of calling them “Predatory publishers”. Just a few years later, many scientific people may come, read Mr Beall’s bias comments and blame him. If Mr Beal is fighting against fraud, any one in scientific community is supporting him, however if he plans to work in favor of well-established publishers and try to kill OA business model, I am afraid, Mr Beall is in wrong direction.


dzrlib says:
July 26, 2014 at 7:11 PM
In fairness to Mr. Beall, please give some specific examples of “good OA publishers, which are also blacklisted …”

Mike Fainzilber says:
July 27, 2014 at 5:14 AM
“proven effective” is a tall order, requiring the full gamut of clinical trials. I think you meant “claimed to be effective”

Jeffrey Beall says:
July 27, 2014 at 8:25 AM
Thank you — this is a helpful comment.

herr doktor bimler says:
July 28, 2014 at 2:08 AM
Have just been reading about the retracted Yamamoto paper over at Retractionwatch. Evidently it was fraudulent through and through, with nonexistent IRBs, purported co-authors who weren’t alive when the research was supposedly happening, and so on. So publication in a non-predatory open-source journal is no guarantee of quality.
It’s an interesting question, how far should peer-review go to check the validity of data? Reviewers generally assume that the authors of a manuscript aren’t actually lying.

As for Ruggiero’s clinics, he sounds pretty shonky… what with his AIDS denialism, and his claims that GcMAF can cure autism (!) as well as all cancers. Non-shonky medics do not feel the need to reassure potential clients that they are a “fully qualified medical doctor”.

herr doktor bimler says:
July 28, 2014 at 4:15 PM
Further thoughts come to mind on the difficulty of distinguishing between predatory journals and their non-predatory peers that limit themselves to mere grasping commercialism ones…
I was looking at this paper, from January:
Note that it was published in a journal from the Frontiers stable… who normally have decent functioning peer review (although in this case publishing a “special issue”). The third author is Ruggiero. The second author, Pacini, is a frequent Ruggiero collaborator — she was co-author of his AIDS-denialism paper that received the unusual honour of being retracted by ‘Medical Hypotheses’ (and I see that she is also the last author of the first GcMAF paper you listed). The first author, Jeff Bradstreet, specialises in experimental treatments for autism, and at various times has proclaimed chelation, “magnetic
resonance therapy”, stem cells, and now GcMAF as the ‘cure’ (Bradstreet has featured regularly at Orac’s Respectful Insolence blog).

This is a case where I suspect that the Frontiers journal failed in its gatekeeping function, despite its non-predatory nature.

herr doktor bimler says:
July 28, 2014 at 8:42 PM
Update to that last comment:
the paper by Bradstreet et al. in Front. Hum. Neurosci (“A new methodology of viewing extra-axial fluid and cortical abnormalities in children with autism via transcranial ultrasonography”) was followed, a few months later, by a General Commentary Paper by Dario Siniscalco, basically lauding the wonderful groundbreaking nature of Bradstreet’s work.
Under ‘Conflicts of Interest’ Siniscalco states “The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest”. Sadly, he does not bother stating that he was one of the reviewers of the paper he is now praising; nor that he has collaborated with Bradstreet on numerous studies* with commercial applications (i.e. they are part of Bradstreet’s business).

Looking down the Commentary Paper, we find it had four reviewers, of whom three are also regular Siniscalco collaborators (Anna Sapone, Nicola Antonucci and Alessandra Cirillo). Of those three, Dr Sapone added her own COI statement that “despite having collaborated with the authors, the review process was handled objectively”. I don’t know what we can infer from the absence of such a statement from Antonucci and Cirillo.

It is all looking remarkably incestuous, and not a good look for Frontiers.

* “Mesenchymal stem cells in treating autism”; “Therapeutic role of hematopoietic stem cells in autism spectrum disorder-related inflammation”; “Perspectives on the Use of Stem Cells for Autism Treatment”; “The in vitro GcMAF effects on endocannabinoid system transcriptionomics, receptor formation, and cell activity of autism-derived macrophages”

Fabio Franchi says:
July 28, 2014 at 8:44 AM
The Editor of Journal of Medical Virology was well aware of the problem with Yamamoto in 2009, as I denounced it. I applied also to ORI at that time, but they found an hilarious excuse not to deal with.
The critics about Yamamoto’s paper (not yet retracted) were these:

Here the list (largely incomplete) of “irregularities” found in the paper of Yamamoto published on JMedVir. 81:16–26, 2009.
I. Financial problems
1. The grants mentioned in the study were no more active years before the study began. How were the high costs of the research covered?
II. Ethical problems
1. In the paper you read: “The participants gave written informed consent before entering the study.” But the informed consensus is completely invalid for many reasons (there was no mention – for instance – of alternative approved treatments according to guidelines of the time)
2. In fact, the patients could not give informed consent to protocols because it was written in Japanese (it was translated in English only some months after the publication of the study)!
3. The chairmen of the IRBs admitted indirectly they never received the signed Japanese forms back from the patients (they said they ignored where the patients were)
4. The chairmen of IRBs (asked to answer) do not even mention that the cure has been sent to patients to carry out this study. They write: “Physicians from Southeast Asia and African countries requested for supply of GcMAF for treatment of HIV patients and patients are living in various locations in those countries.”
5. The IRBs were not registered anywhere (checked by me and admitted by the Author himself, at last)
6. Some members of the IRBs were good friends of Yamamoto (they were co-Author in other similar publications, including the two chairmen of IRBs). One (Koga) is co-Author of the same paper he approved on JMedVir.
7. The patients have not been followed in specialized hospital wards or Medical Clinic (IRBs’s chairmen: “We believe that every patient is treated by own physicians and not in recognizable hospitals”. That’s strange indeed: HIV patients are almost exclusively followed by specialists in western Countries and Third world Countries alike and refer to high level labs.

III. Phantom patients?
1. After Yamamoto failed to find the only patient in USA (according to his own words), he stated that the others were “from Southeast Asia countries and South African” in one occasion, but referred to “Asian and South African subjects” in another. The chairmen of the IRBs used the expression: “Physicians from Southeast Asia and African countries”, completing the mixing among continents, sub regions, African countries and a nation (South Africa). So even the approximate “locations” of the mysterious patients is not clear, nor the location of the labs where the exams have been performed.
IV. Damn statistics
1. The results of this study are perfect: all the 15 patients have been cured (their HIV has been “eradicated”), all the markers values are what could be desired at best. The “right” results have been obtained in 100% of essays. For instance there is an optimum inverse correlation between CD4 and Viral Load, while in the scientific literature it is widely known this optimum inverse correlation does not exist.
2. The “precursor activity” found in the 15 patients was reduced in all, while Yamamoto’s patent on nagalase, the test forecasts that 65% of HIV patients have not a reduction of it.

… and much more.
dr. Fabio Franchi

herr doktor bimler says:
July 28, 2014 at 2:56 PM
Ah, so this is another Yamamoto paper, this time claiming that GcMAF cures AIDS. And I see from their sites that the industry’s promoters claim that GcMAF is produced by all viri, so ‘nagalase’ is a marker of any viral disease. And as you note, GcMAF cures Chronic Fatigue Syndrome… and here’s Ruggiero’s colleague Bradstreet, claiming that GcMAF ‘cures’ autism.
That linked publication, incidentally, is through a publishing house called ‘Libertas Academica’ (currently boasting 35 new journals). They’re not in your list and I wondered if you’ve looked into them.

Fabio Franchi says:
July 28, 2014 at 8:46 AM
Please change my icon!

Human Brain Project con yogurt | OggiScienza says:
August 1, 2014 at 7:08 AM
[…] vede innanzitutto che Immuno Biotech non pubblica nulla. Due articoli usciti su riviste predatorie riportano risultati clinici ottenuti in USA da un’altra società, per così dire, e il […]

Andy says:
October 19, 2014 at 5:27 AM
OMICS has recently high jacked a fast growing African medical journal with the complicity of another Predatory publisher – Ashdin. The Journal “Clinics in Mother and Child Health” was a renown medical journal publishing in Mother and Child health issues and edited from a Central African country – Cameroon.
When you look at the Editorial now it is a big shame that these guys culled people’s pics from the web and grouped them under the banner “The Editorial Board”.
I don’t know where this OMICS is found in this planet, and why they do all these unethical, dishonest disgusted practices and still go unpunished by the scientific community.
Please Jeffrey check and confirm the high jacking of this journal!!!

Jeffrey Beall says:
October 19, 2014 at 8:18 AM
Actually, this is not a case of journal hijacking. OMICS purchased the journal from its previous publisher.

WDDTY uncritically promotes GcMAF, AIDS denialism says:
November 30, 2014 at 11:20 AM
[…] GcMAF is marketed illegally with purported support from subsequent publications in low impact and predatory (pay-to-play) journals. Numerous organisations have warned over these illegal claims. Cancer Research UK describes GcMAF […]

Clem Jackson says:
February 25, 2015 at 3:29 AM
I can appreciate the comments and opinions above in this blog. The one point I have not seen mentioned is the effect any cure of any disease would have on the vast profit drug companies make.How are we sure the comments on this blog are genuine and not based on vested interest. Lets look at the cancer research uk discussion on this drug GCmaf and the interesting point is that they claim to be so passionate about wanting to cure cancer but not once do they offer to run a complete trial on Gcmaf, which would of course eliminate all doubt and conjecture. Why do they and other drug companies adopt the same attitude. I believe the reason is simply, money and wealth. If a cure for cancer was discovered the drug companies would lose billions and cancer research would be broke over night. The main aim of the drug companies is to treat people not cure them. I would like to tell you a story of a very capable Dr who worked for a laboratory working on cancer cures funded by cancer research uk. This chap and his wife stayed at my band b each year. The last year he stayed with us he was depressed and confused. He told me he had discovered a cure for a certain type of cancer but could not get funding to go to clinical trials. Make of it what you will but I would imagine that cancer research is a vastly wealthy company and where money is concerned morals often float out the window.
So lets lobby all these sceptical bodies to do an open clinical trial on the claims surrounding GCmaf. That is of course you do not believe they have already done it and are using there attacks to discredit the inventors of such a cure.
With regards to the original question on whether you would take an unlicenced drug the answer is simple. If you are facing a death sentence and the NHS can do no more for you, you will try anything.

Mrs J Salazar says:
February 25, 2015 at 5:32 AM
I think the above has a very valid point – why would any of these pharmaceutical companies want to find a cure for cancer ?? Its like manna from heaven – endless money – endless drugs, endless uncertainty for the patient, endless fear and endless dependence and the list goes on……why doesn’t the Cancer Research UK do trials, they have the money. I am waiting for an answer from someone who can tell me why…………………………………….

Jeff says:
August 18, 2015 at 7:00 AM
Hear hear. Put up or shut up. Pretty quick to shoot it down…..without due diligent scientific OPEN research? Hmmmmm

Cathy says:
March 19, 2015 at 6:15 PM
Hi Mr. Beall, an update to this blog post is that the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency in the UK has stopped production at the Guernsey facility making GcMAF because of concerns about the production facility and source material. I quote from the MHRA press release of 3 Feb 2015: “The blood plasma starting material being used to make this drug stated “Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products.” I am sympathetic to the recent views posted above but their timing is interesting.

zena warrior princess says:
January 2, 2016 at 5:14 AM
‘Apparently, some of the same people who are researching the drug also are involved in marketing and selling it.’
I find this a highly amusing comment considering that the pharmaceutical industry has links to all things medical. Of course they would never manipulate clinical trials, offer financial incentives or even downright lie about results.
Why is it that some ‘clinicians’ take the high ground when some new ‘more natural’ substance might be useful and yet happily prescribe drugs where in the list of possible ‘side effects’ includes ‘danger of death’.

Fabio says:
January 3, 2016 at 4:52 AM
The comment of Zena Warrior Princess is well focused.
The big problem is not the way GcMAF has been introduced and sold to patients … and not even (the big problem) is the fraudulent research of Yamamoto & Co (three papers have been retracted and one officially found full of “inconsistencies”).
In my opinion this is only a good paradigmatic case on how control in science publication works, I mean doesn’t work. Let put apart the weakness of (double) peer reviews. When I first reported that there were frauds in the papers to the directors of the journals, in 2009, they answered me that they could do nothing and there was no prove of fraud (but there was a lot of). An intense exchange of e-mails ended in a stalemate .
I wrote also to ORI (the Office of Research Integrity) in 2009, which answered me in a way that it can be defined a comic masterpiece. In a few words, it was not their competence even if it was (by their own protocol).
Things changed when a further analysis has been made by a group of researchers (who contacted me in 2013 and you mentioned) who succeeded in finding other proves of fraud and obtained the results with the papers of Yamamoto on the cure of cancers.
The paper on HIV positive people was still there, but the director of J Med Vir refused to reconsider.
Then I asked to COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) to ascertain what I found (not less than invented data, invented patients, invented results). They did NOTHING, except exchanging many formal standardized letters with me and wait. They never examined and discussed the issues. I have found that they were good friends with the Director of the Journal. It was far from being a fair trial.
At last the HIV paper has been retracted for some formal “irregularities” about Ethical Committees. This formula evidently saved every culprit.
Yamamoto is Author of dozens of papers about GcMAF that should be retracted too, but nobody cares of them. Prof Marco Ruggiero and his wife dott. Pacini were well aware of Yamamoto frauds when they were supporting Yamamoto findings, because I have told them as far back as in 2009.
In conclusion, the single whistle blower finds a rubber wall, instead of being appreciated for his worthy and obscure work. The directors of the papers I contacted were well aware of the “gems of research” they published, but tried to remain silent about the story and made me lose a lot of time and efforts. The same has been made – and this is very serious – by the Agencies which should control. Only when the action was unavoidable, they decided for … a minimal lumpectomy. It is not strange to think that this behavior is not restricted to the few cases I mentioned, but it’s a method of work. How many camels are we continuously swallowing while reading “scientific journals”?
Fabio Franchi – Trieste (Italy)
MD. Specialist in Clinics of Infectious Diseases
PS I have all the documents about what I wrote

Andy says:
January 4, 2016 at 12:41 PM
Dear Prof Beall;
Please advice me on what this means and what I should do with it.
I received this in my mail:
« Are you the author of work entitled « …………………………»?
It was apparently written at the ………………………. Journal in 2014.
I’m Erin Lane from the editorial team of Lambert Academic Publishing.
I believe this particular topic could be of interest to a wider audience and we would be glad to consider publishing it.
We would be especially interested in publishing a complete academic work of yours (a thesis, a dissertation or a monograph) as a printed book. Our services are free of charge for authors.

Andy—-, would you agree to receive more information in an electronic brochure?
Thank you in advance.

Sincere regards,

Erin Lane
Acquisition Editor

Jeffrey Beall says:
January 4, 2016 at 4:10 PM
This is a company that wants you to sign over some or all of the rights to your work so they can sell it on Amazon and other similar sites. It’s not illegal, but few authors ever see any benefit from this, and for many it’s not a good choice.

Kevin Foohey Sr says:
January 25, 2016 at 11:10 AM
Sir/Madam: I appreciate your discussion on this topic. Yet I disagree with the premise of your insinuated theme; do not trust this stuff. You conflate matters as it relates to the true issues. Calling Gc-MAF a medicine … not at this time. Along with letting the uninformed reader to think European, Asian and Western approaches to medicine and medical treatments are of the same philosophy. No they are not. Regarding The Western approach, if a potential med has not gone through xyz trials then it is garbage. Prior to the tangential influences of Pharmaceutical companies co-mingling with the big business end of hospitals and specialty treatment centers, most medicines were developed via proven homeopathic venues. Ex: Why did milkmaids in the 1800’s not fall prey to small pox? Due to there exposure to either a protein or a enzyme in cows milk. Which was developed into a vaccine from the antibodies in the atenuated pustules they had. Practically eliminating the disease.

European & Asian approaches to medicine not only embrace the Western approach to treatments, they also incorporate holistic approaches , holistic medicines as well, in the treatment of their patients. It is from many of these holistic medicines that most western medicines are eventually developed. It’s just sad that in modern times the conjoined Western Medical and Pharmaceutical industry habits are to down play the effectiveness of the holistic approach simply because they cannot place a patent on it and make billions. Or because the effectiveness of a holistic medicine or supplement were to be known to the common patient, their medical pharmaceutical empires may crumble, dissipate, and disappear. A lesson learned from the development and cure of the Small Pox inoculation.

In other words if the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine were to include the scientific papers of the developers of Gc-MAF may lend a greater credence to its cause. It may lead to the use of Gc-MAF as a very effective co-treatment to cancer. A treatment so effective that it may constrain or eliminate the profits of the multi-billion dollar (US) Cancer Industry.

Thus you defame the effectiveness of the medication supplement in its 70 plus clinical trials. Up to 85% effective in treating certain classifications of cancer.

Would you deny the filmed documented action Gc-MAF has had on the degradation of cancer in its laboratory trials? Woulid you deny the fact that Gc-MAF is present in our bodies at birth to battle against bacteria and virons. That as this GC-MAF lessen with age, or chemo, or proton therapies, that other pre- cancerious, pre-bacterial, and pre- viral degrading enzymes turn off Gc-MAF factors so the disease they promote can over take and weaken a patients body? Gc-MAF which can be obtained in serum and suppository form occurs in nature. Therefore you cannot slap patient on it. The process that Dr Yamamoto, a world renown Bio- chemist, developed to create a stable form of Gc-MAF, it patented. Therefore if allowed to become known to the world you might have to share the profits with him and Dr Marco Ruggiero from Italy.
Personally, I look forward to the demise of the multi billion dollar cancer industry, as a world without cancer needless killing patients in order to maintain profit margins is a good world.

Kevin Foohey Sr says:
January 25, 2016 at 11:19 AM
Again your primary concern appears to be that a co-cancer treatment will only cost a few hundred or a few thousand dollars US. That is why you hope to keep it in the realm of “supplements” and available to everyone in its yogurt form, from exclusive authorized dealers via the internet. Google Dr Marco Ruggiero and search on , or if you desire the yogurt or further scientific information.

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.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2022, 06:32:17 AM »

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University of the WitwatersrandLibGuidesOpen Access, A2K & Scholarly CommunicationPredatory Publishers
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Open Access, A2K & Scholarly Communication: Predatory Publishers
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Research Metrics
Research Process
Beall's List of Predatory Publishers (Archived on Internet Archive as at 31.12.2016)
Beall's Archived List of Highjacked Journals (as at 31.12.2016)
Beall's Archived List of Misleading Metrics (as at 31.12.2016)
Beall's Archived List of Predatory Standalone Journals (as at 31.12.2016)
Beall's Archived List of Predatory Publishers (as at 31.12.2016)
Additions to Beall's List
Dolos -
Stop Predatory Journals
Criteria used for items to be on Beall's List Weebly
Predatory and Vanity Book Publishers
IGI Global
Lambert Academic Publishers (LAP) is "an imprint of OmniScriptum." A Must to Avoid
List of vanity presses
Omniscriptum (formerly VDM Verlag)
Predatory/Vanity Book Publishers
Predatory open access publishing (Wikipedia)
Scholar's Press (part of Omniscriptum Group)
VDM Publishing now called Omniscriptum
Your Thesis and the Predatory Publisher
Misleading Metrics
Misleading Metrics
What Jeffrey Beall Gets Wrong about Altmetrics
What is Predatory Publishing?

Comments/Experiences with Predatory Publishing Practices
Being a deliberate prey of a predator: Researchers’ thoughts after having published in predatory journal (2018)
Chinese Journal Has Surprise Author Fee But Gives Refund if You Cite Your Article Six Times
FTC Charges Journal Publisher OMICS Group with Deceiving Researchers
Getting Beyond “Post and Forget” Open Access
Hoax With Multiple Targets
How researchers can protect themselves from publishing and conference scams
Medically Clear: Fake News Thrives in Medicine
Open Access Publisher Clones Itself
Our Lives as Editors of a Predatory Journal: Lessons Learned Publishing a Scholarly Open Access Journal
Predatory Journals: an Experiment
Predatory Publishers: Authors Beware
Some perspective on "predatory" open access journals
Why A Fake Article Titled "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs?" Was Accepted By 17 Medical Journals
Questionable Transcription Services
Aproskie Transcription Services
Predatory Publishing Is No Joke
Withdrawing a manuscript from a predatory journal
Withdrawal of accepted manuscript from predatory journal
Widely used U.S. government database delists cancer journal
Retraction Watch
Action against predatory publishers
US Court Issues Injunction Against Open-Access Publisher OMICS
The FTC is cracking down on predatory science journals
How to Avoid Predatory Publishing or Conferences

Fake Editors
"Paging Dr. Fraud"": The Fake Publishers that are ruining Science
Dozens of academic journals appoint fake editor
Predatory journals recruit fake editor
Scientists outwit predatory publishers by tricking them into appointing a fake editor
Sting Finds Predatory Journals Welcome Fake Editor to Board
Self-Publishers trading on names of good publishers
Author Solutions - Writers Beware!
Penguin Random House Merger Helps Author Solutions Exploit Writers
Predatory Publishers (Fake Science) Sucks!

Predatory Publishing Bibliography
Predatory Publishing Bibliography (Unisa)
Reports/Studies on Predatory Publishing Practices
Citation Contamination: References to Predatory Journals in the Legitimate Scientific Literature
COPE - Discussion Document - Predatory Publishing (2019)
Fighting Citation Pollution — The Challenge of Detecting Fraudulent Journals in Works Cited
‘Predatory’ open access: a longitudinal study of article volumes and market characteristics (2015)
Readers beware! Predatory journals are infiltrating citation databases
Predatory-journal papers have little scientific impact
Predatory Journals that have been removed from the DHET accredited list
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences
National Research Foundation (South Africa) - Statement on Predatory Publishers
NRF Statement on Predatory Publishers and Deceptive Publishers
Research regarding predatory publishing practices
The extent of South African authored articles in predatory journals (J. Mouton & A. Valentine) (2017)
2021 July: How to identify and respond to the continuing threat of predatory publishers and journals
Archived SciBytes on Predatory Journals
Check List and Guidelines for Publishing
Check for publication integrity before misconduct
How to Spot a Predatory Publisher
Identifying Deceptive Publishers: a checklist (UT)
Journal Evaluation Tool
Open Access Checklist
Think Check Submit
Principles of Transparency & Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
Be iNFORMEd: Checklist A checklist to assess the quality of a journal or publisher
Some Journals say they are indexed in DOAJ, but they are not
Retraction Watch
Avoiding Predatory Publishing
Ensure you select a reputable, accredited OA journal before publishing via the OA Gold Route. See OA accredited journals. Rather adopt the OA Green Route (i.e. publishing in an accredited subscription based journal and placing a copy of your publication in Wits Institutional Repository (WIREDSPACE). To check what version your publishers allow for deposit in WIREDSPACE, see: Copyright Policies.

8 Ways to Identify a Questionable Open Access Journal
13 evidence-based characteristics by which predatory journals may potentially be distinguished
Academic Publishing : 2a. Avoid predatory publishers
Addressing Faculty Publishing Concerns with OA Journal Quality Indicators (Sarah Beaubien, Max Eckard)
Avoiding Predators in Publishing
Cabells Predatory Report Criteria v 1.1
Cabell’s New Predatory Journal Blacklist: A Review
Cost-benefit Assessment of Congresses, Meetings or Symposia, and Selection Criteria to Determine if They are Predatory
Getting the low down on predatory publishing (2020)
Guidance and help on predatory journals and publishers
GUIDE: How to spot predatory academic journals in the wild
How to avoid predatory open access publishers (Ohio State University)
How to avoid predatory publishers (American Psychological Association)_
How to target a journal that’s right for your research
Identifying and avoiding predatory publishers: a primer for researchers
Predatory open access publishing (Wikipedia)
Predatory Publishers: Problem or Business Model?
Predatory Publishing and Beall's List: lessons for the countries adapting novel research evaluation criteria
Thirteen ways to spot a ‘predatory journal’ (and why we shouldn’t call them that)
Avoiding Predatory Publishing practices

Predatory Publishing Practices
"Predatory publishers use lots of tricks to make people think that they are legitimate"
'Bogus' scholarly society agrees to publish papers without peer review
'Dodgy' articles in academic journals threatens integrity of South African science
'Predatory' Online Journals Lure Scholars Who Are Eager to Publish
6 Ways to Identify Predatory OA Journal Publishers
Advice on predatory journals and publishers
African academics are being caught in the predatory journal trap
All About Predatory Publishers
Are the Predatory Publishers Collapsing or Re-Inventing Themselves? (2018)
Beware! Academics are getting reeled in by scam journals
Black lists, white lists and the evidence: exploring the features of ‘predatory’ journals
Blacklists are technically infeasible, practically unreliable and unethical. Period.
Bogus journals weighing down research in India
The Business of Fake Science (2018)
Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers (2nd edition)
Dangerous Predatory Publishers Threaten Medical Research
Do not feed the predators (de Jager et al)(2017)
The Downside of Open-Access Publishing (c. Haug)
Ethical Publishing: Tackling the Rise of Predatory Journals
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Predatory Publishing but Were Afraid to Ask (Monica Berger)
Exposing the predators - Methods to stop predatory journals (M. Thesis - M. Wehrmeijer 2014)
Fake journals and bogus conferences
Fake Medical Journals Are Spreading, And They Are Filled With Bad Science
Fake news. Fake journals. Fake conferences. What we can do
Fake Papers A Symptom Of More Serious Problems In Academia
The false academy: predatory publishing in science and bioethics
Firm action needed on predatory journals
Flaky Academic Journals
Global Science Books: A Tale from the Cuckoo’s Nest. How Predatory Open Access Publishing Can Influence the Metrics of a Traditional Scholarly Publisher
The Hefty Price of Predatory Publishing (2019)
Hijacked journals, hijacked web-sites, journal phishing, misleading metrics, and predatory publishing: actual and potential threats to academic integrity and publishing ethics
Housecleaning at the Directory of Open Access Journals
How can we recognize predatory publishers? .. (L. Berek)(2020)
How do you identify a non-predatory journal?
Hundreds of open access journals accept fake science paper (2013)
Identifying Non-Reputable Journals
India's misfire on predatory publishing hits open access
An insight into predatory journals
Is Biomedical Research Protected from Predatory Reviewers?
Journal 'fails the test'
The Macro and Micro Scale of Open Access Predation
Many Academics Are Eager to Publish in Worthless Journals
Medical Publishing Triage – Chronicling Predatory Open Access Publishers
More Duplication of Journal Titles and Conference Names by Predatory Publishers
New Predatory Publishing in Old Bottles
OA Publisher Known for its Junk Science Has Chinese Language Imprint with 160 Journals
OMICS Goes from “Predatory Publishing” to “Predatory Meetings”
Open Access Week 2017: It’s time to do something about predatory publishers
Paging Dr. Fraud: The Fake Publishers that are ruining Science
Pay-to-view blacklist of predatory journals set to launch (2017)
Peer Review, Impact Factors, and the Decline of Science
The Predator Press
Predators and Editors
Predatory journals: Researchers propose solutions to stop the 'corruption of science'
Predatory journals enter biomedical databases through public funding
Predatory journals exploit structural weaknesses in scholarly publishing (J. Beall, 2018)
Predatory journals – A threat to academic credibility
Predatory journals’ reviewers mostly junior researchers from developing countries
Predatory OA journals in a performance-based funding model: Common journals in Beall's list and in the VABB-SHW: Report submitted to the Gazaghebbende Panel
Predatory practices pose problems for new publishing models
Predatory publishers are corrupting open access
Predatory publishers may threaten academic integrity
Predatory Publishing
Predatory Publishing (Wikipedia)
Predatory Publishing: a Quantitative Assessment, the Predatory Score (J.A. Teixeira da Silva)
Predatory Publishing: What Authors, Reviewers, and Editors Need to Know
Predatory publishing and other questionable practices in South Africa (J. Mouton & A. Valentine)
Predatory Publishing Is a Threat to Non-Mainstream Science
Predatory Publishing Practices: Is There Life After Beall’s List? (D. Nicholson, 2017)
Predatory” Open Access Publishers — The Natural Extreme of an Author-Pays Model
Preying On The Predatory Journals: A Case Study
Publishers prey on the toil of postgraduates
Pyne: Are universities complicit in predatory publishing?
Questionable publishing practices (Monash University)
Scholarly Journals Identifying Potentially Predatory Publishers: the Case of Open Access
A Scholarly Sting Operation Shines a Light on ‘Predatory’ Journals
Science Reporter Spoofs Hundreds of Journals with Fake Paper
Should software companies choose not to work with predatory publishers?
Trouble in Academic Open Access Paradise
Wacky Open-Access Publisher Launches with 61 New Journals
We need to develop counter adaptations to predatory journals
What is a predatory journal?
Why you should care about the rise of fake journals and the bad science they publish
‘Predatory’ Open Access Journals as Parody: Exposing the Limitations of ‘Legitimate’ Academic Publishing
“Blacklists” and “whitelists”: a salutary warning concerning the prevalence of racist language in discussions of predatory publishing
Last Updated: Apr 29, 2022 11:23 AMURL: Print PageLogin to LibApps
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.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2022, 06:35:52 AM »

Here one can see in full sunlight, that only idiots use embedded URLs. In the page quoted above NONE of the links is visible.

These are 4 of the URLs of the archived pages of Beall's blog:

Beall's List of Predatory Publishers (Archived on Internet Archive as at 31.12.2016)

Beall's Archived List of Highjacked Journals (as at 31.12.2016)

Beall's Archived List of Misleading Metrics (as at 31.12.2016)

Beall's Archived List of Predatory Standalone Journals (as at 31.12.2016)

Beall's Archived List of Predatory Publishers (as at 31.12.2016)
.         Im Angesicht von Gewalt ist Höflichkeit gegenstandslos.
.         At face with violence politeness is pointless.

.         (User TNT in the former CDU forum)
--------------------------------------- * --------------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------


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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2022, 06:44:18 AM »

After the attacks grew worse, he did not stay much longer at the university...

Connecting research and researchers

Other IDs
Scopus Author ID: 8869689200
ISNI: 0000000353514577
Scholarly communication, Scholarly publishing, open-access, predatory publishers
United States
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Jeffrey Beall
Also known as
Jeff Beall

Jeffrey Beall is retired. Previously, he worked as the Scholarly Communications Librarian and Associate Professor at Auraria Library on the downtown Denver campus of the University of Colorado Denver. An academic librarian for over 27 years, his research and writing were featured in the Journal of Academic Librarianship, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, College & Research Libraries and Nature.

Employment (2)
University of Colorado Denver: Denver, CO, US
2000-07-15 to 2018-03-16 | Librarian / Associate Professor (Auraria Library)

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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Harvard University: Cambridge, MA, US
1990-05-15 to 2000-06-30 | Librarian (Widener Library)
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Education and qualifications (3)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Chapel Hill, NC, US
1988-08-15 to 1990-05-15 | M.S.L.S. (School of Information and Library Science)
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Oklahoma State University Stillwater: Stillwater, OK, US
1985-08-15 to 1987-05-14 | M.A. (English)
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
California State University Northridge: Northridge, CA, US
1978-09-01 to 1982-05-15 | B.A. (Spanish)
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Works (50 of 133)
Items per page:
1 – 50 of 133
Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics
2021-04-02 | Journal article
DOI: 10.47316/cajmhe.2021.2.1.02
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Source: Crossref
Predatory journals exploit structural weaknesses in scholarly publishing
2018 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1051/fopen/2018001
Part of ISSN: 2557-0250
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Scientific Soundness and the Problem of Predatory Journals
The MIT Press
2018-09 | Book
DOI: 10.7551/mitpress/9780262037426.003.0012
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
How the scientific journal came of age in the nineteenth century
2018-08 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1007/s11016-018-0352-9
Part of ISSN: 0815-0796
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
What I learned from predatory publishers
Biochemia Medica
2017-06 | Journal article
DOI: 10.11613/bm.2017.029
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Predatory Journals Threaten the Quality of Published Medical Research
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
2017-01 | Journal article
DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2017.0601
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Predatory journals, peer review, and education research
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development
2017-01 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1002/nha3.20173
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Behind the spam: A "Spectral Analysis" of Predatory Publishers
2016 | Conference paper
Part of DOI: 10.1017/S1743921316002684
ISBN: 9781107169814
ISSN: 1743-9213
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Best practices for scholarly authors in the age of predatory journals
Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England
2016 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1308/rcsann.2016.0056
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Dangerous Predatory Publishers Threaten Medical Research
Journal of Korean Medical Science
2016 | Journal article
DOI: 10.3346/jkms.2016.31.10.1511
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Source: Crossref
Debasing the currency of science
Journal of Shellfish Research
2016 | Journal article
DOI: 10.2983/035.035.0101
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Scholarly Communication, Open Access, and South America
Tendencia Editorial
2016-11 | Journal article
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Medical publishing and the threat of predatory journals
International Journal of Women's Dermatology
2016-09 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijwd.2016.08.002
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Pharmacy research and predatory journals: Authors beware
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
2016-09 | Journal article
DOI: 10.2146/ajhp160150
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Predatory journals: Ban predators from the scientific record
2016-06 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1038/534326a
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Essential Information about Predatory Publishers and Journals
International Higher Education
2016-05 | Journal article
DOI: 10.6017/ihe.2016.86.9358
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Scholars beware
Monitor on Psychology
2016-04 | Journal article
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Predatory Publishers Threaten the Integrity of Research and Scholarly Communication
Science Editor and Publisher
2016-01-01 | Journal article
DOI: 10.24069/2542-0267-2016-1-4-48-50
CONTRIBUTORS: Jeffrey B. Beall
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Source: Crossref
Response to "Beyond Beall's List"
College & Research Libraries News
2015 | Journal article
SOURCE-WORK-ID: 0724151154693-1662
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Predatory journals and the breakdown of research cultures
Information Development
2015-11 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1177/0266666915601421
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Behind the Spam: A “Spectral Analysis” of Predatory Publishers
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
2015-08 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1017/s1743921316002684
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
The “Metric” System: Yet More Chaos in Scholarly Publishing
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
2015-06-04 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b00910
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
What the open-access movement doesn't want you to know
2015-05 | Magazine article
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Spurious alternative impact factors: The scale of the problem from an academic perspective
2015-03-02 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1002/bies.201500011
CONTRIBUTORS: Fredy R.S. Gutierrez; Jeffrey Beall; Diego A. Forero
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via Crossref Metadata Search
Advice for Plagiarism Whistleblowers
Ethics & Behavior
2014 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1080/10508422.2013.866047
Part of ISSN: 10508422
CONTRIBUTORS: Fox, Mark; Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Corrupt and Questionable Practices in the Scholarly Publishing Industry
Editorial Office News
2014 | Journal article
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Don't let predatory publishers get you down
AEJMC News: The newsletter of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
2014 | Journal article
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Dublin Core is still dead
Library Hi Tech News
2014 | Journal article
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Earthquake Storms: The Fascinating History and Volatile Future of the San Andreas Fault [Book review]
Library Journal
2014 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Scholarly open-access publishing and the problem of predatory publishers
Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry
2014 | Journal article
DOI: 10.4024/02BE14F.jbpc.14.01
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
The Future of Scholarly Communication, edited by Deborah Shorley and Michael Jubb [Book review]
portal: Libraries and the Academy
2014 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1353/pla.2013.0042
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Unintended consequences: The rise of predatory publishers and the future of scholarly publishing
Editorial Office News
2014 | Journal article
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Avoiding the peril of publishing qualitative scholarship in predatory journals
Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1935-3308
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Bleeder [Book review].
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Comets! Visitors from Deep Space [Book review].
Library Journal
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Five Predatory Mega-Journals: A Review
2013 | Journal article
DOI: 10.5260/chara.14.4.20
Part of ISSN: 15254011
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Hubble's Universe: Greatest Discoveries and Latest Images [Book review].
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Our Sun: Biography of a Star [Book review]
Library Journal
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Predatory publishers threaten to erode scholarly communication
2013 | Journal article
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Predatory publishing is just one of the consequences of gold open access
2013 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1087/20130203
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Scholarly Publishing Free for All
College Quarterly
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1195-4353
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Unethical practices in scholarly, open-access publishing
2013 | Journal article
DOI: 10.3172/JIE.22.1.11
Part of ISSN: 1061-9321
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Virus Hunt: The Search for the Origin of HIV [Book review].
Library Journal
2013 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
CONTRIBUTORS: Beall, Jeffrey
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Source: Jeffrey Beall via ResearcherID
Extreme Weather: A Guide to Surviving Flash Floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Heat Waves, Snowstorms, Tsunamis, and Other Natural Disasters [book review]
2012 | Journal article
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Picturing the Cosmos: Hubble Space Telescope Images and the Astronomical Sublime [Book review].
2012 | Journal article
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Predatory publishing
2012 | Journal article
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Waking the Giant: How a Changing Climate Triggers Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes [book review].
2012 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 03630277
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Predatory publishers are corrupting open access
2012-09-12 | Journal article
DOI: 10.1038/489179a
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Five Scholarly Open Access Publishers
2012-04-01 | Journal article
DOI: 10.5260/chara.13.4.5
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Source: Jeffrey Beall
Academic Library Databases and the Problem of Word-Sense Ambiguity
2011 | Journal article
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2010.10.008
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Re: Die Geschäfte des Heinz Reinwald, nunmehr vor Gericht
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Biochemia Medica
JournalVolume 27June, Issue 2What I learned from predatory publishers
What I learned from predatory publishers
Jeffrey Beall
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Auraria Library, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, United States

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This article is a first-hand account of the author’s work identifying and listing predatory publishers from 2012 to 2017. Predatory publishers use the gold (author pays) open access model and aim to generate as much revenue as possible, often foregoing a proper peer review. The paper details how predatory publishers came to exist and shows how they were largely enabled and condoned by the open-access social movement, the scholarly publishing industry, and academic librarians. The author describes tactics predatory publishers used to attempt to be removed from his lists, details the damage predatory journals cause to science, and comments on the future of scholarly publishing.

Keywords: scholarly publishing; open access; journals; predatory publishers; research

In January 2012, I launched a new blog titled Scholarly Open Access that listed predatory publishers and journals and offered critical commentary on scholarly open-access publishing. In January 2017, facing intense pressure from my employer, the University of Colorado Denver, and fearing for my job, I shut down the blog and removed all its content from the blog platform. In the five years I authored and published the blog, I had an amazing learning experience. I met and corresponded with hundreds of brilliant scholars and scholarly publishing industry executives from all over the world. I learned more about scholarly publishing than I ever imagined I would, about the pressure for researchers to publish, about academic evaluation, and about peer review.

Setting the stage for predatory publishing
Before the internet began to play a role in scholarly publishing, that is, prior to about 1998, when the World Wide Web became ubiquitous, almost all scholarly journals were print-based, subscription journals. At that time, most journals were generally respected and of good quality, and peer review was taken seriously and managed well. A few low-quality scholarly publishers existed, but generally, researchers were aware of them and knew to avoid them.

In the 1980s and 1990s, many academic libraries in North America carried out journal subscription cancellation projects. They were pressured to cancel journals because subscription prices had gone up and library budgets had decreased. The subscription prices increased in North America for several reasons. First, as the baby-boomer generation reached the age where many were finishing their PhDs and entering tenure track, journals began to publish more articles to accommodate the increase in the amount of research the boomers were carrying out. In some cases, bi-annual journals became quarterlies, and quarterlies became monthlies – all to accommodate the increase in the number of research articles being submitted for publication. Naturally, publishing more costs more, and this was especially true in the print environment of the early 1990s. A contemporary discussion of some of the causes of serial price increases is provided by Farrell (1).

There were two other factors that contributed to price increases in subscriptions in North American academic libraries. One was the weak American and Canadian dollars in the late 1990s, and the practice of many larger academic libraries to collect journals from Europe, where currencies were strong at the time. The other was the creation of new fields of study, a phenomenon that paralleled the arrival of the baby boomers into higher education faculty positions. New fields such as nanomaterials and genomics were born, and they spawned many new journals.

Unfortunately, few understood all these reasons for journal price increases. Most took the politically-correct, intellectual shortcut of blaming journal price increases directly – and only – on the publishers, ignoring the true causes.

Open access advocates
This misplaced blame, coupled with the advent of the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s, led to the open-access movement, which quickly and cleverly turned into a full-fledged social movement.

To succeed, a social movement needs an enemy to grow, prosper, and get media attention. Advocates of higher minimum wages contrived an enemy out of McDonalds, the American restaurant chain. Opponents of chemical products contrived an enemy of Monsanto. Open-access advocates copied the tactic and selected the publisher Elsevier as its enemy.

Soon, the attacks on Elsevier mounted. Many fantasized about being the hero who would bring down the contrived enemy, a feat sure to catapult one into the pantheon of open-access heroes. The publisher Public Library of Science launched in the early 2000s to compete with Elsevier and make it obsolete (it failed in this mission). Numerous online petitions were circulated, signed by small proportions of researchers, yet heralded as a near unanimous groundswell of opposition to Elsevier. Social media saw the rise of virtue signalling by open-access advocates, with many careerist researchers and academic librarians using Twitter, Facebook, email lists, and blogs to praise open-access and condemn the “greedy” publishers. They wanted to broadcast their status as a member in good standing of the open-access movement.

Several prominent “open access statements” were drafted by elite, self-selected committees of hero-wannabes, people whose careers were safely built on the foundation of articles published in subscription journals. Open-access repositories were formed, costing academic libraries huge sums of money in expensive software licensing costs, professional and support staff positions to manage them, and other, additional costs, yet faculty largely ignored their library-managed repositories, despite the fact that they could enjoy the dual-advantage of publishing in a respected, subscription journal and also have their work made open-access in the repository – or at least a post-print counterpart of it. Or was green open access really the great advantage its backer claimed it was?

To deal with researchers’ near-complete lack of interest in contributing to open-access repositories, open-access zealots imposed mandates on their fellow researchers, mandates that were celebrated by OA advocates, often with emotional announcements posted to the movement’s email lists, announcements dripping with military metaphors heralding the latest victory.

Predatory journals
And then predatory journals, those using the author-pays model just for their own profit, started to appear (2). I first noticed them in 2008 and 2009, when I received spam emails soliciting me to submit to broad-scoped, newly-launched library science journals I had never heard of before. I began to print out the solicitations as I received them, and as an academic librarian, it was natural for me to want to organize this new information and share it. I published my first list of predatory publishers on the Posterous blog platform (3). The list was informal and only had a few entries. For borderline cases, I had, for a time, a second list called the “Watchlist,” but it soon became clear to those using the list that a publisher’s inclusion on the Watchlist was essentially the same as being on the main list.

What I learned from predatory publishers is that they consider money far more important than business ethics, research ethics, and publishing ethics and that these three pillars of scholarly publishing are easily sacrificed for profit. Soon after they first appeared, predatory publishers and journals became a godsend both for authors needing easy publishing outlets and sketchy entrepreneurs wanting to make easy money with little upfront investment.

I think that, since the advent of predatory publishing, there have been tens of thousands of researchers who have earned Masters and Ph.D. degrees, been awarded other credentials and certifications, received tenure and promotion, and gotten employment – that they otherwise would not have been able to achieve – all because of the easy article acceptance that the pay-to-publish journals offer.

Of course, this speaks to higher education institutions and employers’ use of journal articles as a measure of academic achievement. Both the academy and industry have been slow to understand predatory journals and to appreciate how severely they corrupt research communication, with many tenure committees and other academic committees using evaluation criteria drafted long before predatory journals – with their near-automatic acceptance of submitted manuscripts – appeared. Another reason that so many have been able to easily use predatory journals for academic credit is that it takes a lot of time and effort to effectively vet a list of publications.

That is to say, looking at a list of publications on a vita, it is no longer possible to automatically assume that all the publications are legitimate. Any list of publications that one submits for academic credit or employment now must be carefully scrutinized. Predatory journals are counterfeit, and one of their tricks is to use titles that sound or read like those of legitimate journals. Often, the difference between a legitimate journal’s title and a predatory journal’s title can be as little as one word. There are even a few that predatory journals that duplicate other journals’ titles exactly.

Of course, not all open-access journals are predatory journals. Some operate ethically and aim to uphold research integrity. Still, all open-access journals using the gold (author pays) model face a conflict of interest. The more papers they accept and publish, the more money they make, meaning there is an ongoing temptation to accept unworthy manuscripts to generate needed revenue.

Remove our publisher from your list
Over the five years I published my blog and its list, publishers and standalone journals constantly tried various means of getting off the lists. Over time the requests to remove journals and publishers increased in number, as more and more universities recommended the lists or used them as official blacklists. Also, the methods publishers used became more intense.

Often owners of predatory publishing operations would email me, extolling the virtues of their journals, describing the rigor of their peer review and the credentials of their esteemed editorial boards. Some of them did a self-analysis using the criteria document I used and made available, and without exception these self-analyses found that the publisher didn’t meet any of the criteria – not even close – and deserved to be removed from the list immediately.

Others used more aggressive strategies. Some publishers, especially the publishers of standalone mega-journals, would go through my university’s website and cherry-pick names and email addresses of the university officials they thought important. Then they would send an email blast to them, denouncing me and making false accusations about my work, my ethics, and my ability to make judgments about journals and publishers. The publishers were driven by money, competition, and greed, and they sought to remove any obstacle standing in the way of increased revenue, and my list was one such obstacle.

Still others tried different strategies. Some tried annoying university officials with numerous emails and letters, often sent as PDF attachments, with fancy letterhead, informing the university how I was hurting its reputation. They kept sending the emails to the university chancellor and others, hoping to implement the heckler’s veto. They tried to be as annoying as possible to the university so that the officials would get so tired of the emails that they would silence me just to make them stop. The publisher MDPI used this strategy.

I was also always surprised at the extent to which researchers who had published in one or more of a predatory publisher’s journals became the publisher’s biggest defender. It’s as if they felt a sense of loyalty to the publisher. I think this was because most of these predatory publisher defenders had numerous articles rejected many times from legitimate scholarly publishers. Upon finally finding a publisher willing to accept and publish their work, they become elated and did everything possible to protect and defend the publisher – especially defend the publisher against its inclusion on my list. Researchers love publishers who accept and publish their papers, especially researchers whose work is consistently rejected by journals from the respected publishers, that is to say, journals that carry out a rigorous peer review.

On blacklists and whitelists
A conversation about the advantages and disadvantages of journal whitelists and blacklists is always an interesting one. As the author and publisher of two blacklists for five years, I can confirm that neither publishers nor universities like the idea of blacklists. Publishers don’t like them because a listing means reduced revenue, as researchers avoid the journals and publishers included on the lists, especially if their universities refuse to grant academic credit for papers published in listed journals, as many did with my lists.

Universities, I learned, don’t like the negativity associated with journal blacklists. Universities in the United States are far along in the process of corporatizing themselves, and, in doing so, their public relations departments prefer that all university output be positive and aimed at attracting new customers, tuition-paying students. So if you are a faculty member at a university and you publish a blacklist, you will likely face much opposition and even harassment from the university, despite assurances of academic freedom.

On the other hand, the biggest weakness of whitelists is that they often – perhaps unintentionally – include predatory journals, or journals that turn predatory after they’re listed, and dishonest researchers tend to seek out and publish in the easiest acceptance journals on such lists. One gets the same credit for publishing in the most selective journal on a whitelist as one does for publishing in the easiest journal on the list (4). In this way, whitelists promote the creation of predatory pay-to-publish journals, publications that can make a fortune after they appear on a whitelist, be it Journal Citation Reports, the Directory of Open Access Journals, or Scopus.

Both blacklists and whitelists make academic evaluation easier for deans and provosts. When such lists are used, a researcher doesn’t get credit for publishing in a blacklisted journal but does receive credit for publishing in a whitelisted one. The evaluation becomes simple and binary, devoid of thoughtful evaluation.

Predatory publishers and the threat to science
I think predatory publishers pose the biggest threat to science since the Inquisition. They threaten research by failing to demarcate authentic science from methodologically unsound science, by allowing for counterfeit science, such as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to parade as if it were authentic science, and by enabling the publication of activist science.

Because they aim to generate profits for their owners, gold (author-pays) open-access journals have a strong conflict-of-interest when it comes to peer review. They always want to earn money, and rejecting a paper means rejecting revenue. This conflict is at the heart of the ongoing downfall of scholarly publishing. Increasingly, the consumers of scholarly publishers’ services are the authors, not the readers, and not academic libraries. Businesses naturally always want to keep their customers content, for they want the revenue streams to continue and grow larger, as they add new services – such as more easy-acceptance journals – to their offerings.

Many of the larger predatory publishers, especially those based in Western Europe, offer a niche business. Their businesses are set up to publish manuscripts rejected by the top publishers, that is, papers rejected by Elsevier, Wiley, Sage, Taylor & Francis, Oxford University Press, and several others. They function something like a lender of last resort – they provide a publishing opportunity when no other publisher will, becoming, essentially, a Salon des Refusés for scholarly articles. However, the market is so lopsided now that there are more “publishers of last resort” than there are authentic ones, and they’re all competing with each other for subpar manuscripts.

Like counterfeit science itself, these publishers go through the motions of being a legitimate publisher. Some open-access publishers, even though they are not based in England, hire spokesmen with strong British accents to attend scientific conferences and other meetings and talk up the publisher, often renting a booth in the exhibit hall and even co-sponsoring some of the smaller meetings. They join publisher associations, make a show of donating to open-access causes, and manage to convince one or two aged Nobel Laureates to agree to serve on one of their editorial boards, no work required.

CAM is really taking off, and it’s being largely fuelled by pay-to-publish journals, though a few subscription journals have gotten in on the action as well. Predatory journals and even journals from legitimate publishers are legitimatizing this unscientific medical research in the public’s eye. Acupuncture and homeopathy are thriving, and numerous “studies” are being published each year to back up their effectiveness claims. In medicine, demarcation is failing, and there’s no longer a clear line where legitimate medical research ends and unsound medical research begins (5). More questionable medical research is being published now than ever before in history, including bogus research promoting fake medicines and nutraceuticals. There’s no longer a clear separation between the authentic and counterfeit medical research, even though medical research is the most important research for humankind today. Indeed, of all human endeavours, what surpasses medical research in importance, value, and universal benefit?

The scholarly publishing industry
The once-proud scholarly publishing industry is in a state of rapid decline. There is a general sense among scholars that scholarly publishing is collapsing, falling apart, or whatever metaphor one might select that compares the industry to something that was once mighty and respected that later declined rapidly and unexpectedly into an embarrassing heap of debris. Two things caused this decline.

One of them is the advent of gold (author-pays) open-access publishing, which does not generate enough revenue to sustain a high-quality scientific journal. In most cases, journals financed by payments from authors are basically repositories where people pay to have their papers converted to portable document format (PDF) and mounted on the internet. The only exception might be journals that benefit from a great amount of voluntarism, journals that serve as the chief scholarly communication tool for a tight-knit community of scholars in a particular field or sub-field.

The scholarly publishing industry is also responsible for its own decline, and this is the other thing. The industry has consistently failed to regulate itself. It allowed the predatory journals to appear, multiply, and prosper, and it looked the other way. The one open-access publisher industry association that does exist is a fox guarding the henhouse. The scholarly publishing industry has no credentialing system, no quality control, and many of the publishing-support businesses, such as Crossref (the supplier of digital object identifiers, DOIs), happily welcome predatory journals as sources of additional income. Predatory publishers are bringing down the scholarly publishing industry and taking science and peer review down with it.

Prior to the advent of open-access journals, scholarly publishing was governed by a tacit “gentleman’s agreement” among researchers, journal editors, publishers, and readers (6). The agreement was to maintain high levels of integrity at all levels of the research and publishing processes. The agreement is now abandoned, as predatory publishers and complicit authors have corrupted scholarly communication for their own ends.

The future of scholarly publishing
To close, here are some thoughts on scholarly publishing’s future, a future in which I think preprint servers and overlay journals will play a role. Preprint servers, pioneered by are growing in number and are serving more scholarly fields. I expect this to continue. Compared to high-quality scholarly journals, they are inexpensive to operate – especially since they don’t have to manage peer review or do copyediting. They do minimal vetting, but when they do it, it’s usually done at the researcher level rather than at the paper level. That is to say, they blacklist researchers submitting papers that diverge from the scientific consensus.

One advantage of a move from open-access journals to preprint servers is the elimination of author fees and all the corruption that goes along with them.

Overlay journals in each field will select the best articles appearing in the corresponding preprint servers each month or quarter and will prepare a table of contents listing these and linking to them, an eclectic, ad hoc journal issue. The editorial board of each overlay journal, experts in their field, will select preprints that are methodologically sound, novel, scientific, and of importance to the field.

Over the five years I tracked and listed predatory publishers and journals, those who attacked me the most were other academic librarians. The attacks were often personal and unrelated to the ideas I was sharing or to the discoveries I was making about predatory publishers.

Academic librarians constantly attacked me because I dared to point out the weaknesses of the open-access publishing model. Librarianship slavishly follows political correctness and trendiness, so it’s no surprise that the profession fell in line with the open-access social movement and attacked those seeking to tell the truth about it. Many of these librarians were untrue to the faculty at their universities, praising open-access but failing to warn of the traps the predatory publishers were setting.

So, it’s not only the scholarly publishing industry that needs reform and self-regulation. Academic librarianship needs to wake up to the problem of predatory publishers and be true to library patrons seeking help and advice on scholarly communication.

[1] Conflicts of interest None declared.


Farrell D, editor. Systems and procedures exchange center (SPEC) flyer. In: Serials control and deselection projects. 147th ed. Washington, NW: Association of research libraries, Office of management service, 1988. p. 1-2.


Beall J. Dangerous predatory publishers threaten medical research. J Korean Med Sci. 2016;31:1511–3.


Anonymous. Posterous. Available at: Accessed February 9th 2017.


Moosa IA. A critique of the bucket classification of journals: The ABDC list as an example. Econ Rec. 2016;92:448–63.


Gieryn TF. Boundary-work and the demarcation of science from non-science: Strains and interests in professional ideologies of scientists. Am Sociol Rev. 1983;48:781–95.


Beninger PG, Beall J, Shumway SE. Debasing the currency of science: The growing menace of predatory open access journals. J Shellfish Res. 2016;35:1–5.


Setting the stage for predatory publishing

Open access advocates

Predatory journals

Remove our publisher from your list

On blacklists and whitelists

Predatory publishers and the threat to science

The scholarly publishing industry

The future of scholarly publishing




Copyright: 2017, Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry

License (open-access): This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Date received: 15 February 2017

Date accepted: 08 May 2017

Publication date (print and electronic): 15 June 2017

Volume: 27

Issue: 2

Pages: 273-278


Categories: Research integrity corner: Special issue on predatory journals , Opinion


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Jahrgang 1956. Mehrjähriger Aufenthalt in Kanada, USA, Lateinamerika.
1980-1986 Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Kulturanthropologie, Kultur- und Religionssoziologie an den Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg und Mexiko-Stadt.

1991 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. an den Philosophischen Fakultät in Erlangen und an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

1986-1992 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent und Akademischer Rat an der Friedrich- Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.

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