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Author Topic: Oncotherm, tätig in der Todeszone  (Read 13586 times)


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Oncotherm, tätig in der Todeszone
« on: March 25, 2007, 03:12:44 PM »

Oncotherm stellt elektrische Geräte her. Für die Behandlung von Krebskranken.

Krebs, ein besonders heikles Thema, weil diese Kranken nach jedem Strohhalm greifen.

An sich ist die Idee der Hyperthermie vielleicht überlegenswert, doch es gibt Seltsamkeiten, die bei der Analyse der Fundstücke auffallen...

Oncotherm vermarktet sehr aktiv und geht auch auf Messen. Hier der aktuelle Kalender, Beweisstück gezogen am 25.3.2007:

Actual events

18 - 22. Mar. 2007
Iraq – Jordan Medicare 2007
Jordan        Amman
More info:

23 - 24. Mar. 2007
1st Heidelberg Sarcoma Meeting
Germany        Heidelberg
As a sponsor of 1st Heidelberg Sarcoma Meeting OncoTherm invite you to know more about this event.
More info: :

11 - 13. May. 2007
13th Internationaler Kongress Biologische Krebsabwehr
Germany        Heidelberg
More info:

30.Apr - 20. May. 2007
ESHO 2007
Czech Republic    128 01    Prague
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7 - 10. Jun. 2007
Germany    30625    Hannover
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22 - 24. Jun. 2007
Germany        Wilhelmshaven
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16 - 20. Aug. 2007
Hong Kong International Medical & Health Care Fair
Hong Kong        Wanchai
More info:

23 - 26. Aug. 2007
World Conference of Stress
Hungary        Budapest
More info:

12 - 14. Sep. 2007
HOSPIMedica Thailand
Thailand        Bangkok
3rd International Exhibition on Hospital, Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies
More info:

Past events

6 - 9.Feb.2007    18th International Congress on Anti Cancer Treatment
France        Paris
More info:

19. Jan. 2007
1st Oncothermia Seminar
More info:

6 - 7. Jan. 2007
18th International Clinical Hyperthermia Society
India    400 056    Mumbai
More info:

22 - 23. Sep. 2006
Hyperthermia symposium
Germany    50679    Köln
Seit 2002 sponsort Hot Oncotherm ein Hyperthermie-Symposium, welches jährlich im Herbst in Köln statt findet. Mittlerweile hat es sich zur größten deutschen Veranstaltung dieser Art entwickelt, die für alle Methoden der Hyperthermie offen ist.
More info:

22. Sep. 2006
OncoTherm Workshop
Germany    50679    Köln
Parallel zum Symposium findet jedes Jahr ein Oncothermie-Anwendertreffen statt. Dieses Jahr ist es am 22. September wieder soweit. Jeder Benutzer eines EHY-2000 sowie Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.
More info:

15 - 18. Nov. 2006
Germany    40474    Düsseldorf
OncoTherm took part as exhibitor on MEDICA 2006 with its up-to-the-minute technology EHY-2000 oncothermia system. The representatives of OncoTherm from Germany and Hungary introduced EHY-2000 medical device and oncothermia method to the professional audience.
More info:

14 - 15. Oct .2005
Hyperthermia symposium
Germany    50679    Köln
Seit 2002 sponsort Hot Oncotherm ein Hyperthermie-Symposium, welches jährlich im Herbst in Köln statt findet. Mittlerweile hat es sich zur größten deutschen Veranstaltung dieser Art entwickelt, die für alle Methoden der Hyperthermie offen ist.
More info:

24. Aug. 2005
Hipertermia Magyarországon – Szakmai döntések után
Hungary    2103    Gödöllô
A 2005. év az onkológiai hipertermiás eljárások tekintetében fontos év, ugyanis az Egészségügyi Tudományos Tanács véleménye alapján a hipertermia túljutott a kutatás fázisán. A Sugárterápiás és Onkológiai Szakmai Kollégium külön bizottsága megvizsgálta a hipertermiás kezelések tudományos helyzetét és ajánlást fogadott el, mely kimondja, hogy a hipertermiás kezelés megengedett az arra alkalmasnak minosített központokban...
More info:
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Oncotherm, tätig in der Todeszone
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2007, 03:13:51 PM »

Ebenfalls am 25.3.2007 wurde dieses Beweisstück gezogen:

Medica Report © by Peter Walker

I first saw the German/Hungarian based company Hot-OncoTherm in 1999 and have built up
good contacts with them ever since. They are a manufacturer of medical equipment for
hospitals and clinics and sell a unit (EHY 2000) that uses the Rife modulation as part of their
therapy against cancer!

The use of Rife therapy used in this machine is based on extensive research done in a
Hungarian University and backed by more than 20 clinical trials that have been carried out in
Hungary, the Netherlands, Germany and Japan.

"Oncotherapy" combines hyperthermia (treatment with heat) with electro-therapy in the form
of a Rife resonance frequency modulatated signal.
This signal is made up of 1/3 pink noise in
the range 5-10000 Hz. In recent clinical trials, this combination has been shown to be about
20% more effective in the treatment of cancer than conventional therapy methods. This is
often enough to make the difference between life and death and they have recorded many
cases of patients who have achieved complete remission thanks to this treatment!

Here is an extract from one of their scientific papers:


The Hungarian Prof. Andreas Szasz Ph.D, who is the technical consultant for HOT
OncoTherm, told me how they had done serious research into the Rife method in Hungary
and this had led to the inclusion of the Rife frequencies in the EHY2000.

He his gave me some very interesting case studies, etc. showing some of the results of their
research into using Rife treatments.
The Professor was very open and keen to exchange
information and research into Rife.

I have also attended two of their conferences (the latest in November 2002) where they have
presented very impressive results. I will be adding more details about the latest conference,
I looked at their equipment which differs from anything previously known for the treatment of
Rife. Instead of a plasma tube or pads, an electro-magnetic unit applies the therapy to the
patient, who lies on a special bed, using capacitively coupled applicators.

Everything is controlled by the tall cabinet in the background. I was told that a range of
different Rife frequencies have been implemented in this unit in the form of pink noise!

This unit is fully certified for use in Europe and already is being used in a number of hospitals
and clinics.

[ALT: ]

[NEU: ]

The following is a short extract from the paper "Electro-hyperthermia: an Effective Treatment
in Oncology" by Prof. Andras Szasz, Ph.D.

Hyperthermia is a rapidly developing treatment method in oncology. The classical effect is
based on well-focused energy absorption targeting the malignant tissue. The treatment
temperature has been considered as the main technical parameter.

Unfortunately, the heat-shock protein (HSP) synthesis may considerably suppress the
treatment's efficiency, adapting cells to survive the shock. Electro-hyperthermia heats up the
targeted tissue by means of electricity, producing less HSP-synthesis in the cells than a usual
hyperthermia process.

The main idea is to keep the energy absorption in the extracellular liquid and, by heating it,
increase the ion-mobility, intensify the metabolic rate of the cells, and destroy the cell
membrane before the heat-shock activates the intra-cellular HSP mechanisms.

.... 2 highly technical pages omitted .....

Electro-hyperthermia realization

The equipment developed is specially constructed with capacitively coupled applicators (the
patient is the dielectric in a condenser) and carefully matched to have the best SWR. The
machine does the matching and all the personalized tuning automatically and measures the
electric parameters to keep the procedure controlled. To monitor the tissue temperature, the
measured absorbed energy and the impedance is used. The matching of applicators is based
on electro-dynamic calculations. Relatively little total power can be applied because of the
good selectivity and well-focused heat absorption.

Well-cooled condenser surfaces (for capacitive coupling on the patients) are applied to avoid
burning the surface and to make the application of higher treating power possible without any
overheating risk; the heat-energy is not enough to heat-up the skin over 45°C.

The system (under the commercial name EHY2000) has been installed at numerous Clinics
and Hospitals in Europe with CE/MDD (European certificate for medical devices) certification.
Successes were shown on various conferences and publications [Last conference: 3rd
Congress on Electric Cancer Treatment, 23-26 June 1999, Bad Aibling, Germany].

The capacitive coupling is not only the possibility to deliver electric field into the extracellular
matrix. DC electrodes (percutane) as well as AC catheters (up to few kHz, inserted into the
body cavities) could be also applied to act in the above manner. These pieces of equipment
(named ECT 2000 and PCT 2000) also have been implemented and work successfully in
clinical practice.


The electro-hyperthermia method is one of the effective treatment methods in oncology. lt is
highly selective, gentle and safe. Its effectiveness is mainly based on the induced chaperone
expression in the extra-cellular and suppressed shock-protein induction in intra-cellular
region. Furthermore, the method induces the immune surveillance to attack the malignant cells
by stimulus of HSP90 in extra-cellular electrolyte. Moreover, electro-hyperthermia provides
every advantage typical for all hyperthermia methods. Consequently, electro-hyperthermia
extends the thermal treatment efficiency by non-thermal effects.

Ontotherm Stand at Medica 2001

The German medical journal, "Biomed Park", published by the Klaus Hartmann Verlag,
published an interesting article on this equipment, which gives some insights into the

I have obtained permission to release this article on the Internet. I have translated this report
from the original German into English:

Using Heat Against Cancer

The Hungarian company OncoTherm makes use of the effect of electric fields
alongside the classic hyperthermia method
Hyperthermia has been in use for more than 2000 years. The Greek philosopher and doctor
Hippocrates said: "Who cannot cure disease with medicine, should operate. Who cannot
operate, should heal with heat." It is claimed that he used heat to treat breast tumours.
In the 60s, the whole body hyperthermia method was rediscovered, and studies on this form
of therapy, have been made since the 70s. The technical prerequisites for the clinical
hyperthermia have been developed in the last few years although conventional medicine
often reacted disapprovingly to what they called Quack medicine. In the meantime, modern
hyperthermia methods have begun to separate themselves from this bad reputation. In a
number of clinics, practices and institutes, Oncologists are already working with
hyperthermia. Even the German health insurance system (Krankenkassen) are taking this form
of therapy seriously and accepting the costs. Even so, the method is still controversial. The
problematic is that "The current situation with oncologists hyperthermia is comparable with
that of radiotherapy at the time it was discovered: We know that it is a method to use,
however the correct dosage, the limits of its use, the optimal conditions for treatment and the
exact effects have not been clarified. Only long-term studies can answers these issues,"
explained Prof. András Szász, director of the Hungarian Onco-Therm (HOT).
Fundamental research into hyperthermia has made significant advances in recent years and
part of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms are now better understood. Prof.
András Szász explained the foundations hyperthermia is based on: Tumour tissue is more
sensitive to overheating than healthy tissue as it is less well supplied with blood. Surrounding
healthy tissue can cope with the heat by increasing the circulation. Additionally, tumour cells
have a faster metabolism and the heat speeds it up even further causing the cell to heat itself
up even more. This high rate of metabolism combined with the poor blood supply causes the
tumour cells to suffer from lack of oxygen. This causes acidosis, which damages the affected
cells. This method has few side effects and is painless for the patient.

There are currently two different methods being used. With the whole body hyperthermia
method, the entire body is systematically heated up to a temperature of up to 42°C. This
method is used in particular to treat metastasis and advanced tumours. The local and regional
hyperthermia is used to only heat the tumours and tumour regions. There are a number of
companies offering hyperthermia systems, worldwide, using a various methods of transferring
the heat to the body: Electrical energy, microwaves, infra-red, radio waves as well as
electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The method HOT has chosen, is to apply
hyperthermia with short waves and they named the method "Oncothermia." The small
company has its roots in Hungary where it was formed in 1993 out of the research projects of
the technical Eotvos University and the university clinics of the Semmelweis University in
Budapest. Apart from its flagship, the local-regional Oncothermia system EHY2000,
OncoTherm also offer a unit for the invasive electro-chemical tumour therapy and a whole
body hyperthermia device that uses infra-red waves. Additionally, the PCT2000 is a
intracavitarial Oncotherapy system on the market. The short wave emitter is inserted into
natural cavities with a catheter. For example, the emitter can be positioned in the prostate via
the urinary tract.
The local-regional Oncothermia system EHY2000 uses short waves at a frequency of
13.56Mhz with modulated low-frequency waves. The patient is, in other words, the dielectric
between the plates of a capacitor - and therefore part of a resonant power circuit. "Through
this system, the treatment can be easily matched exactly to the patient " as Prof. Szász,
explained. In the patient's malignant tissue, a temperature can be achieved, during the
treatment, of over 42°C. Besides the heat treatment; the induced electrical field plays an
important part in Oncothermia. "The electric fields can be applied in such a way that they only
affect the extra-cellular area and do not penetrate the cytoplasm. This is achieved through a
using a field strength that lies far below membrane potential. The warmth only penetrates
slowly into the inner part of the cell by thermal diffusion from the extra-cellular matrix. The
modulated low frequency field destabilises the cell membrane."
Critics criticize that hyperthermia can also destroy healthy tissue. Szász counters that
Oncothermia has a high selectivity for tumour tissues. "Due to the different dielectric
properties of healthy and malignant tissues, the specific energy absorption rate is differs
significantly. Under the conditions that prevail during the use of our method, the malignant
tissue absorbs about 5-20 times more energy." In contrast to the microwave method, for
example, no hot spots can be caused in healthy tissue and therefore cannot harm it.
Dr. Caius Popa, manager of the hyperthermia department in the BioMed clinic, Bad
Bergzabern (Germany), has been working with four EHY 2000 units for about 2½ years. "We
use this method for all soft-tissue tumours in combination with chemo and radiation therapy.
Advantage: We can use a lower dosage thereby improve the patient's quality of life" reports
Popa. "Besides this, the units are very easy to operate and can be quickly set for the
treatment of the various organs and it allows us to work very precisely and reliably. As we
treat 40 patients daily, we also rely on the good and fast service."

Hyperthermia - Not Quack medicine after all?

Outside lecturer Dr. Rüdiger Wessalowski of the clinic for Pediatric Haematology and
Oncology in the University Clinic Düsseldorf (Germany) states: "That hyperthermia is so
controversial lies in the fact that there were so many charlatans that used this method in an
uncontrolled way. However, serious studies show that such treatment can be meaningful for
various diseases." It has been accepted many times, that hyperthermia can improve the
effectiveness radio and /or chemotherapy. Clinical studies in the phases II and III, for
example that of Prof. Dr. R. D. Issels of the clinic in Grosshadern (Germany), verify the
effectiveness. Additionally, hyperthermia reduces pain and stimulates the immune reaction
against tumour cells. The treatment of tumours with hyperthermia will surely be a meaningful
supplement to radiation and chemotherapy in future. It could also achieve significance as a
pre- or post-operative supplementary therapy. The Oncotherapy, that goes one step further
than classical hyperthermia in that it uses the effect of electrical fields in addition to warmth,
must now prove whether and which additional benefits it brings.
At the Chair for Radiology and Micro-therapy, University of Witten/ Herdecke (Germany),
Prof. Dr. Dietrich H. W. Grönemeyer's group has been working with hyperthermia for some
years. Assistant Doctor Hüseyin Sahinbas reports on the therapy results.
Bmp: How long have you been using Electro-Hyperthermia and which unit do you use?

Sahinbas: Since September 1999. We use the loco-regional Oncotherapy unit EHY 2000.
After preliminary tests on dummies and based on the experiences of the users till then, we
started to use the therapy on our patients in March 2000.

Bmp: Do you use this therapy on its own, or in combination with other therapy forms?

Sahinbas: In general, hyperthermia is used in combination with chemotherapeutics and/or
radiation therapy with an interval and/or in parallel in order to optimise the effectiveness of
the therapy. The therapy is administered about 12 to 14 times, in one region for about an

Bmp: Where are the advantages in this form of therapy?

Sahinbas: So far, no side effects worth mentioning have been observed. At the moment, we
have observed no limitations for the local-regional deep hyperthermia in its use as a
supporting therapy. Even brain tumours, for example, can be treated without any side effects.

Bmp: Which problems still need to be solved?

Sahinbas: The effectiveness of deep hyperthermia and specific tumours could be
researched, for example in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As this form
of therapy has worked without any noticeable side-effects, a unit to treat the entire body
would be desirable, that is based on this technology. That would allow us to effectively treat
larger areas, e.g. with diffuse secondary growths, without having a negative affect on the
patient's quality of life.

Bmp: Hyperthermia is a very controversial method. What would you answer to a critic?

Sahinbas: There are more that 27000 national and international publications in connection
with hyperthermia. At present, studies are taking place for many types of tumour and regional
Phase II and Phase III studies are underway. The results are encouraging. Further research is
however necessary.

Bmp: A short outlook?

Sahinbas: All our patients so far have been exclusively patients suffering with far advanced
tumours and secondary growths in combination with conventional therapy. Our results so far
show at least an improvement in the quality of life. For this reason, the status of hyperthermia
should be especially researched on predefined patient groups.

"Who cannot cure disease with medicine, should operate.
Who cannot operate, should heal with heat." Hippocrates
Picture 1: 26th Jan. 2000    Picture 2: 21st March 2000
Picture 3: 29th May 2000    Picture 4: 26th September 2000
Pictures 1-4: Computerized (cranial) tomography of the abdomen from a 76 year old patient
with hepatic metastatic carcinoid during a local-regional deep hyperthermia treatment with the
Oncotherapy system EHY 2000. The case study was conducted in collaboration with the
institute for Micro-therapy, Prof. Dr. Grönemeyer, University of Witten/Herdecke (Germany).

Interview:     Kristin Mödefessel-Herrmann for the Biomed park medical journal (6/2001 p.
39-41), Germany

Translation:     Peter Walker (checked and approved by Prof. Andras Szasz)

Shown here by permission of the Klaus Hartmann Verlag. Mirroring or other sites, etc prohibited.

My Conclusions:

Onco-therm have built an impressive unit for use in hospitals based on Hungarian research
and confirmed by a number of clinical studies. The combination of heat therapy with Rife
modulation has been shown, in numerous European clinical trials, to be more than 20% more
effective in prolonging life than conventional treatments can achieve. A number of patients
have been shown to go into complete remission after using this method!

OncoTherm have shown that it is both possible and advantagous to use Rife therapy in
mainstream medicine.

I have more information on OncoTherm that I will be releasing as time permits!

To find out more about OncoTherm, have a look at their website:

© 2002: Peter Walker, Rife Information Forum Europe

Last updated: 20.11.2002

In dem gesamten Text schreibt nur einer von Rife: Peter Walker. Man könnte meinen, Peter Walker würde was hineininterpretieren, was nicht ist. Doch es gibt ein Beweisstück: das Foto. Da ist zu sehen:

'Modulation "riFE"'

"Information" "Good"

Warum baut jemand, der an seriöser Medizin interessiert ist, in ein medizinisches Gerät etwas ein ("Rife"), das als lebensgefährlicher Schwachsinn bekannt ist?

Mit dieser Tatsache steht die gesamte Reputation von Andras Szasz zur Disposition. Und es bleibt die Frage: Was macht Oncotherm wirklich?

[Das durch Änderung der der URL verschwundene Foto wieder eingefügt und im Archiv gesichert, OM]
« Last Edit: January 03, 2018, 08:47:32 AM by Omegafant »
Kinderklinik Gelsenkirchen verstößt gegen die Leitlinien

Der Skandal in Gelsenkirchen
Hamer-Anhänger in der Kinderklinik


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Re: Oncotherm, tätig in der Todeszone
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2018, 08:56:16 AM »

Die alte URL des Bildes ist:

Das ist die neue:

So sieht das Gerät aus:

In der gleichen Seite

ist unter dem großen Bild der Schalttafel  des EHY2000 ein weiteres Bild:

Unmißverständlich und absolut eindeutig: RIFE!
Steine kann man nicht essen!
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