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US-Industrieverbände klagen gegen Regierung wegen Eisbären-Schutz


derStandard.at | Wissenschaft | Natur
28.08.2008 22:08

US-Industrieverbände klagen gegen Regierung wegen Eisbären-Schutz

Washington - Fünf Interessenverbände der Industrie haben die US-Regierung
wegen Regelungen zum Schutz von Eisbären verklagt. Washington hatte die
Tiere wegen der globalen Erderwärmung im Mai zur bedrohten Tierart
erklärt. Sie müssten wegen des Abschmelzens des arktischen Eises
geschützt werden, erklärte die Regierung. Die Industrie sieht dadurch ihre
Interessen in Alaska gefährdet. In dem Staat werden 15 Prozent des US-Öls

Die Klage wurde vom Amerikanischen Petroleum-Institut, der
US-Handelskammer, der nationalen Herstellervereinigung, der nationalen
Bergbauvereinigung und dem Amerikanischen Eisen- und Stahlinstitut beim
Bundesgericht in Washington eingereicht. Sie streben ein gerichtliches
Verbot der Regierungspläne an, wonach Projekte auf ihre Auswirkungen auf
die Klimaerwärmung in der Arktis überprüft werden müssen.



Und DIESE Leute haben mal gegen Hitler Krieg geführt?
Das muß auf einem anderen Planeten gewesen sein.



Page 1
May 5, 2008
â ¢ Editorial â ¢

Judge orders government to decide on polar bears

Sea ice and glaciers are melting. Snow caves, where
female seals bear their young, collapse. Young seals
have no blubber for protection so they die when cold
weather comes. As seals die, so do polar bears. Because
of melting ice and fewer seals, polar bears struggle to
survive. They swim from ice floe to ice floe in search
of seals. As the ice melts, floes drift further apart and
undernourished bears drown in between.
Science thus paints a dim picture of the polar bearâ ™s
The summer sea-ice, which the bears need to hunt
seals, shrank last year to a record low, with about 40
per cent less ice than the long-term average between
1979 and 2000. Scientists report that polar bears are
resorting to cannibalism and that their reproduction
rates are steadily falling.
Last year, the U.S. Geological Survey predicted that
two-thirds of the worldâ ™s polar bear population would
likely be extinct by 2050. Several leading scientists
predict that the Arctic could be ice-free by the summer
by 2012.
The polar bear is under a growing threat of extinction
because of the significant loss of Arctic sea ice related
to global warming. But the Bush administration has
been dragging its feet on whether to list the polar bear
under the Endangered Species Act.
Democrats on Capitol Hill say the Bush administration
has been stone-walling because it plans to sell a multi-
billion-dollar oil and gas lease on the Chukchi Sea, off
the Alaskan coast, a region rich with polar bears.
This foot-dragging -- if thatâ ™s what is -- may change
Last Monday, a federal judge in California ordered the
Bush administration to decide by May 15 whether the
polar bear deserves protection under the act.
U.S. District Court Judge Claudia Wilkenâ ™s ruling -- if
it stands on appeal -- will force the Interior Department
to determine whether climate change is pushing polar
bears toward extinction. The agency had first proposed
listing polar bears in December 2006 because warmer
temperatures are shrinking the sea ice they depend on
for survival. But then officials delayed a final decision
on the matter for months.
After the Interior Department missed its own January
2008 deadline, three environmental advocacy groups
-- the Center for Biological Diversity, the Natural
Resources Defense Council and Greenpeace -- sued
Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne and the Fish and
Wildlife Service in the U.S. District Court for the
Northern District of California.
In a court filing, Interiorâ ™s Kempthorne proposed
making a final decision by June 30. But Judge Wilken
rejected that plan.
The judge wrote that, â œDefendants offer no specific
facts that would justify the existing delay, much less
further delay. To allow Defendants more time would
violate the mandated listing deadlines under the (act)
and congressional intent that time is of the essence in
listing threatened species.⠝
The ruling in California is a big victory for those
worried about the extinction of the polar bear. A
Washington Post story quoted Kassie Siegel, climate
program director at the Tucson, Ariz.-based Center for
Biological Diversity, who was the lead author of the
2005 petition that prompted Interior to consider listing
the species.
Page 2
⠜By May 15th,⠝ Siegel said, ⠜the polar bear should
receivethe protections it deserves under the Endangered
Species Act, which is the first step toward saving the
polar bear and the entire Arctic ecosystem from global
As Siegel notes, the final ruling on the polar bearâ ™s
status under the Endangered Species Act could have
far-reaching implications for the nationâ ™s climate
Simply listing the species as endangered would force
federal agencies to take steps to ensure that any action
they authorize or fund or carry out will not jeopardize
the polar bearsâ ™ continued survival or adversely affect
the bearsâ ™ critical habitat. And, if listed under the
act, the Fish and Wildlife Service will be required to
prepare a recovery plan that includes specific measures
for the bearsâ ™protection.
If Judge Wilkenâ ™s ruling stands, it could be a lifeline
for the clearly endangered polar bear. And it could be a
seismic shift in our political approach to the problems
caused by global warming.


Industry groups file lawsuit over polar bear rule


The Bush administration made clear that it did not want the polar bear's status to become a tool of environmentalists seeking to regulate the gases blamed for global warming.

On the day it announced the polar bear as a threatened species, which bars harm to the bear or its habitat, the administration also issued a special rule limiting the types of projects that could be evaluated.

To further block attempts to use endangered species law to control greenhouse gas emissions, it exempted projects in all states but Alaska from undergoing reviews.

The groups say the three words - which they refer to as The Alaska Gap - are unlawful and run counter to the administration's belief that it is impossible to link emissions from a single project to the increasing temperatures that threaten the polar bear.

"Anchorage has no more effect on climate change or polar ice than does an emission in Ankara," the suit reads.

The lawsuit filed Thursday is the latest to target the polar bear. Environmentalists and the state of Alaska have also sued the Interior Department over the polar bear's protection.

In the meantime, energy companies have paid billions for the right to explore for oil and natural gas in polar bear habitat.

The Interior Department would not comment on the lawsuit.

Brendan Cummings, the oceans program director for the Center for Biological Diversity, which is challenging the rule in court on the grounds that it is illegal, said Thursday that the lawsuit brought by industry is another attempt to "make the polar bear's protections more meaningless than they already are."

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