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Die Drahtzieher / Hintergruende und Methoden => Die Akte Dr. Tinus Smits => Topic started by: ama on March 03, 2009, 02:19:45 AM

Title: Tinus Smits, eine Gefahr für Kinder
Post by: ama on March 03, 2009, 02:19:45 AM
Tinus Smits ist Homöopath und Impfgegner, und er geht auch noch ins Ausland (nach Japan, Frankreich, Polen, Nepal, und wohin auch immer), um dort seine irrealen Behauptungen als Lehre zu verbreiten.

Tinus Smits behauptet, Autismus sei eine Folge von Impfungen UND er behaupet, Autismus könne geheilt werden.

Damit niemand behaupten kann, ich würde aus dem Zusammenhang reißen, hier erst mal der Text von Tinus Smits am Stück:

Inspiring Homeopathy
Post-Vaccination Syndrome
About Dr. Smits

You are here: Home > Autism >
Treating physicians
Training and Certification
What parents can do themselves
Orthomolecular support
Detoxification of vaccines using potentized vaccines
Intestinal Disorders
CEASE Autism

Yes, autism can be healed completely! There is no doubt.

That is my conclusion after having seen over 300 cases whatever severity. In my experience autism is an accumulation of different causes and about 70% is due to vaccines, 25% to toxic medication and other toxic substances, 5% to some diseases. With isotherapy (see below), a form of homeopathy using the toxic substances itself in homeopathic preparation, the toxic imprints can be erased.

CEASE Therapy

The treatment of autistic children and even adults has matured through 300 cases last three years and is called CEASE Therapy, which stands for Complete Eradication of Autistic Spectrum Expression. Step by step all causative factors (vaccines, regular medication, intoxications, etc.) are detoxified with the homeopathic diluted and potentized substances that caused the autism. Currently we use the 30, 200, 1M and 10M potencies to clean out the energetic field of the patient from the imprint of toxic substances or diseases.
CEASE Therapists

Future CEASE therapists will follow a 5 days course given by Dr. Tinus Smits himself to guarantee the high quality of treatment and to ensure the correct application of this method. The homeopathic practitioners will be certified as CEASE therapists after having successfully passed the final tests. They will stay in contact with all other CEASE therapists all over the world by an interactive forum and will receive supervision.
Obstacles to cure

So far the main obstacle to cure seems to be the lack of information about the causes of this disease. When important events in the life story of these children and their parents are overlooked or unknown an essential key to the healing can be missed.
Isotherapy treatment

Using the causative substances as a homeopathic remedy, their profound toxic effects can be traced. The reactions on such an isopathic remedy are so characteristic that there can be no doubt about the existence of a link between the toxins as the cause and the development of Autism as its effects. In this way step by step I discovered why autism and other behavior problems with their specific development problems have so dramatically increased the last ten to twenty years. It became also clear to me that autistic children do not suffer from one single cause but from an accumulation of different causes.
Vulnerable brain of unborn and small children

During pregnancy and the first two years of life the brain is extremely vulnerable and should be protected as much as possible. That is why medication during and after pregnancy, especially vaccination are so toxic. Even energetic imprints in the energetic field of the father and the mother before pregnancy can be transmitted to the child by energetic transfer. In my book, which will be presented in the summer of 2009, you will find several examples of this.
Toxic substances

During my research for complete healing I was gradually more and more amazed how certain substances, even not labeled as toxic, can be a causative factor for autism or other developmental disorders. E.g. I saw a dramatic improvement in an autistic girl by the detoxification of a nose spray, xylometazolin, which the mother had used regularly during her pregnancy. Regular medicine, using chemical substances that are foreign to the human body and fundamentally toxic, has become more and more a pathogenic medicine. This is not only true for vaccines, but also for all kind of treatments prescribed by our modern doctors.
Orthomolecular support

With the isopathic treatment I use also orthomolecular medicine to properly nourish the brain of these children and to restore proper bowel function. Many supplements are in use for the treatment of autism and have their value, but I use just a few: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc and fish oil. In my treatment these supplements serve as a support for the healing process, while the healing process itself is monitored by the isopathic treatment. These supplements make the whole healing process smoother and avoid too severe reactions during the detoxification. read on...
Classical and Inspiring Homeopathy

As a third tool I also use classical homeopathy and Inspiring Homeopathy, which are discussed extensively in my book on autism, which will be published this summer. They both play an important role in the complete healing of autistic children, but without the resolution of specific causes which are responsible for the development of autism, even classical homeopathy mostly cannot bring complete healing. Nevertheless this way of healing can give very encouraging results and can give the final touch to complete healing.

It is my dream with the creation of the CEASE Therapy and CEASE Organization to add an important tool to heal autism and to make this treatment available all over the world. In the near future research will be started to see how effective this approach is when used by CEASE therapists.

"The birth of a healthy child is a miracle; keeping a child healthy is an art."
Announcements First certification course in May

For more details see the Dutch training and certification section. English and maybe online tuition will start in September 2009.

Login     copyright 1998-2009 Tinus Smits  |  webmaster

Tinus Smits behauptet nicht bloß "Yes, autism can be healed completely! There is no doubt.", Autimus heilen zu können, er hetzt auch intensiv gegen das Impfen und setzt damit Kinder einer Gefahr durch vermeidbare Krankheiten aus

Damit niemand behaupten kann, ich würde aus dem Zusammenhang reißen, hier erst mal der betreffende Text von Tinus Smits am Stück:

Inspiring Homeopathy
Post-Vaccination Syndrome
About Dr. Smits

You are here: Home > Autism > Detoxification of vaccines using potentized vaccines >
Treating physicians
Training and Certification
What parents can do themselves
Orthomolecular support
Detoxification of vaccines using potentized vaccines
Intestinal Disorders
Detoxification of vaccines using potentized vaccines

The homeopathic method as applied in the treatment of vaccination damage consists of administering four successive remedies of the suspected vaccine. Each course consists of the following dilutions 30, 200, 1M and 10M. The duration of a remedy course depends on the severity of the problems and the reactions of the patient and can vary from 2 weeks to 2 months. Potencies should be repeated until no further improvement is seen before passsing to the next poetency. After each course a 1 or 2 weeks of interval is applied. The administration is carried out by letting 2 granules melt in the mouth.
One of the important factors in the development of autism is without a doubt the administration of many vaccines at a very early age. In the Netherlands, vaccines mostly contain aluminium hydroxide, formaldehyde, protein pollutions and the actual vaccines themselves, viral, bacterial or toxins, sometimes also mercury. In children with malfunctioning detoxifying systems (metallothionein deficiency) this can lead to serious side effects of which autism is merely one. The rise of epilepsy, asthma, eczema, behavioural disorders, developmental disorders and many other post-vaccination symptoms is possibly caused by similar factors. In the United States the enormous increase in autism cases (from 1:180.000 to 1:180) coincides with the introduction of the MMR and subsequently the Hepatitis-B vaccine which is administered at birth.
The immune system consists of two important parts, the humoral and the cellular defence. Vaccinations cause there to be a shift from cellular to humoral defence which leads to a weakening of the immune system. A zinc deficiency can lead to a similar shift.
All autistic children should be detoxified using the homeopathically diluted remedies of the vaccines that have been administered to the child.
Autistic children should never again be vaccinated!

Login     copyright 1998-2009 Tinus Smits  |  webmaster

"Autistic children should never again be vaccinated!" behauptet Tinus Smits und ist nicht bloß deswegen eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für die Gesundheit von Kindern.  

Wie kann es angehen, daß all die Jahre die Justiz in den Niederlanden dermaßen versagt und jemanden wie Tinus Smits noch immer als AUSBILDER auf die Bürger - und hier vor allem auf die Kinder - losläßt!?

Würde er falsch parken, er würde sofort verknackt. Aber Menschenleben sind ja nichts wert...
Title: Re: Tinus Smits, eine Gefahr für Kinder
Post by: Merzending on March 24, 2019, 05:16:16 PM
Die Links zu funktionieren nicht. Man landet immer bei einem Vietnamesen mit irgendeiner Reklame. Alles auf Vietnamesisch. Ich halte den für einen Domaingrabber, der auf eine alte und bekannte Domain seinen eigenen Quatsch aufsetzt: war früher russisch und ist anscheinend auch gegrabbt worden.

Ein warnender Artikel über Tinus Smits:

"Disturbing claims by homeopaths
Thu, Apr 12, 2012, 01:00

Tinus Smits ist am 1.4.2010 gestorben.

"More than 120 homeopaths trying to ‘cure’ autism in UK
Exclusive: the ‘cure’ involves detoxing children of vaccines and antibiotics held responsible for the condition
Sarah Boseley Health editor
Fri 27 Apr 2018 16.42 BST
Last modified on Fri 27 Apr 2018 22.00 BST
More than 120 homeopaths in the UK are offering a “cure” for autism that involves supposedly detoxing children of the vaccines and antibiotics held responsible for the condition, the Guardian has learned.
The homeopaths are accredited practitioners of CEASE “therapy”, which stands for Complete Elimination of Autistic Spectrum Expression. CEASE was invented by a Dutch doctor called Tinus Smits, who died of cancer in 2010. "
Title: Re: Tinus Smits, eine Gefahr für Kinder
Post by: Krik on March 25, 2019, 07:40:26 AM
Da rotten sie dahin, die Drahtzieher
Title: Re: Tinus Smits, eine Gefahr für Kinder
Post by: Rastapopoulos on August 06, 2023, 02:13:45 PM
Stand: 10.320